Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Last Minute Christmas (Catch Up Post #3)

Mid week Greetings dear friends & readers

As is usual for me, I worked right up to the very last minute before Christmas finishing Orders & making some Gifts

I spent a pleasant afternoon in my kitchen making soy candles in vintage containers,  gathered over a period of time from Op Shops
My kitchen smelt delicious !!!

These crystal ones below were gifts for two special family members
The fragrance "calico" is one of my favourites πŸ’—

Early in December one year ago, my Mums eldest sister passed away - Aunty Margaret was one of my favourite Aunts & her daughter Jackie & I are very close.
After her death Jackie gave me a large pile of vintage doilies & linens that had belonged to her Mum.
There they sat, for almost a year, in a heap in a corner of my sewing room.

I pulled them out on Aunty Marg's anniversary & decided to make up a table runner for Jackie to have in memory of her Mum - Miss Pippi was kind enough to help me in my selection & placement of the doilies πŸ˜‰

The table runner came together quite well ......... stitching them all on & overlapping them is a time consuming process, but I was pleased with the end result.

The runner ended up a good size too,  finishing at just under 1 metre 40 in length.

Jackie & I met up for morning tea at Tirau in mid December & I was able to give her the runner as a surprise gift.

She was delighted & messaged me on her arrival home to tell me she had found just the perfect spot to display it.

Mum arrived on 20th December to spend Christmas with us & because my eldest son & family were going south 
we had a small pre-christmas get-together on the 23rd December
It is very much the little ones that bring joy to these occasions with their utter delight in it all.
My grandsons Alec & Sid are growing up so fast & will be turning 4 & 2 this year respectively.

I was thrilled to capture a nice photo of Mum with her great grandsons ... I have, just today, put this picture in 
a lovely frame I have.

Almost at "the midnight hour" I decided to upcycle a small vintage suitcase I had for Sid
Mum & I had bought him a selection of matchbox toys for Christmas (some countries call them dinky toys) 
& I wanted him to have something to cart them all around in.

I painted this with 2 coats of Resene Black & then glued the letters to the top ... I had purchased the letters months ago (50c each at the Variety Store)

The Mr commented he was surprised I could actually part with a vintage suitcase!! 
 I did confess to feeling a little bit faint 😜

Sid opening some of his matchbox toys! (Christmas Day)

The suitcase went down a treat & he soon filled it with his toys & insisted on carting it everywhere!

I love this photo of Sid with his parents taken on Christmas Day.

Well dear friends, I hope the week is treating you kindly
We have been lucky enough to have some rain & cooler temperatures the last two days & I am so thankful.

May the rest of your week be happy too!
I have one more Catch Up Post to do & then I shall leave you all in peace (for while!!)
With much love & friendship,
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x0


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Krishna ... I am so pleased I upcycled it for Sid as he just loves it!

  2. I just love your posts .....and you!

  3. Hi Julie what a great post love the runner you made for Jackie what a beautiful thing to do,gee your grandies are growing up fast and love the pic of your mum with them,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  4. Oh....I don't want to be left in peace....not if it means visiting your lovely place to have a bo peep at all the goings on at your place. always you have been busy fashioning fabulous pretties. Such a lovely runner you gifted to your cousin. How lovely she now has something beautifully stitched by you with some lovely doilies of her mums. Sid and Alec are growing like weeds, aren't they. Gorgeous photo of them with your mum...a treasured memory. Fabulous idea to fashion a special suitcase for all of Sid's matchbox toys. A gift, I should think, that every little boy would love. I know I have said it before but I do love your husband's sense of humour. Those candles look fabulous. I am intrigued with the scent 'calico' sounds as if it smells divine! Fabulous post overflowing with pretty after pretty♥

  5. Don't you dare leave us in peace, I love your posts Julie! Haha!

    The table runner is absolutely gorgeous and what a special memento for Jackie. Every time she looks at the runner she will be reminded of her dear mum. I would be over the moon if someone did something so special for me :)

    Some beautiful photos of your special people and I love Sid's little dinky toy case.

    I hope to try making soy candles with my eldest daughter this year. I think they look really beautiful in those pretty vintage containers. I will start keeping a lookout for such pretties too.


