Sunday, July 14, 2024

Wintery July Days .......................................

Greetings lovely friends & readers

It's the very middle of winter here at the bottom of the world & it's been Chilly.

I started last week off by making a Fridge Drawer Stew.

  I had parsnips & celery going soft in the Fridge Drawer so these got chopped up & tossed in, along with a selection of other veggies. I have lots of silverbeet & spinach ready in the garden so I added a large amount of these to get our greens.  This crockpot full lasted us 3 nights for dinner.

Several months back my dear friend Sandy sent me a photo of her Lounge room rug (left hand pic) & asked me to make her a felt candle mat in these colours.  I slowly stitched away on this & then waited for Sandy's recent birthday to post it to her.  I tucked several other treaty things into the parcel along with the candle mat.

Just this weekend my dear friend Shirley celebrated a special birthday.  I'd bought this china tennis cup/saucer awhile ago in a thrift store with the intention of making Shirley a soy candle in it for her birthday - I knew she loved these colours.  The fragrance is French Pear - another of her favorites (a VeRy lovely fragrance) πŸ’•

To go with the candle I made Shirley a Matches Jar.  I thrift any jars that I think are suitable for these & save them.   Remove the lid, a good wash & then I applied some offcuts of transfers, a ribbon & a charm.  I like to glue the striker to the base of the Jar but also pop one in with the matches. I use my own one of these every single day & love it.  

After I'd made the candle I was putting my box of candle-making supplies away in the top of the cupboard, I leaned back slightly & heard a "snap".  I was so disappointed & cross with myself as I'd been nurturing this orchid flower stem along & watching it develop for weeks.  And I could not blame any furry friends either (!!)

I found this wee doll in my sewing drawer with painted yellow boots. I cannot remember ever painting these boots or making the doll.   I thought she was the sweetest size to fit in my new china shelf & I knew I had a gorgeous piece of red toile fabric that looked just like the pattern on the china.

I had the usual assistance of the furry variety 😐

She is dressed entirely from fabrics & trims already in my stash - a tiny piece of raspberry coloured linen became her bodice & another cream offcut for her bloomers.  I just love the toile fabric of her skirt.  I am sure she is an old pattern by Wendy Briggs of Country Friends designs.

I think she looks right at home amongst my new/old red transferware china  πŸ’—
Don't you think her skirt matches the china pattern so well dear friends ??

As it's school holidays here in New Zealand, Alec came for the day last Friday.  We baked in the morning (banana bread & chocolate crackles) & then after lunch we went & saw the movie Twisters.  I kept the smaller banana loaf & sent Alec home with all the rest of the baking because .......................... it's better he consumes it than me!!

I had the loveliest visit from my sweet friend Sally yesterday - we don't see alot of each other nowadays as she works long hours.  She gifted me this Gorgeous book above which I have been devouring ... along with the sweetest little duck egg blue coloured jug which I am going to pop some daphne stems into.  

Using some birthday money I treated myself to a new dressing gown in Bed Bath & Beyonds winter sale.  
Correction ... I treated Pippi to a new dressing gown 😯😫 (!!)

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead dear friends - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all, 


  1. Hi Julie. A lovely post. The little country doll is perfect sitting enjoying your beautiful china collection. As for Miss Pippi… She’s rather naughty!

    1. Thank You Sandy - yes Pippi is naughty .... & a few other words I can think of too ... like spoilt (!!!) Have a lovely week Sandy x0x

  2. Cute red doll to go with your new old china. What else do you put in the fridge drawer stew, meat? Sauces?

  3. Has to be said..."Nowt, like a good stew"...what ever you
    put in it, mine always turn out a bit different, as l use what
    ever is lying about...with different herbs etc.....
    I'll even make one in the summer, which hopefully has finally
    arrived here in the UK...last couple of mornings the suns been
    out before's nice and warm, first thing this morning....
    Long may it last....! :).

    I do like that china tennis cup/saucer Julie...(did'nt realise they
    were called that)...But, l have to be honest, l think it's to nice for
    a candle...! Be nice to drink lemon tea from...HeHe! Mines just
    here, to the left of me...Hang on...! :).

    And..the new doll looks lovely seated in amongst the pink china,
    sets it all off very nicely...!
    It's a good job you had a little help from Miss Pippi...even though
    she needed a little sleep on your new dressing gown...Bless!x

    Oh! Look...I've finished my Green lemon tea, with honey of course,
    best go off and make of the day, out in the garden! :O).

