Sunday, February 4, 2024

A Retro Green Phase

Greetings lovely friends & readers

It would seem that - without even trying - I appear to be going through a bit of a Retro Green Phase   


It all began late last year, when the handle on my electric kettle came loose.  The Mr tightened it,  it came loose again - he declared it dangerous & told me to go buy a new one.  I had Covid at the time so I online shopped & saw this simple green kettle heavily reduced at Briscoes." That'll do " I thought.    I absolutely loved it & especially loved the pop of retro green in my kitchen.

Then I found these rather vintage utensils in some of Mum's old things so I washed them well & displayed them in my kitchen utensil box.   Another pop of retro green.

This pottery egg crate belonged to Mum.  When I cleared out No 44 I put it in the Donate box, but for some reason, I pulled it out again.  I had thought I might sit a plant in it.  
Yesterday I painted it with some chalk paint in the colour Country Green.

            It looks wonderful filled with freshly gathered eggs ... I am currently pet-sitting & feeding hens for my                                                         neighbours again.  Another pop of retro green  πŸ’š

These vintage scales were in a box in my Sleep-out.  They were an Op-shop purchase early last year but they had no tray for the top & I'd never got around to searching for one.  I cut a simple rectangle of customwood to do just-for-now.

I had been gifted these beautiful waffle cotton wash-cloths at Christmas, along with the Olive Oil Soap.  I pulled out any green coloured tea-towels from my stash & did a simple display on top of the scales.  Although a different shade of green, this looks lovely on the opposite bench in my kitchen. 

This gorgeous retro green cloche was a gift from The Mr at Christmas.  I must be honest here & say he did not choose it for me ... rather the conversation went like this.   He - "is there anything you'd like for Christmas".  Me - "Oh I've seen this lovely green cloche in a vintage shop in Cambridge".  He - "well I don't know what a cloche is but go buy it for yourself " So I did & I gift wrapped it & sat it under the tree & tried really hard to look surprised when I opened it on Christmas Day  πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ 

I made a hessian tag & tied to the top & then did a simple display in my vintage sieve to go on the deck table. I just used what I had on hand & repotted the plant into a thrifted white bowl.  This looks really fresh after the red display I had here over Christmas.

My 2 moth orchids were gifted by my eldest son a few years ago now.  They weren't looking great & did not flower last year so I decided to try repotting them.  These sage green pots were $7 each from K-mart.  I also purchased the proper orchid potting mix.

After a root trim & a re-pot I gave them a gentle wash with the hose. I am really hoping they do better now - one has a white flower & one pink  (when they do decide to flower that is)

This old red cane table has seen better days.  I saw a picture of a Garden Shed somewhere painted a gorgeous green.  It was a Resene advertisement & the colour was called Paddock.  I bought a testpot of it & painted the old red table.  This was one of those projects that I regretted the minute I began.  Cane should really be spray painted to get in all the nooks & crannys.  But I persevered & lost count of how many coats I had to give it.

The old red cane chairs in * this post * also gave up on me. I sat in one of them & the bottom gave out - yes I know I need to lose quite a few pounds (!!!)   So I dragged out 2 chairs of Mums & put the cushions on that I made  in *this post*.  I found an old floral table cloth of Mums & made a seat squab for each chair.  I loved the blousy roses & thought the leaves matched the Paddock Green table well.

It's a nice place to sit out on the back deck & enjoy a cuppa - it gets sun but also late afternoon shade & looks right out over the paddocks.  I am sure a certain ginger fairy 🐱 will curl up there soon. 

Little One has been rather naughty this past week. I have been weeding around the pond & I noticed a couple of dead fish.  I caught him hiding in the garden surrounding the pond & "fishing" ... he doesn't want to eat them, he just wants to hook them out & play with them. Trying his very best to look the picture of innocence - do not be fooled !!  😣

Thank you as always dear friends, for your welcome visits here today,
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all,
Love Julie & the furry three x0x0x0


  1. So much vintage loveliness in this post, Julie. Love all those green accents in your kitchen; very retro. Such a pleasant spot to sit enjoying a cuppa relaxing in one of those gorgeous cane chairs. Love the pretty rose fabric. Another lovely post showcasing your cleverness of bringing new life to pre-loved pretties.

  2. I do love your green vibe especially the egg basket and table refurbs. xx

  3. Ah! Now! Julie...Orchid pots..They have to be 'see through' the light needs to reach the roots of the most species of orchid need a see though pot..
    If you Google 'see through pots''ll tell all there..! :).