  6. Hi Julie, love your soy candles, and the table runner is a wonderful idea. Looks like your grandsons had a wonderful time for Christmas, looking forward to the next catch up and I hope there will be lots more, cause I for one don't need any peace. Lots of hot weather here Julie and still no air con, I'm melting😒 Chris xoxo

  7. beautiful post, your mum looked lovely there with the grandies, what a special photo that is!
    as everyone else has said we don't mind not having any peace lol just love your blog!
    you have a wonderful week too
    thanx for sharing

    1. Thanks so much Selina. Yes I was pleased to get a good photo of Mum with the great grandies as the one I had in a frame was quite an old one & Mum was unwell when it was taken. Hope you have a great weekend Selina Xx

  8. HeHe! Peace on you to Julie! Bless!x

    Well, it's ALL looking lovely as usual,
    lovely family photos, especially the one
    with Grandma and the two boys are certainly
    growing up..Sid's suitcase looks great,
    thankfully he has'nt a longer name! :).

    I always use table runners at dinner parties..
    Not the best ones though, always someone who
    tends to spill wine..HeHe! Type of friends l
    have..All in good fun though! πŸ˜ƒ

    And poor Miss Pippi being worked to the point
    of sleep...! Bless!x πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€
    Take care now! Off for a second lemon tea, home
    to~day, lots of little things to see to..
    Woman's work is never done...! :o).
    😸 😺 😻 😼 😼

  9. I am imagining how beautiful those pretty candles smell! That was such a special and gorgeous gift for your dear cousin. Love your family pics....such cute boys!

  10. That runner is beautiful, and I'm sure a very precious gift your cousin will treasure.
    Those boys!? How did they turn 2 and 4??!! Oh Julie, these years are simply rollicking along.

  11. The candles look so inviting in their lovely vintage holders.
    And the runner you made for your cousin--so beautiful and thoughtful!
    What little tyke wouldn't love to have his own special case to carry his new toys around? Very smart gift.
    You caught some lovely family group photos--a very heartwarming post!

  12. The little suitcase is such a clever idea, I bet Sid will keep it for many years.

  13. How nice for Sid to have a bit of luggage for his special things!
    Your mum looks good (happy and calm!)
    I'm cold and you are too warm. I'm glad I can enjoy reading about your nice weather when ours is wintery.
    Take care, good maker! (Sending heaps of love your way!)

  14. Well I commented here Julie, but I thInk the internet here dropped out as my comment has if you get two comments I apologise!! So nice to have everyone together for a Christmas gathering, the young ones make Christmas I think. Wonderful photos of the family. I bet your kitchen smelt wonderful after making the candles. Making that table runner was a wonderful thing to do for your cousin Julie, she will have an heirloom now. Good to see you are keeping Miss Pippi busy 😊 love the situcase for Sid, you did well there too. Please do not leave us in peace for too long. Xx

  15. Another fabulous post Julie. Love the table runner. Such a wonderful idea. Love Sid's suitcase & had a chuckle over you feeling faint. :) Great photo of Mum & the greatgrandchildren. Hugs,xx

  16. What wonderful posts you write, Julie. I enjoy them very much...I learn from you and feel inspired by what you are doing. That photo will be a treasure.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Jocelyn. You are so kind. My hubby tells me I am mostly just "talking to myself" so its wonderful to get the feedback. I went to your last post & tried to comment but for some reason it wouldn't let me. Your blog is a lovely place to visit too.

  17. What lovely gifts. The photo of your mum is a treasure too.

  18. It"s been great catching up with your blog posts Julie, they are lovely. Lovely treasured photo of your Mum.

  19. Please don't leave us in peace too long! I enjoy seeing the things that you make. Nice picture of Great Grandma and and the boys. So special. Love the soy candles you made. I have never done that. Nice for Sid to have a suitcase to tote his cars around in. The table runner is so special and I am sure Jackie will treasure it. Nancy

  20. That was an inspired idea for the table runner! Such a great way to do. Enjoy your grands as much as you can..they grow up so quickly. Our granddaughter will be 10 next month and I wonder where the time has gone. Your mom is lovely...that is picture you will cherish and so will the boy when they grow up.

  21. What little cuties those two little boys are. That is such a special photo of them with your Mum. xx


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