Friday, October 1, 2021

The Blink of an Eye .....................................

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Another busy week has gone by in the blink of an eye.

This vintage Cane Dolls Pram was gifted to me over 5 years ago by my dear friend Leeanne.   I usually plant it over winter with Pansies & then in summer it enjoys either Petunias or Busy Lizzies.  

After I removed the flowers last summer I noticed that the entire carriage underneath had collapsed - due to constant watering the wood had rotted.  I didn't plant it over winter but I really didn't want it to go to the "cane pram graveyard" just yet ... so I pulled it into shape as best as I could & then stacked lengths of wood to hold the undercarriage up.

This worked well but looked hideous so I popped it in a spot in my garden where I knew the plants would grow around it & hide this ugly fixer upper.  I lined it with a black rubbish bag & then planted some Snapdragons in it ... true to form the flowers have grown & it now looks great tucked into the garden beside my deck where the forget-me-nots will sprawl out & surround it.  It has bought me many years of pleasure this ratty old cane pram. 

Last Saturday my eldest son turned 40! He wanted to celebrate with a finger food family dinner here at home. 
 On birthdays I always ask my boys if there are "any special requests".  He asked for a Honey Rice Bubble Slice & a plate of Salmon Rolls.  It only seems just yesterday that I was making Honey Rice Bubble slice for them as youngsters.

We had a very enjoyable evening & his wife Sarah made him a carrot cake which is his favourite.  I blew up some balloons but these were more for the little boys than the big boys.

Aaron is my eldest son & is dad to Alec, my eldest grandson.

Happy Birthday Aaron - you have grown into a wonderful man that I am So Very proud of  ...  & it feels like I blinked & forty years went by!!

On Monday I hosted the craft ladies - we are able to have small gatherings indoors now & as there were only 7 of us we had a wonderful day together sharing ideas, inspiration & delicious food.

Our last meeting was a few months ago now & we had all worked on felt pincushions in a variety of patterns.  I had taken along 3 of my Hatched and Patched Designs pincushion patterns & some of the ladies made these - others made felt fruit pincushions.  

I decided to make the Alice Angel Pincushion but as I have lots of pincushions - I made mine into a door hanger by filling her with dried lavender,  stitching a hanging loop & some rusty bells to the bottom.

My one is shown up close on the left & the ladies creations on the right - poor photo sorry

On Monday I made up kitsets for us all to make the "Christmas Elf in a Pudding".  This is a pattern from 
Tis' the Season gifted to me by my neighbour last year.

Some of the ladies bought along their Lockdown projects for Show-&-Tell, & Gail had made this beautiful framed Tree.  She had sewn a tree shape to some embossed fabric, stuffed it lightly, stitched on some braiding & then embellished away with beautiful copper coloured charms before framing - it was truly stunning !!

On my Tuesday-with-Sid it was a beautiful sunny spring day so we went to the Park for a couple of hours, then Sid had an Icecream & a packet of Smarties ... & Granny consumed an entire bag of Jet Plane lollies All By Herself  
😐 !!
If you look at the pic above right you can see that Blackie was not at all worried about Sid & had a nap on the couch while Sid watched Dinosaurs .  .  .  .  .  .

.  .  .  .  .  .  . whereas Madam Pip who prefers to act traumatised all day long, hid in a sewing room drawer that I had accidently left open.

I am happy to report that after the seed planting efforts in my last Post it would appear that Houston We Have Liftoff  !!  😊  I'm sure you can see from the photo above which ones I planted & which ones a certain little boy buried down real deep !!

Well dear friends - I had my final Covid Vaccination this morning & now I need to pack my bags as I am off to Mum's for my usual 3 monthly visit.

Thank You for your visits here today - wishing you all a wonderful weekend - be kind to yourselves & to each other,

With much love & friendship To You All,

Julie & the furry ones x0x0x


  1. I love the old cane pram, glad you were able to rescue it from the graveyard for old prams, so does that make you feel old Julie a 40yr old, my oldest will 34 in Feb, and yes I agree with you as it goes by in a flash. Oh that's great the dinosaur plants grew, cats, hahaha dont you just love them. All you ladies did a great job on your projects, have a great time with your mum, see you when you get back, take lots of pics. Chris xoxo

  2. I like the way you recycle and give thing a new lease of life - the pram still looks great! Nice to read about your get togethers with grandchildren :)

  3. Another fab post .
    Always so interesting , and full of great ideas .
    Have a great week.

  4. I have a daughter whose 44..and yes it seems
    like only yesterday l was making fairy cakes...
    In fact..l think it was yesterday..! HeHe!

    And, the ratty old pram looks great Julie...
    Especially with all the plants growing around
    it...sets it off a treat! Nice!

