Greetings lovely friends & readers 💗
Another Christmas done & dusted - gosh where do the days/weeks go to I wonder ??
A vase of flowers picked yesterday - the smaller roses are "The Fairy" .... I am unsure what the larger ones are - however their scent is divine & fills the dining room.
(Dear little Juno who is almost 9 months old now) |
We had a wonderful Christmas spread out over about 3 days which is what happens when you have an extended family all with different places they need to be.
We got to have an early Christmas tea with Juno & her family which was so lovely - she very much enjoyed the Tilda Angel Mouse I made for her in * this post *
The younger ones really make me enjoy Christmas - I get alot of pleasure seeing it through their eyes. Sid tripped over running in his new Batman Jandals & grazed both knees & his cheek so he was looking a little battle worn.
The week before Christmas a small bundle of beautiful Liberty fabrics arrived from Millymac Supplies I had found a completed dolls body in my sewing room (Yes - I really do have dolls bodies lying around my sewing room!!) & I had wanted to make an Advent Angel for quite some time. I had seen one on a vlog last Christmas & just loved the concept ... so I set about making some clothing using my new Liberty fabrics.
The doll pattern is called Friendship Angel by the late Rosalie Dekker designs - I adore Rosie's doll patterns. I made her pantaloons, a dress & some angel wings & then I embellished her with some festive bits that I pinched borrowed from my Christmas tree 😉
I used my computer to print out the tags & my friend Sally lent me her numeral stamps to countdown each day. By the time I completed my Advent Angel I only had "7 days to go" but next year I will get to enjoy her for the entire month of December.
I thought this tiny snowflake ornament complimented the snowflake theme in her dress. The mini wreath was made by wiring a piece of greenery & adding a bow.
When I posted a pic of her on Instagram it was Boxing Day - my friend Chris left me a comment saying I now needed a tag to read "thank goodness that's over for another year !!" ... I definately think I shall have to make one of those !!! 😉
I'm not sure now how I originally founds Kim's gorgeous Sarahlizzies blog but it has become one of my absolute favorite places to visit - filled with beautiful flowers, quilts & vintage gorgeous-ness. Kim had a giveaway awhile ago & I entered but my name was not drawn out so I was surprised to get an email from her asking for my postal address. It took a long time for this package to arrive but when my Rural Mail lady delivered this large box my hands were shaking as I opened it up.
Inside wrapped up in a beautiful vintage afternoon tea cloth & pink satin ribbon was this beauty . . . . . .
A Vintage Lace & Embroidered Parisienne Boot (stocking) - Kim's stunning handwork - embellished with such a mouthwatering assortment of vintage bits & bobs, lace, trinkets, doilies, braid, beads, mother of pearl buttons .......................... 💗💗💗
The other side was just as stunning - how could you choose which side to display .... Oh My that ribbon gathered rosette just took my breath away !!
It was like Kim peeped inside my head & saw all the gorgeous things that I adore & then fashioned them all into a satin & lace Parisienne Boot 💕
Seriously dear friends - my photos do Not do justice to all the detail in this !!
I still find that everytime I look at it, I am discovering something new ..........
And so I knew immediately where it would hang ... in my pink Christmas area that I wrote about in my last post - just perfect. And every time I walk past I see it which is just so special. Thank You dear Kim from the bottom of my heart for your kindness which sprinkled so much joy into my festive season. Honestly the friends I have made in this little blogging corner of the world are just extra special.
(Oh & incidentally - when the Christmas is all packed away for another year this stocking will certainly be staying Out !!)
And so dear friends - we close the door on a year that probably none of us have ever experienced before & hope to never again. What a year it's been & I had such high hopes for 2020 !
I hope the coming year brings you what your heart desires dear friends - thank you for always stopping by to visit me here in this little corner of cyberspace - your visits mean more to me than I can ever explain. Take care dear reader - be kind to yourselves & to each other & may the coming year bring you many blessings & joy filled moments.
With much love & friendship to You All,
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x0