Friday, August 26, 2022

Revamped Thrifted Finds ....... & Doiley Buntings

Greetings lovely friends & readers

I noticed I have a couple of new followers ...... A Warm Welcome to You!!

On my recent return from Mum's I was delighted to notice my Moth Orchid flowering away quite happily, despite my neglect.

I have had this for about 3 years now & it was a Mother's Day gift from eldest son & family πŸ’—

Early in June my dear friend Sandy dropped in one day & presented me with this beautiful potted plant ...
Right away I decided it needed its own special plant stand ... so I unearthed this old wooden stool in my woodshed that I had once painted in Resene Hot Chilli & used outdoors.  I cut an inch off each leg & then painted the whole thing in Chalk Paint - Vintage White.

It sat like this for over a month until I came across this beautiful transfer online from * Here *.  I loved the individual flowers & vines on it so I cut out various ones & added them to my stool plant-stand.

                  I love the way the vines look as though they are growing up the legs of the plant-stand . . . . .
. . . . . .  & it looks perfect with my new plant sitting on top.  Thank You So much Sandy for your kindness πŸ’•

When Mum was in New Plymouth City Hospital I visited the Spotlight Store there to buy more dishcloth cotton.  Right next door is the Salvation Army Op Shop & of course it would've been rude of me Not to pop in πŸ˜‰.   I definately do not need another mirror but I could not leave this one behind so at $5 it came home with me.

It had obviously been dropped at some stage & the frame had 2 cracks in it ... but nothing that a bit of polyfiller & sanding couldn't fix.  I cleaned it thoroughly, fixed the cracks & then painted it with two coats of Chalk Paint in the colour Pumice.  

Upon rummaging through my offcuts of transfers I found this floral design & some wording so I decided to add the transfers to the mirror part & make it into a decor piece.   I absolutely love how this looks.

I even painted the back as it was very tatty.  Some light distressing afterwards & it was complete. 
I have sat it on top of my vintage Radiogram with a couple of other pieces in the same colourway.


When I made the doiley bunting for my friend Jane in * this post * I showed it on Instagram & Ingrid contacted me to ask if I could make her two in cream/ecru shades & post them over to Australia.  I finally got around to completing this Order & then the package took a month to reach Ingrid.

She was delighted with her two buntings & sent me the loveliest message to thank me.

I thought you might enjoy this photo of Miss Pippi doing her morning meditation yesterday.  She is lucky I love her so much as she has been particularly naughty trying lately πŸ˜‰

Thank you all So much for popping by today dear friends,

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend (it's a rainy🌧Friday here)

Remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,

With much Love & Friendship to you all,

Julie & the furry ones x0x0x


  1. Beautiful projects Julie. A joy as always to see what you've made out of your thrift shop finds. Your turtle plant is growing well. Sadly mine died & i keep hoping to find another at the plant shop.

  2. Such an enjoyable post Julie, I love all of your creative projects with the transfers. I absolutely love how your mirror looks as well, and Miss Pippi is beautiful.

  3. By the way Julie, just thought I would let you know I'm not receiving your blogger posts on my email now, and I couldn't see where to sign up again. Although apparently I am still listed as a Google follower. Very strange. Strange things are happening with Blogger blogspot. Are you receiving my posts? I signed up with when the Google email provider for bloggers stopped operating. Anyway hoping your are well in New Zealand.

    1. Thanks Pauline ... I will look into the Follow it tool ... blogger has removed the email notification button from my blog - I agree with you - there are strange things happening with blogspot & we seem to have no control over any of it. xx

  4. Lovely makeovers Julie and your styling, as always, is spot on. xx

  5. Ah! Bless! Miss Pippi looks lovely...but then so do
    all pussy~cats...!x
    Wonder what she's pondering on, probably..."Where's

    And Wow! A 'String of Turtles' l've not even heard of it,
    let alone seen one, must Google that, when l've finished
    this comment..l do like that...and with the stand you've made
    for it Julie..sets it off quite well..Nice!

    "Mirror! Mirror! on the radiogram" looks lovely...and l love
    the cherub along side it..nice setting..l think l have as many
    mirrors in my home as l have calendars and clocks...but then,
    it's home..and my home is a little bit special...! :).

