Sunday, June 13, 2021

A "Winter Care Package" Giveaway ❤

Greetings lovely friends & readers 

I have wanted to have a Giveaway for awhile now but just never quite got around to it.  I really really enjoy my blog, the friends I have made through it, & the interactions with likeminded folk.  As June is my birthday month, & also mid-winter here at the bottom of the world, it seemed like a good time to host a Giveaway - & so I have put together this little "Winter Care Package" as my way of saying Thank You to all of you that follow along with me here & take the time to leave me your wonderful comments.

My Giveaway is Open to Anyone - I will post to Anywhere in the World.

All you need to do is leave me a comment telling me Which is your favourite season & Why ?๐Ÿ˜Š

My Giveaway consists of all the goodies pictured above & will come beautifully gift wrapped & tied up with a Tilda tag.

I have embellished a waffle weave Teatowel with this gorgeous Vintage Tilda fabric & added a hanging loop.

I have made this Patchwork Tilda Mug Rug from * this * Craft With Fee Video Tutorial

I have included a selection of wonderful Harney Teas in some winter warming flavours, & a stylish new tea infuser.

And lastly I have added in a handmade Soy Candle in a crystal jug - the fragrance is French Pear.  Let's not forget the delectable Lindt Lindor choccies to also enjoy.

I have been having several issues with blogger & my comments Not coming to my email.  If you have left me a comment & I have not replied, this is the reason. I have tried ticking the box at the end to receive all follow-up comments but these all come in as "no-reply bloggers" so unless I already have your email address then I have to reply in the comments section & I am aware that not everyone goes back to old posts & checks.  I am trying to sort this issue out. If you would like to leave me a comment to enter this but are having trouble then please just email me & I can copy & paste your comment.  My email is
I hope you will enter my Giveaway - I have decided I will draw the winner on the last day of the month - June 30th.

Last weekend was a long weekend for us here being Queen's Birthday weekend.  I managed to finish getting a rather large pile of mulch onto my gardens.
You have no idea how much this large flat pile of dirt excites me - I keep looking at it out the sewing room window ๐Ÿ˜‰  I shall put some lime on it to sweeten, then sow it in grass seed.

              I also planted up some pots of pansies in the antique shades, one of my all-time favourites. 
A batch of soy candles was finished off in vintage glassware - these 10 were for an Order.
I also sprayed all my brick paths for moss, weeded my two raised veggie gardens & had a huge rubbish heap burn up - it was a productive weekend.

As I sit typing this on a grey cloudy day, the two furry ones are sound asleep in the banana box on my deck seating.
One of them has lots of room ...... & One of them is somewhat jammed into the corner ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you as always dear friends, for your welcome visits here today,
I do hope you will consider entering my Giveaway,
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead - be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all,
Julie & the furry ones, x0x0x0


  1. I’d love to enter your Giveaway please Julie! My favourite season is Autumn as the trees start to change their beautiful leaves to reflect the cooler weather. Being a cold weather gal from way back I love the crispness in the air that Autumn brings. June is also my birthday month, so Happy Birthday to you. Ingrid Xxx

  2. Loving your blogs and seeing what your furry babies are up to. You are always do industrious. I love Autumn as it is not too hot or too cold and the colours of the leaves on the trees is just anazing

  3. I will join the chorus and say Autumn is my favorite, as well. Growing up and well into adulthood I had bad Spring allergies, so I could never really appreciate the season. I love that Autumn is golden hued light, and cooler days and nights. The trees and bushes are so colorful, but the garden work is finished--by that time I am ready to be finished with it.
    Such a generous giveaway! So many beautiful things!
    Oh, I love the antique shades of pansies, too.
    Beautiful candles in the vintage glassware.
    I hope you have the beautiful birthday you deserve--you share so much beauty with us. :)

  4. Hi, my name's Trish of So Trish Sews, and I've just found your blog thanks to your beautiful competition! I see beauty in each season. It's lovely in the winter, to snuggle down and stitch. Your beautiful winter warmers would make it even cosier and very luxurious.

  5. What a beautiful giveaway. I love seeing all your makes :)
    I’m a autumn fan! I love the food and the cosiness and also the calm days.

  6. Love the job you did of spreading that mulch Julie, your day was much better than up here.
    My favourite season is summer, I suffer from SAD so love lots of sunshine.
    I am sure whatever season is the winners favourite your lovely giveaway with brighten their day.

