Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Revamped Wood Box

Greetings lovely friends & readers

And Welcome to the month of  May !!

 Last week, while searching way down the back of the woodshed for a tarpaulin, I came across this wood box.  It must be 20 odd years ago now that my friend Carolyn gifted it to me - it was an old box that she had painted & mosaiced the lid.
  I used it for many years as a woodbox & then somehow, it ended up in the woodshed & got covered in other junk paraphenalia.  It was in a sorry state.

Its a solid heavy piece, hence I needed my wheelbarrow to cart it over to the house.  A good scrub down revealed that the paint was in a sad state ... I didn't mind this to be honest as I was never really drawn to the brighter blue shade that Carolyn had painted it.  
I decided to use the green paint that I used on * this table *- the colour is Resene Paddock & I hoped it might go well with the green tiles on the lid.

We had a real mixture of rainy cold days & fine sunny days last week so I used a combination of places to paint the box ... sometimes by the fire indoors, sometimes on the dining table, & other times outside on the deck table when the weather permitted.  

Little One takes his Watching-Paint-Dry duties very seriously (!!)

Because it comes in two pieces - a solid mesh outer & an metal insert - it was actually a horrid thing to paint.  Trying to cover the darker blue with the lighter green took 3, sometimes 4 coats.  Covering the mesh was the hardest - but finally I was happy with it all.  I gave the mosaic a good scrub with vinegar water & it came up beautifully.  I thought the bird was a pukeko but Carolyn thinks it is a Takahe.

I have positioned it right outside the back door where it is easy to access the wood as needed.  In the past I have used buckets, banana boxes & often the wheelbarrow parked up on the deck - this looks so much nicer.

I am really happy with how it turned out & the Paddock is such a nice shade of green   πŸ’š

A friend gifted me these gorgeous Tulip bulbs last week for pet feeding duties so I planted them in an old terracotta pot of Mums.  I've not had the Peony variety before.

Whilst I was having a good old rummage around in the woodshed I came across The Mr's deer antlers, broken off their mount & fallen behind some planks of wood.  I cleaned them up as I wanted to do some sort of a winter display on my deck table.  After I'd painted the wood box I gave the table a clean down & a scrub - it gets very dusty & dirty being outdoors. 

I decided I didn't want to have any planter pots on it over winter so I just used what I had on hand to do a "very rustic" display .. pinecones, Mum's pedestal pot, my green Cloche from Christmas & some random bird nests that I always collect when they fall out of the many trees on our property.  What do you think dear readers?  I quite like the natural, wild effect of it for a change (I think) πŸ˜‰

I have a vivid memory of visiting Mum one time & she was most excited about her latest purchase ... a duster with an extendable handle.  I clearly remember thinking to myself "who on earth would get excited about such a mundane purchase".
  Well guess what ? Last week I purchased a new brush & pan for the fire & I was so ecstatic that it came in a pale duck egg shade to match the paint around my fire place!!!  How wonderful is that ??!! (probably don't answer that)

This one's especially for you dear Willie.   Blackie & Pippi over the past 2 chilly nights here ... first on the bed & the next night on the couch, tucked up together ... maybe one for your pussy cat folder? 

If you click on the pic it will enlarge it

And we mustn't leave out Little One.    Last Saturday was opening day of Duck Shooting Season here in my area & I awoke hearing lots of shooting around our rural property.  Later that day I spotted Little One outside following around a new friend. The Mr thought this was a Paradise Duck - probably its mate had been shot as it seemed very lost & disorientated.   I felt sad for it & after half an hour it wandered off into the paddock & disappeared.  The Mr said alot of these breeds mate for life.  

Well dear friends - wishing you a VeRy Happy rest-of-the-week,

Thank you as always, for stopping by here today,

With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. I love how you revamped that box! How perfect for your wood storage. I like your rustic table decor, too!

  2. The box has cleaned up a treat and the green works really well with the mosaic. Your winter display is looking good too. xx

  3. Love the box revamp , you are so clever , have a great week hugs June.

  4. I love that colour green with the pretty mosaic lid, Julie. It's as if you have a new object. The display you've imagined for the winter months is lovely. Lucky you for finding the perfect coloured dustpan to match your fireplace bricks. Who would've thunk it. =)

  5. The wood box looks perfectly splendid. Well done!
    I have a long-handled dustpan and brush - well, two or three, actually, for indoors and out - saves a lot of backache!
    What a shame about the paradise duck - a least Little One was friendly to it - or perhaps plotting!

  6. Home from town , at last...Lovely sunshine out there,
    and more forecast for the next five days, l managed
    to get out front yesterday, trim back the Virginia Creeper,
    and generally tidy up, removing a whole 'grit' bag of
    cuttings...! :).

