Saturday, November 27, 2021

This Past Week I .............................

Greetings lovely friends & readers  

It was another busy week here at Threadbear HQ 💗

This past week I received some wonderful surprise mail, all the way from the U.K. 

Sid was most taken with the card of the Owl, the Pussycat & the pea green boat !!

Pam - a longtime reader of my blog, wanted to send me something to say Thank You for my blog & all the links & tutorials that I share with you all out here in blogland, so she stitched me this absolutely beautiful Needlebook & filled it with goodies before sending it across the oceans & the miles to me here at the bottom of the world. 

The front (left pic) & even the back (right pic) had a gorgeous design stitched on it

Pam's work is just exquisite & I know this will be treasured as well as Very Well Used.
Thank You So Much Pam for your kindness & generosity. 💕

This past week I was able to meet up with my Craft Group ladies again - we are allowed to have small gatherings indoors now, so we all met up at Maureen's home last Monday.

This is what the table looked like as we all worked on beaded Christmas trees that Gail & Maureen had stitched onto fabric for us ready to embellish.  All we had to bring along was a selection of charms, beads & any broken jewellery bits.  None of us finished our trees (there was lots of chatting & catching up) but I have clicked a few pics of our works-in-progress.

I just loved the top left hand pic of the doiley tree Maureen had made & would love to make one similar.

Joyce's one (top left) was almost finished - Sharlaine's is the green one.

I think these two were Sally & Liz's ... I will show more pics when the girls (& myself) complete them. Some of us are going to frame ours & some will make into wallhangings.

This past week I had a haircut which delighted me immensely 😊
  Also I took all the vintage china off my dining room dresser & gently washed it all after a winter of fires & dust.  

I decided to take the beautiful birthday quilt my dear friend Leeanne made me, off my bed for the summer so I found a way to drape it over my dresser & thought it looked lovely with the china all around it.

When I was happy with the arrangement of all my china I added just a couple of simple Christmas touches to the dresser.

This past week I dug out this Christmas Pattern that I purchased (about 4 Christmas's ago) from Grandmothers Garden

The Pattern is called Christmas Bowl Fillers & comes complete with a pre-printed panel from Bonnie Sullivan of All Through The Night designs.  You applique the preprinted designs with wool felt - I had fun sorting through my scraps of wool felt & Miss Pip very graciously approved my choices for me 😉
Once the handwork was done I quickly sewed & stuffed them into tight little cushions & then I added some feathery wool to the outer edges to give it a fluffy Christmas look.  I also stitched some tiny charms to several of the cushions.

I have had this tiered tray for ages but never ever used it so I really enjoyed doing a Christmas display in it using my new cushions/bowl fillers.

These 6 wool felt decorations were handstitched by me way back in early January in this post * here * - this was an Op Shop kitset purchased for $5.  It is lovely to be able to add them to my Christmas displays this year.

You might remember on my last trip to Mum's in early October I purchased these 2 china tureens ($6 & $4) from the SPCA shop.  You can read about them * here *  
They were both minus their lids but I had thought I would like to fill the larger one with my citrus potpourri & make up a candle in the smaller size one.

Yesterday I did just that & I am so pleased with how they both turned out - the candle fragrance is Christmas Time, which I thought was perfect & the potpourri smells of delicious orange/clove scents.

The Mr is away riding Moto X this weekend so I am hoping to finish all my Christmas decorating.  I am usually always a not-before-1st-December kind of girl but this year I am trying to be more organised & it has felt like it's bringing a little Joy to things.  I have been thoroughly enjoying watching "Christmas House Tour" YouTube videos & I may do a little pictorial House Tour when I am finished so long as I don't bore you senseless 😉
Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the weekend dear friends,
Thank You - as always - for your visits here today,
With much love & friendship to you All,
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x


  1. Your home looks very pretty with all the festive touches Julie. How lovely that your friend sent you such pretty gifts, the owl and pussycat cushion is fun. Your craft group sounds fun, we don't have anything like that around here that I know of, infact I don't know anyone around here who likes crafting even! but that's the joy of blogging -brings likeminded people together. I am going to do my decorations after next week as we are going to Scotland first :) I am itching to get started on my tree!

  2. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift from Pam. I love your china display and the potpourri sounds sooo delicious! xx

  3. Your posts are always so welcome and a joy to look at. What a lot of fun you have with all your friends. Lots going on here , none of it good. I have had 3 attempted breakins in the last month. I’m lucky to have great police and lovely neighbours. I am in the process of getting electric gates and every kind of security going being installed. Half is in and I feel safer already. The police say so many people have lost their jobs they’re taking to crime. Your blog cheers me up. 🥰

  4. Another great post Julie .
    Great Christmas displays , and your needle must be Red Hot , with the lovely Christmas ornaments .
    Have a fun week .
    We are having a big storm right now with 91 mph winds .
    I can se some a little damage in the garden already.
    Enjoy your day ,

  5. 'Tis that time of year again when we begin to decorate for Christmas. Yours is looking lovely so far, Julie. Those Christmas pillows are fabulous; as are all the trees you and the ladies made. How lovely is the needlebook Pam gifted you. Your home must smell divine with all the potpourri. Fabulous tureens. As for that pretty quilt displayed with all your china....just gorgeous.

