Saturday, June 15, 2024

Still Going Green πŸ’š

Greetings lovely friends & readers

I have a small-sized galley-style kitchen with the only light source being French Doors at one end.  Sometimes it can get dark - especially at this time of year.

A couple of weeks ago I looked at the thick curtain ruffle I had hanging up & decided to change it for something lighter - both in colour & in weight.  I'd made this red check one using left-over remnants from the large blind at my dining room window - this was well over 10 years ago now. 

On my last trip to Spotlight I'd purchased this sage green check fabric - tho' it looks like gingham it is not - it's thicker with a denser weave & more body.  I LoVed this shade of green πŸ’š.  I took down the old ruffle & used it as a pattern-of-sorts.  This simple task took me an entire day longer than necessary due to a certain ginger being who insisted on ironing the fabric for me for half a day (!!)

I used the wide broderie lace edging off a thrifted sheet to make an underskirt for my ruffle - this is on it's own wire so could be removed if necessary - but for now I love the freshness of it.  I made the new ruffle slightly deeper & more gathered than the red one.  (apologies hard to get a good photo on this grey overcast day)

Inspired by this I found an old wooden box in The Mr's shed & gave it a wash after removing its rubbish contents.  I oiled it & then applied a simple decor transfer to tizzy it up a bit.

This fit perfectly in the corner of my bench to hold my chopping boards & rolling pins. I had a large round crock here but it took up alot of space that I don't really have.  The slim box is much better.

I removed all my red spatulas & kitchen utensils & put them in a drawer, just leaving the green ones on show.  Yes I do use all these vintage utensils all the time.

Everything got a gentle wash & a polish. You can read about my wall rake in * this post *.

I pulled out this green leaf bowl that was Mums & filled it with citrus fruits from our trees ... then I swapped the red ribbon on my paper towel holder for a sage green one. 

I had a Ripsalis succulent on a corner shelf that desperately needed repotting.  I found this yellow pot under my house & gave it a couple of coats of the Resene Green (Paddock) that I love.  

 I just love how the pattern shows through on the pot & it was the perfect size for the succulent.   I replaced a red                             enamel bowl with a pale green china plate - all using up things that I already had on hand.

While I had the green paint out this red tin heart got a couple of coats.  The sage green mugs were purchased from 
* here * using a gift card that I'd been given & forgotten about.

And then,  just this morning - I washed everything on my enamel shelf above & oiled my benches.  What a great feeling to see it looking so fresh. I try to keep a clean house but sometimes when I put my glasses on ... I surprise myself with how grubby things actually are (!!) 😧

Mums green egg basket painted in * this post *.

Dear friends ... remember in my last post how I said Blackie had taken over from Pippi & was sleeping in my lace box??  Well he moved on & decided the baskets on my fabric shelf were far more appealing.  I could not believe it when I came in & they were both in them ... I guess at least Madam Pip got the basket colour right!!  

Thankfully when I first spotted this I had the good fortune to quickly tuck an old drop-cloth sheet under them ... or there would be quite a pile of fabric needing washing!!  These are not low shelves either - the one they are currently on is about shoulder height. 

After complaining to The Mr about the cats this arrived in my inbox yesterday !!

Thank you dear friends, for staying with me through this lengthy post.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend wherever you may be in the world,
With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. Lovely makeover in your kitchen, lots of great little details. xx

  2. Once again a lovely laid out post to enjoy Julie...
    The thing l like about 'ALL' your makings is that
    they 'ALL' have a current use, things that you
    can just turn to, remove, and use...!
    I must say...I do like the look of that stainless
    steel coffee machine, very smart that...!

    You did say in your e~mail Julie, that the furry
    two, had new sleeping quarters, HeHe! Bless!
    They look lovely, both away with the fairies....! :).

    Oh! And l must say, l do love your kitchen Julie,
    mines not that big either, which l like, as l don't
    have to move to far to reach for anything, all at
    hand...even the food, quick and simple...! get on, just got back from town, it's
    raining on and off, can't really get out in the
    garden to do anything...Sun's out at the moment,
    shinning through the Paddington Bear curtains,
    Lemon tea called for me thinks...! :O).