  7. Hello Julie. I love your posts about all sorts of gorgeous things. Thank you for introducing me to Tilda and the lovely fabrics and patterns. Winter is my favourite season, my body doesn't like heat, so its great to be tucked up and cosy sewing when I can.

  8. Such an incredible giveaway Julie. You are so kind and so talented. Autumn is my fave season. WRm days but cooler evenings , riots of colour in the landscape .
    Julie A

  9. Julie, is that hessian runner trimmed with real lace? I LOVE it! You've made me want to play with hessian and nobody has ever done that before. ;-)
    Aah, no surprises on my favourite season, winter. It's a time of relief and refreshment after an 8-month summer. But oh too soon it I relish every day and plant all I can in garden beds and post, sit outside for my morning tea, and look for reasons to wander the backyard, smell the roses, and soak in that slightly cool air.
    Happy and blessed birthday precious girl!! xxx

  10. What a kind and generous giveaway. My favourite season is winter. All that cosying up by the log burner, long dark evenings with candlelight and cosyness. More time for crafting as too dark to garden. Have a lovely birthday. Thank you and fingers crossed X

  11. Hi Julie, always such a pleasure to read your blog and Instagram posts. Spring is my favorite season. I love that the sun begins to gently warm us up for our Summer here in the Gold Coast Hinterland and it’s lovely to throw open the doors and windows to lovely fresh spring air! Happy Birthday to you ๐Ÿ’

  12. Hello dear Julie. You have created such beautiful items for this giveaway. I'd love to be included. My favorite time of year is autumn as it brings back such wonderful memories when I used to be busy getting the children ready for a new school year, the wonderful scent of the fallen leaves and the cooler weather. Now, it's memories as the children are grown up and autumn in southern California is so different. Wishing you all the blessing dear friend. Patricia ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’• (@theknittedhome)

  13. Hi ya Julie, what a fabulous give away, I love 2 seasons, Autumn and Winter, autumn for the first few months here are always a bit warmer, but you can always notice the days starting to get cooler so I'm always glad to see Mr Winter come along, yes it is cold, but you can always warm up better than you can cool down, and I get so much more done in these 2 seasons. Thanks for the chance to win your give away Julie, take care, Chris xoxoxo

  14. Yet another vote for the beautiful golden autumn days.. so much more reliable than spring. Love reading your blog and just looking at the beautiful things you create,

  15. Hello Julie,
    I'm an autumn and winter lover - cosy knits and liberty sweatshirts made by myself, quilts and knitted blankets made by my mum and aunts and always leaf art at school. Love the rain too. Gorgeous giveaway - love your crafts!

  16. Thank you so much for a lovely giveaway, how kind of you to share all the pretty things you make. Your blog is always full of lovely inspiration and has a sense of peace too.x

  17. Your craft work is inspiring me to try again to make and remake. I love Autmn because it’s cooler but not too cold and now I have no garden I have the time and energy for more crafts. Best wishes, Pam

  18. Hi Julie oh wow what a beautiful giveaway,you make the most amazing gifts and I am always in awe of what you come up with. My favourite season is Spring I love the warm days and seeing all the beautiful flowers blossoming in everyone’s garden.
    Thankyou for hosting this awesome giveaway ,take care lovely lady xx

    1. Sheryl, I miss seeing your woofas. Lynn and Precious

  19. So the furry ones are'nt included then...! :O).

    I would like to enter the 'giveaway' Julie,
    as my daughter would like the items! Thanks! :).
    If l win, l'll save you postage and pop over
    and pick them up..HeHe! Bless!x

    I've always loved the Winter l suppose, though
    the seasons have changed a great deal, what
    with ALL this so called 'climate change'..
    Plus the fact the cold has never bothered a nice crisp morning is really nice...
    Though l don't do rain..hate rain..! :(.

    And the two furry bananas look lovely,
    bestest place to be..dreaming o0f a white
    Christmas probably..! :).

    Well, best get up the supermarket
    in an hour, few bits and pieces needed,
    l'm having curry to~day..
    "On a Sunday Willie"? Yes! :O).
    Poor Fudge won't be able to share, l've
    some cold chicken for him..he likes chicken!
    ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒท

  20. Happy Birthday to you .I am a June baby to.
    So I love the warmer months .
    Please don't enter my name for the lovely gifts , the cost of postage to the UK is to much .
    Love your posts , have a wonderful Sunday.