  4. What a shame your orchid broke, but these things happen. The little doll is so sweet and fits right in with your china. It's good to see that Pippi is appreciating her new bed;-)

  5. Another post full of lovely things to enjoy. Finding the doll and the fabric was serendipitous as she matches the china so well. I am sure all your recipients love their gifts too - how could they not? Miss Pippi always seems to find the best places to sleep but that applies to most cats, I think! Alec looks very happy with the morning's work. The book looks very interesting too.
    Have a happy and creative week (of course!)
    Best wishes

  6. Oh I feel your pain with the orchid accident - I actually tipped mine right out the other day - what a mess ... no flowers were lost as it is sulking since I moved, so I had changed it's spot to get more light, and miscalculated it's positioning...
    I made a huge pot of pumpkin soup yesterday for the family - laced strongly with fresh ginger,! it's already had six servings used, and there is a similar amount still in the fridge...
    Loving your wee doll, and yes, she 'fits' beautifully with your display.
    Don't we always buy new snuggly warm things for the cats? My boy loves my dressing gown also.
    Looks as though yu and Alex had a great morning baking!

  7. Did you prop the orchid in some water to see if it would continue to open? I hope it does. And all the work you put into getting the cabinet ready for the lovely dishes and then on top of that you go and make clothes for a dolly. She looks perfectly at ease with beautiful china ware. I bet she never chips a saucer. I have never seen a tennis plate/cup before. That looks great for one to have a cookie or 4 and a cuppa. I just finished a pot of Irish Breakfast while Precious is lying about taking a bath. We were both out at 5:30 this morn and I saw my first bat of the season. It is staying more dark in the mornings regardless of the terrible heat. Alec is a lucky boy to get such yummy treats just for have school vacation!
    Give the 3 furries a pet for us. Lynn and Precious XX

  8. chris. has left a new comment on your post "Wintery July Days .......................................":

    Oh my goodness doesn't Miss Pippi look so sweet all curled up on your/her new dressing gown, you know it must be comfortable at least Julie. Love your gorgeous little doll, she looks adorable in with your new red china. I must have a go at making a Wendy Briggs doll one day, I cant remember if I ever did years ago or not. Sorry about your orchid, gee they are such a pain in the butt:-) Keep warm Julie and stay well.

  9. A lovely read and gorgeous pictures. The new old doll is perfect in the reds amongst the china! What a shame about the orchid! gotta love winter for the soups and stews...

  10. Another lovely post Julie. That book from your friend Sally looks wonderful - I must look that one up online. Alec looks so proud of all his baking. Sarah USA xx

    1. Thanks so much Sarah ... the book is indeed wonderful & very hard to put down πŸ˜‰ Have a lovely week Sarah xx

  11. Another lovely post. Where to start! Being a collector of cranberry/white china myself I adore your sweet matching girl! I agree with you about Fleurs gorgeous book. So nice to just curl up and enjoy it. Your jug is so pretty. Gorgeous tennis candle set for your friend and the matches jars...oh so lovely. Chilly hete too for old Brissy town brrr! Sounds like you had some lovely Grandmother time xx

  12. Might as well be winter here Julie. Weather better cheer up - I'm getting visitors from NZ in 3 weeks and there's 3 very outdoorsy children coming with them!Love the look of your new book.

  13. Oh sorry to see your orchid stem broke off! Your doll looks wonderful sitting there with your china Julie. Looks like you had a great time cooking with Alex. Lovely presents for your friends, and Miss Pippi makes me smile, always finding the bestest comfy spots! I am off to get warm, it is very cold here tonight.

  14. Dear Julie, I love my tennis /candle set and the jar of matches. I adore it. Sitting in a prominant place in my little lounge. The French Pear perfume is magnificent. Thank you. for a very special gift. Your baking and stew look wonderful. These furry friends of yours are sure getting selective with their relaxing possies.You weren't quick enough. That book looks superb.

  15. What a great blog post. Thank you for all the beautiful inspiration! I love the doll, and yes - she is perfectly matched to your new china. And such great ideas for gifts. I love it all!

  16. As usual lots of lovely and special things happening at your house.

    God bless.

  17. How lovely is your friend's rug, as is the candle mat you fashioned her. Such pretty colours! Love, love, love your little corner spilling with raspberry loveliness, Julie. Your wee doll looks perfectly at home and yes, her pretty little dress fits right in with your lovely china. Aren't you the lucky girl being gifted that fabulous book. I've had my on that one. Me thinks I will have to acquire a copy. It's been freezing here, too. Day after day of heavy frosts! When is it Spring again??!! =)

  18. Another great post , full of lovely goodies .
    Here we seem to still be in winter , here just a few days of sunshine you could count on one hand .
    On top of this we have been none stop busy , so not much me time ,
    I love coming over to your blog to see what you have been up to , your so creative .
    Hugs June .

  19. I've never seen a match jar before! I love your little doll. She looks perfect there with your crockery.


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