Friday, July 28, 2017


End of Week Greetings dear friends & readers,

 Very early in the New Year a lovely lady (Jean) rang to ask if I would be interested in teaching a craft class?
The class was to be part of a Rural Womens Institute Craft Day, held yearly in the middle of winter ...  the ladies would learn card making in the morning & I was to take the afternoon class.
I jumped at the chance & said "Yes - definately!!"

As she ended the call Jeans words to me were "the class is months away yet so you have plenty of time to think what to teach"
Me - being me .... promptly forgot ALL about it !!!*!!!

Just before I had to go down to Mums Jean rang & asked me if I could "drop off my samples please"
"Oh yes, nearly finished" I lied replied
Rummaging through my craft cupboard a large bag of dried teasel thistle heads fell down .... perfect !!
I hadn't made teasel hedgehogs for about 17 years .... now might be a great time to give them another whirl !!

I quickly ran up my samples using fabrics I had plenty of in my stash 
 I named them "Miss Pink" & "Miss Lavender"

Last week, before my teaching day, I spent a rainy day working at the table with Mum & Miss Pippi's help, putting together my kitsets 
 As there were no sewing machines at the venue, I sewed the lace onto the bonnets before kitting them up

When I was almost finished, Blackie & Pippi had a brief conference to make sure I had everything in order & meeting with their approval .  .  .

Jean asked me to bring 13 - 15 kitsets in a mixture of both colourways
My kitsets all ready to go
I also had to type up a pattern & instructions, & then fill my car up with all the paraphenalia we might need to complete our hedgehogs, pretty much including the "kitchen sink" !!

The mornings class had made two cards & then each decorated a candle using hessian, bark & miniature cones ... the ladies work looked wonderful
I had originally put my name down for the morning class but decided to pull out when Mum came to live here as I felt the entire day was too long to leave her on her own.

The day was stormy & wintery so several of the ladies didn't turn up & I only ended up teaching 9 ... what fun, delightful ladies they all were too.
Though I forgot to snap pictures while they were all working on their hedgehogs, I did remember to get a photo at the end ... 5 Miss Pinks & 4 Miss Lavenders
I took along my lavender & cottage rose oils & the ladies got to scent their bonnets at the end ... the classroom smelt rather heavenly.

Let me know if you would like the pattern for this little sweetheart & I can scan & copy it, & add it to my next post?

On an earlier visit to Mums - last March in fact - I brought home a large cardboard box filled with all Mums knitting wools & oddments
Mum can no longer knit due to her macular degeneration so she asked me to give the wool away for her.
I decided to gift it to my friend Joyce for her crocheting & then Joyce could pass on any unwanted wool to the Church Op Shop where she works.

To my surprise & delight, Joyce turned up last week & presented Mum with this beautiful knee rug she had crocheted from all the oddments of mohair wool that was in the box.
It is beautiful & light but Oh So Warm & Cosy.

My lovely friend Carolyn was up this way & we caught up for a coffee at the Hummingbird.
Carolyn gifted me this cute little knitted vintage golly ... I thought he made a perfect companion for the golly 
Carolyn sent me in this post

We had a family lunch last Sunday when my brother & his wife travelled up to visit with Mum, & my boys & their families came to join us.

I love this photo of Mum playing with Alec on the floor ... & then this one below is my older brother with Sid.
It was rather special because my brother (who lost his arm in a motorbike accident at 20) doesn't hold babies Ever!!
And yet both He & Sid looked most comfortable with each other ......

Have a wonderful weekend dear friends - it looks like a wet one here - July has been such a wintery month
Thanks so much for your visits today - you bring some sunshine to my world.

with much love & friendship
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x


  1. Oh what gorgeous hedgehogs Julie, of coarse I would love the pattern, not sure where I will find the thistle heads, but will look out for some, thanks for your generosity. Beautiful rug your friend crocheted for your mum, that's one thing I'm no good at - knitting of any kind lol. Have to say I love those gollies, but you would be in trouble over here in Australia selling them, have seen a few places who have pulled their gollies of the shelves. If they only would look at them like the toys they are, don't think there would be a problem. Great family get together. You have yourself a great weekend to Julie, hi to your Mum and the cats :-) Chris xoxo

    1. Thanks Chris for your lovely comments you always leave. I will pop the hedgehog pattern in my next post as there has been a bit of interest. They are easy & fun to make up. Yes there has been some controversy over gollies over here too .... I have an 8 foot girl golly in my front garden & often motorists stop & take photos of her!!!

    2. yes she is gorgeous Julie.

  2. I think you did brilliantly to rustle up hedgehogs at short notice and put the kits together. It's lovely to get a little glimpse of your family life, the picture of your brother/grandson, your mum in her new slippers - she looks content. Betty

    1. Thanks Betty for your lovely comment. I loved those photos too ... its been nice to capture Mum with her great grandchildren ... special moments.

  3. Oh! Julie..l do love those hedgehogs, their really
    lovely, and all look quite unique! And, l think you'd
    need two, at least, one on it's own would look quite
    lonely! And, of course they ALL must have names! :).

    Love the Golly~Wogs to...Yes! l still call them that,
    and l still have mine, from when l was five years old.
    Though l did cut it's Afro off at one time, it never
    grew back! :). Silly things you do as a kid!

    Lovely seeing Mum there with Alec, l bet she enjoying
    a new lease of life! And, goodness! Little Sid is certainly
    growing up...they grow so quickly these days!
    He'll be chasing the furry ones before you know it! Bless! for the furry ones, they look well in charge of the
    going on's. Bless them!xx get on...second lemon tea is called to
    the bathroom, to beautify myself..HeHe! What a job that is!
    Then off down town, have to pick up the local paper, as l've
    a letter printed in this weeks copy..fame again!