  21. I used to love Summer, now as I'm getting older(and four children later) I just find it too hot! I'm now a serious fan of Autumn. Some stunning days, thunder and lightning and the whole vibe of things just slowing down and prepping a bit for winter when my garden gets a wee reset, bugs die off and I start again! Happy birthday. I love checking out your creative updates, always inspires me.

  22. As always delighted to read your blog never disappoint:-) Another June babe here :-) I'd say that this now is my favourite season. I love this time of the year; deep into spring and summer on the doorstep. June is usually a happy month for me . What a marvellous giveaway! Extremely generous! Nevertheless,...thank you very much for this tempting opportunity to participate in your giveaway. They really are wonderful gifts but please don't enter my name on the list :-) Spain is just too far away from NZ and postage to here is costly! I do know I sent a parcel to family in Nelson awhile ago and ... ouch! Lovely post Julie! Keep well Amanda x

    1. Thought I should mention I have received your email dated 12th June in reply to my comments on your previous post :-) A x

  23. Hi Julie, Happy birthday month dear friend. Celebrate the whole month through! I must honestly say i adore Spring. Such a wonderfully thoughtful month. It makes you reassess life and the journey you are taking. So much new growth happening, so many adventures being considered and new journeys started. As each new bod opens above ground another smile appears woth the happiness it brings.
    I love seeing all of your makings and your lovely garden. Are your candles easy to make? I always thought about making some for gifts as i seem to have a little collection of teacups in the garage i had forgotten about. Hmmm maybe even bird feeders.....

  24. What a great month to have a birthday. And an amazing gift parcel is such beautiful things. Wow! It's Summer, Summer Summer for me!
    Nothing like a NZ Summer at the beach ⛱️๐Ÿ–️๐Ÿ˜❤️

  25. Julie, I do always come back to the comments since you are so sweet to say hello to me. You certainly put forth the extra effort in your crafting since you still have a home and family to take care of. My spring pansies are still blooming quite well on the front porch as they stay in the shade most of the day. So we for once have the same flowers at the same time even with the temp difference. I see all the bits of lovely glassware are now filled for candles. I am sorry to see that your garden has come to an end since here they are just starting. Precious sends a purr to Miss Pippi and Blackie. Lynn XX

  26. Hello Julie, I love Spring, as the cold and sleeping earth gently wakes with the promise that all with burst forth with blossom and buds. The days get longer and warmer, with more time spent outside. Thank you Robyn from South Australia

  27. It is always a joy to visit your beautiful place, Julie to see what gorgeousness you have imagined each time. Happy Birthday to you! My favourite season. Mmm....'tis a bit hard to choose between spring and summer as both seasons sing the most gorgeous songs of flower upon flower. Perhaps it would be summer because it is hot and there is always an explosion of my favourite flower, the hydrangeas. I smiled at your Tilda teacups. I have that fabric, too. =)

  28. You did have a productive weekend . Too hot and rainy here this week to do much outside. My favorite season is Autumn . The warm days, cool nights, colors and smells all make me happy

  29. What a wonderful giveaway! My favourite season is fall. It's cool enough for sweaters but still has warm beautiful days, and the colors are beautiful! Hope you have a great birthday!

  30. I just want to say I love your blog and all the things you do. I was born in January but I love Summer and Autumn the most. Please enter me. I love the fall leaves when they change and the chance to collect sea glass, sea shell and rocks on the beach in the Summer time. Have a great Sunday. big hugs lynda Ruth

  31. What a lovely giveaway Julie, I would love to be entered if at all possible please. We are currently having a brief spell of Summer so Autumn is hopefully sometime away. Living halfway up a valley I love to capture the colours of the leaves on the trees throughout the seasons and Autumn is the most colourful x

  32. What a busy time you have had - but the cooler winter weather is perfect for catching up with jobs like that. What a beautiful selection of gifts in your giveaway - f course I would love to win them! Autumn is my favourite month. Relief from the heat is always welcome but most of all I love the autumn colours, always a joy to watch the trees turn from green to gold and red. The vines especially can turn a kaleidoscope of different colours. Oh and the thought that I will soon be snuggling under a quilt or two puts a smile on my face too. Thank you for putting out such a delightful giveaway - I shall be very jealous of the winner! Have a lovely week. xx

  33. Happy Birthday Julie๐Ÿ’ I love Summer, the days are long, and you can rise early and get lots done before it really heats up. Then, sewing in the craft room with the air conditioner on, is very comfortable. We do have long summers in the tropics, but you can make it pleasant, and I find it’s a productive time for me. Thank you for a lovely giveaway, the gifts are beautiful. I so love your Soy candles. ๐Ÿ’• All the best to you.