    Another miracle Julie...The wooden box looks great,
    and what you've done to the 'chicken' HeHe! Is it a
    chicken...? Has certainly come out nice and bright,
    and clean looking..Lovely..!

    But! I must say, the thing l like best of all, is the antler
    display, in the middle of the table, now, that's summat
    l could live with in my home, love the 'rustic' look to...
    Something nice and down to earth...Love It...!

    And last but by no means least...The furry ones..and
    yes, Julie, the phots are already in my pussy~cat folder..
    Love seeing pussy~cats cuddling up, and keeping warm..
    Bless them...and a X for each of them..! :0)
    And yes..Ducks like swans, mate for life...and, it's all a
    bit upsetting when one is shot, or dies, sometimes, they
    find another mate, sometimes not...! :(.

    Well l must get on, soon be lunch time, and l've got quite
    a few sprats to get through, just got a bag full off the fresh
    fish man on the market, so, l'll enjoy them with some garlic
    bread, and perhaps a can of ale...! Ah! Sunshine...Bless! :O).

    1. Oh! Dear! This made me chuckle....
      How to tell if a duck is sad?
      A duck or goose that is stressed can exhibit mild to serious symptoms...
      Serious symptoms include: lethargy, weakness, sudden lameness (rare),
      loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, listlessness,
      depression, disinterest in normal routines and feathers that remain
      ruffled open...
      The intensity of their grief, like with humans, depends on the type and level
      of the bond, how long they have known each other, and very importantly if
      they saw the death...! :O( (All a bit sad really, for a duck anyway)...!

  7. The mosaic work is so pretty and now the dust is off, it really shines the colors. I have always wanted to try my hand at mosaic, but I figure I needed a pattern, as I must for all my crafts, lol. And I see Little Boy was helping a bit too. He looked dry! I have it on my calendar for Sept (or I will never do) to buy tulip bulbs and plant them in a patio pot or 2. The deer eat the plants and the grey squirrels eat the bulbs. I'll have to put wire mesh over the pots for the winter. We still need the furnace in the morns most days. Raining all this week off and on and it is Blackberry winter too. But not the normal with frost or freezes, just low 40's at night for 3 or 4 nights. Then back to this blazing July weather in May!
    I am glad you revived the wood box. Lynn and Precious XX

  8. The wood box looks gorgeous. Love the green you used. The rustic decoration on your outdoor table is wonderful, love it. How perfect that your dustpan matched the paint on your fireplace. Love seeing your furbabies.

  9. The wood box is beautiful and I really enjoyed seeing the decor on your outdoor table. That suits perfectly. It is hard to believe you are moving into winter when we are just moving into summer (and hoping spring stays with no snow... I want to plant!!!)

    God bless.

  10. Love what you did to the box Julie, and your table decor, looks good, I'm a little sad to about the poor duck, when are they going to ban that so called sport, what's sporting about it I'll never know. Raining today in Melbourne. We have birds down the road in a man made lake, and I always thought they were pukeko's but now after looking up the difference between them and a Takahe I think they are the latter.

  11. You have done an amazing job on the box...and the mosaic has come up beautifully. Love your wild winter display. So sad for the poor ducks xxx

  12. Oh my gosh the difference to the box is amazing - I love what you have done with it - clever you.... I feel for that duck, a bit lost and frightened I expect. Your winter decor is perfect....

  13. What an amazing transformation of the wood box, Julie. The green makes the bird in the mosaic really stand out.
    Your table display is gorgeous - i love how you take the ordinary and make something beautiful.
    Your older cats certainly are great friends... my boy has been inside the last few nights, and has discovered the best position to maximise the warmth of the heat pump, and when that is turned off, he hops on my bed.
    That poor duck - we tend to forget that many of these birds mate for life. The local lake has had an exponential increase in the number of water fowl over the past few weeks... It amazes me how they seem to know that it is a safe place, and when the season starts...

  14. The scrubbed up box looks fab, I prefer the green as well. It looks so nice now. What a poor duck though, so sad. I do wonder if it is really necessary for these type of shooting seasons in this day and age. It seems heartless.

  15. Wow, what a difference you made to the wood box and how lovely it looks. I feel sorry for the duck too - I wish we would be more respectful of the other creatures we share our planet with. Your winter assemblage is really lovely as well. Oh, a duck egg blue pan for the fire - what's not to love? - ours is a boring black!
    The cats all look very happy.
    Have a happy and creative (of course) week
    Best wishes

  16. What a fantastic makeover of the box! I do like that green colour, and will have to make a note of it. Happy Mothers Day, Julie, and may your children (the furry ones as well!) bless you abundantly!

  17. Awesome transformation, but still keeping the original mosaic, that green is your new colour for sure. Lovely to see your furry friends, did the duck make it out safely?

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