    Green...? HeHe! Yes, l'm o.k. with green, after all, most
    plants are green, and l especially love house~plants, all
    the different shades of green leaves around my home..!
    And, some do flower of course, my most favourite flower
    is the Pansy of course, followed closely by the Orchid..!

    Of course everything around my home is...'Pink'...even my
    kettle, and it whistles of course...! HeHe! :).

    And, yes, l used to loose fish from my pond, in the beginning,
    but once it became quite overgrown, it stopped, as they could'nt
    get near the edge..only kept Goldfish species really, so if you
    lost a few, the cost did'nt matter....! :(

    Just to finish off....
    In spiritual terms, the color green implies beginnings, new growth,
    vibrant health, and other ideas connected with life, rebirth, and
    renewal....So stick with it Julie...Hopefully we won't see Miss Pippi
    wearing a green hat in the next post...! HaHa! Bless..! :).
    😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾😼 🐾🐾

  4. I love green too, particularly blue/green, heading towards teal. I really like celadon-type greens too - that pale bluish/jade colour. I don't have that much green in the house, but the back bedroom is a pastel green and there are masses of different greens in the garden! It's a really restful colour.
    Oh, Little One, that's not a good pastime! He does look really sweet in amongst the grass though.
    Have a lovely retro green week.
    Best wishes

  5. Green is such a refreshing colour, in all its shades. There are so many different greens in the garden, from yellow-green through to blue-green, apple green, pine green and everything in between;.
    I had to laugh at Little One's fishing antics - not much fun for the poor fish, though. x x x

  6. Funny on the Christmas gift from the Mr. All husbands must be wired the same! I do not remember the last time I got a surprise gift, lol. I love the rose cushions for two reasons. One, the obvious is they are beautiful and for me the 2nd is it would be the only way for me to have roses. My herd, you know and also the rabbits. I like your green paint colors. A bit retro without being the deep dark avocado of appliances from the early '60's. By the way, I have sun today and even for Monday and Tuesday. Still 10 degrees below freezing at night but dry and 15 above in the days for this week! Yay! Precious has sun puddles late in the afternoon and she's curious about ponds and fish now. Little One looks to be a bad influence on her thoughts. I always wanted an orchid but I knew they were too tricky for me so I always have one African Violet to enjoy more easily. Lynn and Precious XX

  7. As usual Julie you amaze me with your ideas & creations. Love the pops of green everywhere. Just as well i wasn't drinking my tea when reading about your "surprised" face at Christmas. :)

  8. Amo el color verde, asΓ­ que tus cosas verdes me han gustado mucho y la mesa te ha quedado genial, el esfuerzo ha merecido la pena. BESICOS.

    1. From Google Translate ...
      I love the color green, so I really liked your green things and the table turned out great, the effort was worth it. KISSES

  9. That green is so nice and soft. A perfect retro green.

    God bless.

  10. Such a joy reading through your lovely post - love those pretty greens you have been gathering...

  11. I really dislike green, but your use of it in many small doses looks great. I would even like a few of those touches. Mostly, I go with pinks and blues. You could have changed my mind, though.

    1. Thank you Linda ... there are definately some greens that I don't especially like but mostly I really like the different shades. I hope I have changed your mind - thank you for your lovely kind comment xx

  12. Wow Julie , you are amazing , Love everything you do, everything looks beautiful .
    Enjoy your new week. hugs June.

  13. Oh Julie - I must be showing my age as I remember those utensils, (they were Mum's) and also the scales (from the neighbours place) They look lovely the way you have used them.
    Your plant display is beautiful- your two verandas must be lovely spots to site and think in :)
    I do love that 'innocent' look on Little One - the younger of our two cats hides amongst the brassicas and tries to catch the white butterflies - not very successfully.... while my boy (the older cat) hides under the rhubarb to deter birds...

  14. Your green phase is very interesting Julie, you have found lots of wonderful things. I get similar offers at Christmas - better than the usual table mats or something along that line, so I am not complaining! Your plant displays are lovely as are the new chairs and table - I am sure it is not your bottom causing the problem with the old chairs!! Oh Little One!! Naughty boy!!

  15. I love all your green stuff Julie, I want to paint our bedroom a dark green, but hubby isn't keen, I must show him your orchid, we have one that isn't doing so good either, I stuck all our plants out under the pergola, I'm not a lover of having them inside unfortunately, but they do better out there, well apart from the orchid:-)

  16. As I sit my bum down to do my first blog post for the year!!! I know I see several of yours, ones I have missed! The green jug is lovely. Good to see The Mr putting thought into your Christmas present....funny! Naughty Little One - still I guess its natural. lets count down to cooler days aye!

  17. Something soothing about that shade of green, everything looks great Julie.


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