  34. I enjoy Spring as we all see the new buds and things bloom. Especially mid blooms I like. (from Carol Mina)

  35. What a fabulous gift! I love everything in it!!

    I think my favorite season is spring. To me it's a time of hope and new beginnings. I love that it is not too hot or cold to spend time outside. I love getting new plants and seeing what I have bought in the past coming up and blooming. I love hearing and watching the birds.I love how green and pretty everything is.

    Thank you so much for giving me a chance to win. Love your blog!


  36. Hi Julie, like you blogging is so special to me.... a lovely giveaway so of course I'm in..... Not good at choosing favourites so it's a tie between Autumn and Spring... I love the gentle months that have changes in them..... I started getting a few comments that don't come through... most do though and I forget to go back to my blog to look so I miss out on some. seems to be a glitch somewhere... your garden looks lovely and lush....
    Have a lovely week....

  37. A lovely giveaway Julie. I think Spring has to be my favourite. Everything is warming up & the flowers are starting to bloom. As always love to see what you've been creating & the gorgeous furbabies. Hugs, xx

  38. I guess fall is my favorite season, though our spring this year was such a special time here in central Texas. We had prolonged cool, wet weather that allowed us to experience a real spring. It is normally a very short time and then early, hot summer arrives. Our falls do not arrive in September usually. Summer is a long season here and we are lucky if our temperatures begin to moderate in September. Fall is our best gardening season. The cooler days and nights allow shrubs and trees planted to establish themselves over several months before true cold weather sets in. Our best fall color is usually in November. Your giveaway items are delightful! It would be a treat to be the winner. Your blog is always a treat. Carol in Texas

  39. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely package! I used to love spring when we lived in another state that actually ha the 4 seasons. Now that we are in TX, spring is much too muggy, lol! So now, I love fall. It starts out quite warm, as if summer just can't let go, and then gradually cools down to lovely fall days. Oh, Happy Birthday to you! I love your blog!

  40. Hi Julie…..

    We live permanently on the road in our Kedron caravan across the ditch from you in Australia.

    When everyone goes north for the warmer weather we go south to spend winter in a cold climate. But, after winter comes spring, when everything is new and fresh and holds the promise of life. We just love spring.

    I could so see the soy candle in our caravan, I have long admired all of them that you make. But, if I am successful in wining your lovely care package, I give the chocolates to you for all your hard work you do in keeping your blog going and letting us has a glimpse into your life.


  41. Definitely Autumn. It's a time to slow down, all the food has been harvested and put up for winter, cooler days, beautiful fall foliage.
    Days of Autumn just warms my soal

  42. I love spring when the garden comes back to life. What a lovely giveaway.

  43. Hi Julie. What a lovely giveaway you are hosting for your birthday month. Enjoy your special day. I look for the positives in each season but I find Autumn and Spring are my favourites but Spring probably more so because the weather is starting to warm up and the garden starts to come alive again and we can enjoy sitting outside a little longer. Cheers, Janette

  44. Hi Julie, What a fabulous giveaway. My favourite season is Autumn. All those beautiful colours and the days are lovely and sunny quite a lot. It's sad when you have to squeeze into a banana box to sleep! Haha, only joking. Those two look quite content. Have a lovely week Julie. Hugs, Christine xx

  45. A Winter care package giveaway is such a fab idea and as always very thoughtful of you. We bloggers are a community and though we may never meet we have our shared passions and interests. Spring is my favourite season because it is such a hopeful time, new life, new beginnings and Mother nature awakening. Your candles in vintage glassware are a triumph, French Pear, how wonderful. regards Jean. x

  46. Hi Julie! What treasures you have here! What a fantastic give-away! I feel so stupid that I never looked deeper at your IG posts to see that you have this fantastic blog. I took sometime this last weekend to dig deep, look inside myself and see what I wanted to do with my YouTube channel. It is creators like you that keep me going. I have more epiphanies that came to me this weekend that I still need to ponder. Let’s just say that I will LOVE visiting you here. Oh, by the way…I pick summer. A hot day on the lake followed by a cooling summer night by the bonfire. Cheers to you! And Happiest June Birthday! Kelly Oxo

  47. Autumn is my favorite season. I love to be cosy reading by the fireplace.
    You did a nice giveaway.
    There is much work in the gardens at the moment.
    I like your soy candles!