    The sun was up and about first thing, just watered the baskets,
    flowers etc...still a bit dry, though the grass is just starting to
    turn from brown, back to green...not very good news on the TV
    this morning...the energy 'price cap' has been raised to over
    £3,500...and another increase in January...millions of people
    already in debt...! :(
    Never long as l've got my lemon green tea with honey!
    All is well...
    🍁 πŸ‚ πŸƒ 🍁 πŸ‚ πŸƒ 🍁 πŸ‚ πŸƒ 🍁 πŸ‚ πŸƒ 🍁 πŸ‚ πŸƒ 🍁

  6. OMG you just blow me away with your beautiful work .
    Hope your Mother is doing ok .
    Beautiful photo of Pippi , she is so very cute ,
    Have a lovely weekend hugs June.

  7. Lovely post Julie, once again you have waved your magic wand over the furniture pieces. I have not heard of that plant either, it looks beautiful. Ah Miss Pippi, such a beautiful little one!

  8. I can see how whimsical that cute little stool turned out. I can also picture two other uses for it. One when your granddaughter comes to visit she probably like to have a sit. And then there is the lovely milkmaid with long blonde braids who would use it to help milk your cows. And actually it's a very good thing that you stop so often at the op shops and purchase lovely merchandise that you're able to craft with. They certainly can use the money for the greater good and you get to enjoy your crafty products. I hope your group of crafty friends still gets to meet with you on occasion, as I have not seen you mention that for a while. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. Thank you so much Lynn & Precious. The stool is probably a bit high for my grandaughter to sit on ... I have a lower childs chair that she quite likes to use.
      I have to stop myself going to the Op Shops all the time as I find I bring home items to upcycle all the time!!! I must admit I went in to a "proper shop" the other day & I was appalled at the prices & it made me realise that I am probably used to op shop prices now & out of touch with reality πŸ˜‰ & how much other things cost. I hope you both enjoy the weekend xxx

    2. I just noticed your comment above Julie about being out of touch with the price of things in ‘real’ shops! This definitely is something that happens to me too! Op shops are just so wonderful and it’s so fun to be able to shop often but with little spend! I op shop for lots of books and clothes for my growing children :).

  9. String of turtles is a new plant to me, but I love the look of it. And how you can look at a bright red (excuse me, Resene Hot Chili) stool and envision that sweet plant stand is beyond me. They look perfect together.
    You left your magic touch on the mirror, and it looks lovely in its new setting.
    Such pretty vintage doily creations. A month from New Zealand to Australia?? I ordered something from Australia and it only took a month to get to the USA. Must fight a stronger current to get from New Zealand to Australia. ;)
    I laughed at Miss Pippi's morning meditation post. If she starts doing yoga along with the meditation, I hope you will share photos of that! LOL

  10. Lovely upscaling of the stool and mirror. Gorgeous. The buntings are lovely as well.

    God bless.

  11. your upcycling projects are such a delight to see... I have never seen a string of turtles - its rather a fun plant and I love how you have done your mirror...

  12. Your so talented! Love your projects.
    I'm not sure I believe miss pippi
    Could be naughty,look at that innocent face. I'm sure it was all a misunderstanding.

    1. Thanks so much Savannah. Let me assure you that little ginger cat is a real rascal & gets away with more than she should around here πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ And Yes - she does have such an innocent face but don't let it fool you. Enjoy your weekend Savannah & thanks for your sweet comment. xx

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love the little stool and the precious bunting.

  15. You must tell me your secret with orchids Julie I have killed 2 before and are half way to killing the last one I was given, what a cute stool, and the mirror looks lovely, pretty doilies, I have ended up with my mils , not sure what I'll do with them now that I don't put them into junk journals anymore, I should try making a bunting, only thing is they are not as cute as those ones.

  16. Your orchid is doing so well....I am fearing for my Mother's day's lost a couple of leaves but has a healthy look8ng root coming fingers are crossed! Love all your new projects and the bunting is just so pretty. String of turtles in a new one to me.....I have chain of hearts and string of pearls....they are so lovely xx

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