  6. Just got back from town..very dead..! :(.
    Terrible weather over here, wind and rain all
    through the night and early hours, four power
    cuts from five until seven this morning...! :(.
    Though the worst of it was and still is up
    9:40 now and the suns gleaming away in the sky,
    though still windy, just put washing out to dry..!
    Should'nt take that long to dry..! :).

    More Christmasy things Julie..and it ALL looks
    lovely..I~LOVE~CHRISTMAS..! :O)

    I look forward to our coffee mornings every
    Wednesday at eleven..though missed out this
    last Wednesday as Sue's grandson was poorly..! :(,
    Still..I'll catch up with ALL the gossip this
    coming Wednesday..! :).

    The citrus potpourri in the china tureens look
    nice to..lovely with a Christmasy feel...! :). get on, l've the small fridge to clean
    out, and defrost..couple of tiger loaves to see
    to..but first..mug of Earl Grey tea with lemon and
    honey...! Merry Christmas! 🎁 🔔🎄

  7. Julie, yay, a meeting of like minded, like crafty folks working on fun project! What an array of trinkets you all have collected for crafting. The trees will be very welcome framed works of art. And of course, how can you possibly work without Miss Pip supervising. I see you finally were able to get the hair cut. Nice that they relaxed a bit of the lock down. There is, of course, a new strain of covid now again. It will never go away, I'm thinking. We had Thanksgiving on Thursday, so next week I'll consider the Christmas tree coming up out of the basement. We have had the weather just go from warm a few weeks ago to frigid every night and snow flakes every day. Nothing accumulating much, though. I'll love seeing a Christmasy home video if you make it. Lynn and Precious XX

  8. Really love your xmas posts, Julie. I'm going to try and emulate that tier tray thingy - I have an Ikea one that I put fruit in but have a new use for it now! I've also been crocheting little xmas trees with some sparkly yarn I got for free off my 'Buy Nothing Project' page on FB so I'm going to embellish them with beads now that I've seen your friends' lovely efforts. Thanks Julie. Keep 'em coming! xxx

  9. Your new Christmas decorations are just lovely, you really can’t beat homemade. What a lovely gift you have received too. X

  10. How pretty your home will be - I love what you have done so far... Grinch here is not at all motivated! Those little cushions turned out a treat... very clever. Looking forward how your craft group trees are going to turn out - the fabric it is on looks lovely too with that texture... perfect...

  11. Love your little pillows. They look great. Oh i wish i could smell that potpourri, it looks wonderful in the tureen. The craft group trees all look interesting. Lovely gift from Pam. Hugs, xx

  12. Julie, while looking at all the pretty things you have made and how you have them displayed, I was thinking how nice it would be to walk through your home and see it all...I would love a little Christmas House Tour. Such a nice gift from your friend Pam. I love the tiered tray with all the little pillows.

  13. Such pretty decorations Julie. I love your Christmas bowl fillers.

  14. I love the Christmas trees you are making with your craft group and can't wait to see them finished, what a great idea to use broken/old jewellery etc. Your house must be a feast for the eyes, would love to do a house tour. Have a great week.

  15. Your decorations are beautiful, love those cushions you made from a panel.The potpourri in the tureens looks scrumptious, you are so good at making potpourri.A little pictorial house tour of your christmas decorating would be really lovely. Thank you for your blog entries Julie, it's always so lovely to come vist it and enjoy the furry ones and all your beautiful makes. Take care.

  16. Those trees are all so very lovely. I am glad you got to meet with your stitching friends.

    God bless.

  17. wow what beautiful trees all the ladies made, nearly makes me want to drag out the sewing machine and have a go, but then I come to my senses😂 I adore all your china Julie, and your Christmas display, can't wait to see your tour in pics, it doesn't natter how much I try with decorating my house at Christmas, it never looks good, plus I'm always itching to take it all down, but I love seeing your place and your friend Claire's house to. I'm going to give dried oranges a go this year, I'm not a lover of the colour orange, but don't mind the smell, have a great week Julie, I'm turning the big 60 tomorrow😢😢 Chris xoxo

  18. What a lovely surprise from Pam. How lovely to be able to craft with friends again. I know how wonderful it was last week when we got to go on retreat. All the trees look great. Your china display looks wonderful. I finally got my hair cut the week before last after nearly 3 months since the last trip to the hairdresser. I'm sure you were like us and couldn't go to the hairdresser during lockdown. I love your Christmas bowl fillers. Enjoy the rest of your week Julie. Hugs, Christine xx

  19. I agree with Sid, the card is gorgeous and a lovely needlebook too! Love your ornaments and they look perfectly at home in your 3 tiered trays. I look forward to seeing your bejewelled Christmas trees. China and quilts....perfect pairing! A haircut is such a treat with what you have done with your bargain tureens. I jumped the December start linecand may have a little Christmas sprinkled about too xxxx

  20. Lovely post Julie, beautiful card and needle book, very special to receive. Your Christmas trees look wonderful, looking forward to seeing them finished and your Christmas decorations in place. So good you could meet up with your stitching friends once again.


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