  48. Very nice giveaway. I can’t say that I have a favourite season: autumn is nice after a hot summer, but summer gives wonderful sunset. Winter is very nice for Christmas and because it’s nice to “enjoy “ one own’s home; spring is beautiful with all the green and the blooming and...each season is gorgeous as we can live it!
    Thank you, ciao,
    Miriam from Italy

  49. Julie, what a wonderful giveaway. Just beautiful. It is a very pretty color scheme. And the candles in the vintage glass are stunning. The fur babies sleeping the box, with that little bit of fluff poking out, darling. Good luck to all those who entered your most generous giveaway.

  50. You are so generous Julie. My favourite season is Spring....lovely and warm but not too all the Spring bursting out everywhere also...not as dramatic as colder climes but I still love it! Gorgeous candles and flowers on your deck. Your kitty kats have the right idea xx

  51. Thank you for your lovely giveaway. I love Autumn best. The season of harvest. All your hard work in the garden coming to fruition. Cooler nights, sunny days, amazing colours and the first fires of the season. Wonderful!

  52. You had a busy time in the garden Julie, it is looking really good. I think Spring is my favourite season,the weather is warming up, the trees have new leaves and the bulbs are in flower. Lovely to see the garden waking up again. Your furry babies look so happy curled up in the box there.

  53. I’ve enjoyed visiting you Julie, you have shown such lovely pictures today!
    I’d love to be included in your beautiful, generous giveaway!
    I don’t know what to drink lately and those teas you show sound delicious! Love the look of the tea diffuser too! I’d love to receive something stitched by you, but it would have a long way to travel here!
    Oooh, almost forgot, my favourite season is definitely Spring as all the plants appear for the first time in the year!
    Those candles are gorgeous! I’ve made candles in the past and I found them quite hard to make.
    Lovely to see your cats so happy together. ๐Ÿ˜˜
    Hugs, Barbara xx (from England)

  54. Happy Birthday Julie! My favourite season is Autumn, we get beautiful sunny days that are not too hot, and the leaves turning are gorgeous! Your kitties always make me smile and I am always impressed by your industriousness. Jennie๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’œ

  55. lol! I know full well how exciting a flat pile of dirt can be! My favorite time of year is Spring! Color returns after a looooooong grey winter... days are cool enough to enjoy yard work while the low sun warms your shoulders... the fresh dreams of a garden full of flowers and veggies... nights are nippy enough to still enjoy the quilts... and green grass!!!! Yes.... Spring it is! :-) Love those candles in the vintage glass.... I bet they smell wonderful too! Happy Birthday month!!!! Mine is July! :-)

  56. You write the most wonderful posts! I always enjoy every word and every picture. What a very special package you have put together. Someone is going to be a very happy winner. Oh, my favorite season is spring. By the end of winter I feel like I cannot wait another minute to see green leaves and green grass and even the tiny weeds in bloom. :) Have a very Happy Birthday! Those kitties are so cute!

  57. Hi Julie, and thank you for being such a friendly and inspiring blogger, I always look forward to your posts and seeing what you have created. I would love to win your care pack giveaway - everything is very useful and pretty and the scented candle looks especially lovely ... My favourite Season is Autumn, because I love the colours in nature, especially the late berries, changing leaves, earlier evenings when I can light a few candles, the smell of the air, the way everything is going into a sleepy state to get through the Winter ahead. In particular I love the colour of pumpkins and the greatest excuse have lots of them in the house - halloween, decorating for the event was a big thing when I was a child :) there's a lot of orange in Autumn - it's my favourite colour :) Betty x

  58. Thank you so much for the chance to win. I would say that Autumn is my favorite season. Though here in Texas we don't have much of an Autumn. I grew up in Kansas and we did have Autumn there. My husband and I went to New England a couple of years before he died for the colors and that was wonderful. It was so nice to see the trees in all their Autumn glory. Your gifts are just gorgeous!

  59. Oh Julie look at all of the lovely comments for your beautiful give away. So many sweet friends. I love the summer. Windows and doors open, washing on the line, sandals and shorts, salads and big cool drinks. Best of all miss poppy warming herself in the sun.