  3. Your kitchen looks so nice! Things always need a sprucing up after 10 years.

  4. Your love of green comes shining through now! It's so nice to have things around you that you love but that are useful too. Cats always find the most comfortable places to sleep and are no respecters of personal property - but we love them!
    Have a good week
    Best wishes

  5. I noticed you switched out the red pot above the window for the green scale too. I like green and it lightens up the kitchen area. Especially the light jade color. Not real fond of red except in flowers. The flower pot definitely looks better in one shade of green instead of the dated yellow and white. I do remember one of my aunts in the 60's had avocado green large appliances. But that was a lot darker green. Your own citrus fruit! Can't grow that up here in the cold winters. But my 2 apple trees are loaded, if I am lucky enough to get any from the marauding squirrels and the deer. Also the birds do their fair share of pecking holes in them, lol. Only a good cat mom would provide such comfy places for sleeping. Miss seeing Little One. Is he sprawled on the good bedspread? Lynn and Precious XX

  6. I always loved your kitchen Julie, whatever colour, but I must admit the green touches suit it, the cute heart shelf is adorable. It always amazes me where some cats curl up to sleep.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Ellen - those cats certainly know who is Boss ... & its not me !!!! xx

  8. Bonitas fotos y los gatitos. BESICOS.

    1. from google translate ..........
      Nice photos and the kittens. KISSES.

  9. Jabblog has left a new comment on your post "Still Going Green πŸ’š":

    Green is such a relaxing, refreshing colour. The cats are certainly fully relaxed.

  10. What a lovely homely kitchen. It looks such a welcoming space.

    1. Thank you so much Tracy - that is so kind of you to say. xx

  11. I've always thought I'd love to sit a while in your gorgeous kitchen and chat over a cup of tea, Julie. Your new green curtain is perfect and yes, such a pretty green. I must say, I love your sink. A bit pea-green, here. =)

  12. The wooden box for cutting boards is a great idea. We buy a lot of wine and have a few wooden presentation boxes. Found one that was perfect the job. Thank you!

    1. That's great that I have inspired you to use the wine box Barbara - & yes it would be perfect!! I am so pleased as when I saw the narrow box in The Mr's shed I thought it'd be ideal for chopping boards. Wishing you a great week xx

  13. Gorgeous green makeover and I'm sure that colour would really lift and lighten your galley kitchen, as red can tend to be a bit heavy (though I love pops of red in a kitchen!).
    I'm redoing bits of my own kitchen soon, and have some old bookcases which serve as storage areas around the kitchen. My plan is to paint them a similar green to yours, but possibly a little lighter, not sure yet. I have my new curtain fabric ready to go (a set of tea towels to sew together and crochet along the long edge!) and I will make another smaller curtain for the laundry window which is near the kitchen and opens to the back yard. You always inspire, Julie, but my plans take longer to come together. Ha ha!!

  14. Love the green , it looks so fresh and light. I did like the red though but a change is good. What will your furry friends get up to next, I daren't think. Great idea with the revamped box for your kitchen utensils, really lovely. Take care. Hugs

  15. Love the green makeover. Looks wonderful. Love the wooden box for your cutting boards, great idea. Ahh furry friends what would we do without them. 2 of mine are currently sunning themselves in the front window. The other is curled up asleep on my bed.

  16. Great post Julie , you always inspire me , hugs June.

  17. I just love the way you find items in your home that are just perfect for your decor. Our kitchen is very small as well and I am going to try and find some lovely boxes to use for storing items. Thank you so much for the idea.

    God bless.

  18. It's always fun to see what you find 'under the house' to fix up so beautifully....

  19. The new green curtain is cool! Cats in the sewing baskets is probably not cool aye! Good date for you post : - )

  20. Ha ha .... I Iike that : but sometimes when I put my glasses on ...

  21. I love the sage green color you used on your kitchen redo. I use it all over my house. Fun to see how many things you practically "pull out of thin air" to enhance your decorating. Where do you keep it all when not in use?!?
    Your furry friends are a hoot (I can say that because I don't have to deal with them interrupting my progress, or washing their fur off of piles of fabric). ;)

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  23. Haha. I'm finally catching up with some blog reading! Your new curtain looks lovely Julie. I love all your vintage kitchen things.

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