Friday, December 13, 2013

This Week I . . . . .

Good afternoon dear friends & readers

This week I did a real mixture of things & tried to "be a little kinder to myself"

I enjoyed the garden, rather than just working in it all the time ...

The weather was lovely so I ate my lunch out on the deck & read my new magazine with much excitement  :-)

I had popped into my local Paper Plus Bookstore & come across this quite by accident . . .  
some very tempting projects inside ...

I rather "enjoyed" my new paper serviettes also  :-)

This week I picked a bunch of fresh lace-cap hydrangeas for my dining table

Now I understand why they are called lace-cap

I went to "Sunday Lunch" at  Villagrad Winery with my son & his fiance ...

As they have booked the venue for their November wedding next year 

This week I finished an order for my friend Lois

Lois's daughter has a christmas stocking identical to this from when she was a child (she is now 39) ... 
& wanted them made for her children now (fortunately I could still get the daisy braiding from Spotlight)

Lois also came to me with these 2 "muffin/scone holders" that had been her late Mums.  She asked me to "do something with them so that she could use them as a table mat" ... they came up beautifully with a good long soak in Napisan

This one I just attached to a lovely piece of white linen - it was enough with the lace on it already

This one I attached to a piece of cream cotton & added a flat lace trim
Lois was so pleased with them & promised she will use them now

This week I also began some christmas decorating - just keeping it quite simple this year

A stack of suitcases & a couple of Santas on my spindle-leg table

Rustic Santa (beady little eyes just poking out the top of his beard) this is an old pattern from Woodcutters Daughter 
(he is one of my favourites of all the Santas I have made)

This teddy was one of my sons & each year, I give him a hat, some boots & something to hold onto to ... 
he is sitting under the tree at present but he may end up elsewhere ...

This week I also began some christmas baking - this is my "gingernut bites" recipe that I make every year.
 I came across these dotty paper cups from the $2 shop - 
 I thought they were perfect for presenting the baking in 

re-using the gorgeous labels given to me by Wendy from Charlottes Web
I have popped the recipe for these at the bottom of this post for those of you that may like to give them a go - 
they are very yummy & I usually make several batches  :-)

My dear old friend Joyce popped in yesterday with these delicious home-made treats - after a week of trying to eat healthily, my willpower is fast flying out the window  !!!!!

This week I sat at the table one rainy day & made these little felt mice in stockings  - last christmas Michelle from here very kindly gave me one which I just adored.
Do go check out Michelles blog as she does the most amazing christmas decorating in her home.

This week I appreciated all the growth in the garden from the recent rains we have had 
(rain in December is always so precious & welcome)

New raised garden just been built

So the above photo was taken end Oct/ early Nov ...
The photo below taken today - you can just about see the veges growing as you watch !!!

Also another "before & after shot"

Remember the suitcase planting I showed you ??... my herb planter ??

I promise NOT to rave on (again) about gardening by the moon !!!!!

Thanks so much to you all for popping by - your visits are so appreciated
I hope the lead-up to Christmas is going okay for you all out there?
Remember to try to "be a little kinder" to yourselves.
much love/hugs/friendship,
Julie x0x0x

Gingernut Bites Recipe:-

90 grams butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup
1/2 cup condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
250 gram packet gingernut biscuits
1 cup sultanas

Melt butter in a saucepan, add golden syrup & condensed milk.
Stir in essence, crushed biscuits & sultanas over medium heat until well combined.
Cool to room temp (this is important)
Roll heaped teaspoons of mixture into balls & toss in coconut,
Refrigerate until firm.
Enjoy  :-)

I use my old blender to crush small amounts of gingernuts at a time though I have put them in 3 plastic bags & put them under the wheel of my car before & driven/reversed over them a few times!!! But do be careful no-one walks up the driveway at this point as you may have some serious explaining to do !!!!!



  1. I wish I could enjoy your garden with you! It's so pretty! The lace cap hydrangea are gorgeous! I've never seen them before! Love your Christmas decor especially all the little stockings and how wonderful that you were able to make stockings like the ones Lois' daughter had! So priceless! Merry Christmas!

  2. Yippie an another Julie post!!! My favourite! My mouth was watering over the yummy treats! The gingernut balls are yummy & so easy to make.
    Loving the Christmas decorating, that Santa is the best. Your mice, soooooo cute, they look perfect for hanging on a tree. I think your planting by the moon is working a treat, you garden is lovely, nice that you arte enjoying it. The stockings are cute too.

  3. Good to hear that you are taking time for yourself after the busy spring and wedding; or is it charging your batteries for Christmas?! We attended a wedding at Villagrad about 25 years ago! It was a lovely venue. I love all your Christmas decorating - it's always cool to see what people do with all their Christmas treasures.

  4. WOW LOVE your Lace Cap Hydrangea. Glad you are enjoying gardening by the moon. Your place is looking very Christmasy and good to see you are taking time out, I've caught up on your blog posts and you have had a busy time PHEW Love Leanne

  5. Aren't lacecaps the most special? very suitable for a wedding bouquet. Your home looks festive and cosy, I do love those little mice you have been making, really sweet . I have been decorating my home too but only a little here and there so far. Betty

  6. Your posts always make me smile! Your garden is always a source of inspiration for me, and your house is looking so cute and festive I love all your small touches. I am pleased to hear you are taking some time out for yourself have you got any special plans for Christmas day? I must remember the car trick just in case I need it in the future! I will definitely be giving these a go sometime soon, thanks.

  7. Oh Julie, you do so make me giggle. Haven't quite gone that far to crush biccies :-) Love Lace cap hydrangeas, they are pretty special. Was that Turkish delight I saw in your goodie basket, yum.What delightful mice, adore them as I adore EVERYTHING you make. Take care, hugs, Shirley

  8. Beautiful photos, it's lovely seeing the progress photos of your garden. The Christmas corners in your home are gorgeous, hope you are having a wonderful weekend and still getting some time to enjoy it all! Hugs Wendy xx

  9. Hello Julie,

    Such a delight to read your post today, we are in the midst of a heatwave and seeing your garden made me smile. Amazed at the before and after photo's, enjoy those vegies. The Hydrangea is so pretty and delicate. Love what you did with your friends linen.
    Happy days.

  10. Well, um..actually I have been here everyday but couldn't comment box for me! But today there is, yay! Doesn't your mulch look great on your summer garden. So worth all your hard work. I love hydrangeas more & more as time goes by. Do they grow well for you? I hope you had a lovely lunch catch up with the kids. It looks like it'll be a really nice venue for the wedding (I had a peek at the website) The little naked bear is so adorable..what sweet, sweet shoes. Aren't old suitcases useful..your stack looks great & the herbs. Love the heart wreath with the cotton reels..that was a clever idea. Your vege patch is legendary. You'll be needing to have a vege stall at the cottage soon...unless you've figured out a clever way to preserve silverbeet! With much love & friendship Catherine x0x0x


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