    Julie and poppyq

  60. Spring would be my favorite season. I love everything greening up and the flowers beginning to bloom. I can get out in the vegetable garden and begin to plant for yummy veggies. Thank you for the giveaway. I have a load of mulch out back ready to go on the gardens. I have not sweetened before but I will try with this load. Beverly in NC USA

  61. Gosto do inverno porque aqui nรฃo รฉ tรฃo frio.

    1. I like winter because it's not so cold here.

  62. I have two favourite seasons. Autumn because after the hot hot summer it is nice to look forward to cooler days and cosy times inside crafting. and spring because after the rain and cold I love to look forward to flowers and gardening and pleasant days outside. Ann

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. I have just look ed back and it seems that I said thank you very much for such a lovely giveaway but I forgot completely to tell you my favourite season! My favourite season by along way is spring. I love it when the days get longer, the nights and mornings are lighter, the flowers start to bloom in the garden again, the day is warmer and sunnier (hopefully, because this is England!), and it always just makes me feel happier. x

  65. Thank you for a chance to enter, your give-away. I know I am kinda late here. Fall, I think is the best time of the year. Now too hot, Not cold, just right. The air has such a great fragrance, with the amazing colored leaves dancing and floating to the earth. And just a happy time to decorate with pumpkins, and the beautiful fall colors. Getting out the sweaters, and burning a candle that scents the house nicely. Perfection!

  66. As with most people, I love fall. The trees changing colors and the crisp cool weather, it is the best. Thank you for the generous gift's give-a-way. Love your website. You are very prolific. Gives me hope I can complete my projects. Thank you again. Linda, Cary North Carolina

  67. Hi Julie, don’t know how I missed this blog. My favourite season is Autumn. After the cold of winter, the chill of spring and the scorching heat of summer I just love the mellow warmth of Autumn. I love the changing colours of the leaves on the trees and the still, warmth of late afternoons. I remember how Moggy and I would go out and sit on the pew in our little boxed garden area waiting for my husband to arrive home from work. While we waited Moggy would lie beside me and I would stroke her tummy. Unusual for a cat. Suddenly we’d hear the car crunching down the driveway and Moggy and I would both jump up and go to greet him. Then the three of us would go back to our pew and relax and enjoy the scent of the air and talk over our day. Wonderful memories. Sadly never to be repeated.

  68. Was sure I'd commented previously but can't find it now but I know I've deffo been here before! If I were lucky enough to win your fab giveaway, I'd like to donate it to my bestie in Auckland! I simply must try and make some of those candles, they are so pretty in their respective containers. xxx

  69. Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love Fall!

  70. Comment from Pam ........................ I’m pleased your giveaway is going well, someone will be so very lucky to win first or second prize. I don’t have a favourite season because each one brings lovely things to look forward to even the winter months, cosy nights, candles glowing and best of all Christmas.

  71. My favourite is Spring because of seeing the garden come back to life- especially snowdrops and tete a tete daffodils and the longer and lighter days.

  72. Please add me to your entries for the giveaway! I enjoy all the seasons (we have all 4 here in Missouri, USA), but Autumn/Fall is the one I embrace and enjoy the most - the crisp air, the leaves turning and falling, all things pumpkin, and the world starting to button up for the coming winter. It soothes my soul! I enjoy your blog so much and have a special moment when I see it in my inbox and look forward to sitting down to read it :)

  73. I love Autumn in Kansas, in the center of the US. The maple trees are stunning in the fall here and the weather is mild--not too cold as we transition from a very hot summer to fall.

    I love your blog, too--your creations are always beautiful and the kitties are delightful! Thank you for sharing your everyday life and creations with us :-)

    Mary in Kansas, USA

  74. Living in Brisbane we really only have Summer & mild Autumn, winter & spring. My favourite would be coming out of summer & heading into winter. Not really a definite season, but very pleasant. Not too hot & not too cold. Love seeing all your makes on your blog.

  75. Hello-I am in London, Ontario Canada. We have all four seasons but my favourite is Autumn. The beautiful red, orange and golden colours are beautiful. It looks like nature will take a long sleep while winter battles us.

  76. Happy Birthday Julie! Thank you for sharing your creative adventures with us. My favorite season is Spring. With the exit of snow comes the budding of trees and shrubs. A reminder that there will be beautiful flowers showing off their majesty in days to come. I think of the hope to come, along with new beginnings. Though the flowers and trees were covered in snow for many months, they manage to seek the sunlight and pop up. And birds return and start to sing in all their glory.

  77. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Hello, & thank you for taking the time to comment on my posts - I read and appreciate each and every one of your comments :-)
I always prefer to reply to your comments by email unless you are a no-reply-blogger in which case I will reply to your comments in this section here. Thanks so much for stopping by to read & comment on my blog x0x