  4. So much on the go and you still managed to make kits and go and teach how to make those cute little critters! Your Mum doesn't look too impressed with the furry assistants on the table! It's wonderful your Mum is getting time with her great grandsons...........very special. Hugs from the 'winterless north'

  5. Good morning Julie! I am a dog person but your cats are adorable! You are so crafty. What talent God has blessed you with. I like to make things but I have no natural talent it seems in that area. The hedgehogs are adorable and yes, when you have time I would love the pattern. I will be on the look out for the teasels or something similar. I am sure the ladies taking the class had fun. Thanks for sharing about your crafts on your blog. Have a great day! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy ... you could use any dried thistle head for the hedgehogs. I will pop the pattern on my next post. Have a great week Nancy Xxx

  6. Gorgeous Hedgehogs Julie Who wouldn't want the pattern they are so cute... Your lovely mum looks very settled in her new environment and spending precious time with her great Grandchildren Gorgeous photos of your beautiful family... Love the photo of your brother and Sid they look great together....also the beautiful fur face helpers on the table they are Gorgeous Kitty's .. Take Care... May x

  7. Hi Julie! Your hedgehogs are brilliant! I bet the class warmed the participants' hearts!
    Your mom is adorable with her snazzy jumper and her cozy slippers!
    Stay warm, sweet friend!

  8. Hello Julie! Would love to have the pattern your hedgehogs are adorable! Looks like your Mum enjoyed some great family time hope things are starting to settle a bit for you both.
    Hope you're keeping warm and snug

  9. Love the hedgehogs. They are just so cute. Lovely photo's of your family. Lovely to see your furbabies helping & giving input to your crafting. Mine always do too. :) Hugs,xx

  10. Hi Julie, what delightful little critters you made. You are certainly kept very busy. All your family look delightful and I love the cats.

  11. So sweet that your mum and kitties helped make the kits. You have a lovely family and seem to love everyone very much - treasure these precious times together.

    Julie and Poppy q

  12. What a fun post.
    Pippi appears to take her job very seriously. : )
    Can't believe you whipped up those adorable hedgehogs after not making them for 17 years! My youngest daughter's family has a pet hedgehog.
    There is such joy in those photos of many generations of your family forming bonds!

  13. Julie, you're such a creative soul, love your hedgehogs and I'm sure we'd all love that pattern.
    Beautiful family pics. xxxx

  14. The hedgehogs look lovely Julie, I bet the ladies in your class really enjoyed doing them. How is your Mum doing, great to see your family photos.

  15. Oh how sweet are all those little hedgehogs sitting in a row. Such a lovely project to create. Love the photo of your mum with Alec and your brother with Sid. Gosh Alec has grown. Enjoy your week, lovely Julie. I, like you cannot wait for Spring and the warmer weather....fingers crossed, not long now.

  16. HI Julie, I hope your weekend went well and it wasn't too cold down there?! Lovely posts as always. I love the hedgehogs you made in class - how lucky that they fell out of the cupboard just when you were wanting some inspiration! How precious to have the family visiting while your mum is 'visiting', it's always lovely to see the inter-generational photos :-)

  17. Gorgeous hedgehogs, Julie - you clever girl. Would love a copy of the pattern when you find a spare minute in your busy days to get it organised.........My favourite photo however, is your brother with Sid - what great mates they are going to be.

    1. Thanks Sandy ... I will pop the pattern on my next post ... they are fun & easy to make up. Yes I love that photo too ... it was such a lucky shot to get it as neither of them like having their picture taken !!!

  18. Hi Julie, so pleased to read your blog & enjoyable as always. Love your little hedgehogs, you are so clever. Having your Mum to give you a hand would have been good for her, love it that your fur babies have their appraisal of the kits :-) Lovely that you had your family for a visit. Keep smiling & take care, love Sue xxx

  19. Sigh...twice i have written a comment Julie and twice it has disappeared!. The hedgies are super - just love them. The ladies would have had a ball making them. Glad to see the furbabies have everything under control in the house, especially making sure the kits were perfect. I have done a 12 hour day at the centre today so I get tomorrow off - Yipee! But I am getting tired.... Yawn....move over Pippi I am gonna curl up to you.... Karen

  20. Well done with the hedgehogs Julie, the teaslesfell out at just the right time didnt they!! I bet the ladies had a great time making them with you. Good to see the furry ones are supervising the creative work happening at your house. Nice too Mum could be involved in helping you put the packs together. Lovely to see the family photos...Sid must be spreading magic!!

  21. Hi Julie oh you hedgehogs are so cute,it would've been a lot of fun in that class,love your family pics,your fur babies are so cute xx

  22. Hi again Julie! I got my teasel for the mice today!!! You haven't posted the instructions yet, have you? No hurry! Just did not want to miss them. This summer sure is flying by faster than any other it seems!! Have a lovely Sunday! Nancy

  23. Hello, my mum used to make the teasel hedgehogs when I was little but I cannot find a pattern for the sizes of material anywhere. Can you help please? Thankyou

    1. Hello Loraine - I cannot find a way to email you so I hope you come back to this post to see my reply. If you go to my very next post which is dated Wednesday 23rd August, you will see I have a photo of the teasel hedgehog pattern instructions - you can click on the pattern to enlarge it if you like & then print it off. It gives all the dimensions. I hope you see this okay.

    2. hi, could i please ask how you make the hedgehogs, i remember my nana having one and would love to make one in her memory.

    3. Hi Unknown - I cannot reply to your email so I hope you come back to this post & see my reply. If you go to my very next post after this one - dated Wednesday 23rd August 2017 - then you will find the instructions for making the hedgehogs. I have published it in this post. Hope you find this reply okay.

  24. I would love hedgehog pattern to do with our girl guides they look so beautiful


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