    And Blackie!x is being very brave, sitting
    with Sid on the sofa..And..Miss Pippi!x
    Bless her, taking her beauty sleep in a
    draw..HeHe! Winter draws on..! :O).
    Oh! And a Happy Birthday to Aaron.....! get on...Finally after three
    weeks, l'll be getting new neighbours,
    hope they have a cat..! The more the
    merrier..! :). Merry Christmas..! :O)
    πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ πŸŽ…

  5. I will have a 40yr old come next April. It only seems like yesterday when I did the Predictor pregnancy test and had to wait 5 hours for the result,nothing was instant back then, although I knew I was already expecting because I had been feeling a bit 'odd' for a while! I'm very proud of my nearly-40yr old, as I am of my nearly 35yr old and now all the beautiful grandchildren they've both given me!Handsome fella,your boy is. I love the pram too, great save. My bestie in Auckland has the paddling pool out so it must be getting warmer for you all. xxx

  6. WOW you are old a 40 year old child. My eldest turned 40 this year also. SO glad you got you last jab. and have a fun safe trip to moms. Love all the crafties so talented.

    1. Thank You Kim ... Yes I do feel old having a son turning 40 but I think he was having his own "age crisis issues" so I didn't say too much!!

  7. A lovely visit to your place .... happy birthday to your son.... doesn't 40 look so young these days???? haha... I also have a son that age and they seem so much more confident than I remember feeling. I love all the goodies you and friends have been making .... Have a lovely visit at your Mums.

  8. As always a pleasure to visit your blog & see what you have been up to. Lovely craft projects from the crafty ladies, love the Christmas tree. My oldest is 36. Have a lovely time at your Mum's. I still can't visit mine as a certain nameless premier won't open the border. :( Hopefully i'll be able to get there by Christmas. Hugs, xx

  9. You have a very handsome son. You're so right about "in the blink of an eye"! Time flies! I don't know where the days and weeks go. Your always have so many interesting things to post, and your craft items are so pretty. Madam Pip in the drawer is such a cutie.

  10. How lovely to have friends over to craft. I'm looking forward to when we can do it again. Although I did zoom for 8 hours last week stitching with friends but it's just not the same. Happy birthday to your handsome son. Have a lovely weekend Julie. Hugs xxx

  11. What a lovely family you have, including the cats. What a handsome man your son is. Lucky you. Have a good trip. Good for you having the injections. πŸ₯°

  12. I am glad you could squeeze out a little more time for the pram. It looks charming in your garden. I love seeing it enfolded in forget-me-nots.
    Honey Rice Bubble Slice sounds fascinating. I need to check out that recipe and see what it is all about.
    I hear you on the kids getting up there in years. My oldest turned 42 this year. How did that happen?? And I have to say, your son has a very nice smile. :)
    What a fun gathering of pincushions. Love the variety. And the elves look sweet.
    I had to laugh at the opposite reactions of your furry family members to Sid. Pip in the drawer is a hoot.

  13. What a great looking birthday party. Sometimes we do wonder where life flies off to you don't we? I love to see your flowers and of course your handiwork. So glad you got your vaccination, and that you could have a small group of friends together. I'm not sure which piece of craft work I would give first place to. They were all so lovely, however the Snowman are not on the top of my list only because we're expecting winter here too soon. You know Precious and I love seeing the cats, and Precious use a drawer girl herself. Lynn and Precious

  14. You saved the pram well Julie, it looks great. Looks like a great birthday was had, that is a wonderful photo of your son. So good you could get together and have favourite foods. Your craft time with your friends looks wonderful, the pincushions and elves look great. Blackie looks very at home with Sid there and well what can we say about Miss Pippi!!

  15. Hi Julie! Those kitties! I love them. Sid is growing so fast!
    I'm so glad your craft group can get together again!
    Happy SPRING to you! xo

  16. Dear Julie, as always your posts are so uplifting. Precious time spent with family and those Elfs in a pudding are smashing. Keep well. Jean. x

  17. It makesyou stop and think doesn't it when your children turn 40. Happy belated birthday to Aaron. Wait 'til they turn 51 and 54!! then you pull yourself up and think what the heck, where has all that time gone. Many wonderful memories flood back of your time when they were little.Love your old cane pram filled with flowers it has a lovely happy warm feeling about it. Loved your door hangers you made at your craft group day. What a trick Madam Pippi is, to be loved lots. Have a good time with your Mum Julie and take care. Hugs

  18. Lots and lots of pretties! I thoroughly enjoy visiting your blog and I am sorry it has taken me longer than usual to post a comment. There are too many distractions at present and I have been neglecting my blog friends a little...sigh! I know "Time so flies" is such a clichΓ© but it is so true! My grand-daughter will be 21 next month and I wonder where the time has gone it seems only yesterday she was a little chubby toddler who would follow me around everywhere. I miss those times! My daughter will be 49 this December...yikes makes me feel old. Happy belated birthday to that handsome 40 year old lad you have there :-) Keep well Amanda x

  19. Oh the pram is beautiful...glad you could prop it up. Nice time with family.


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