Greetings lovely friends & readers
I hope your week is going well & you are looking forward to the weekend, as I am.
I purchased the Tilda book above from * Here * several years ago now. I had always wanted to make the Father Christmas inside it but I felt daunted as I had never done needleturn applique before. When my friend Claire came to stay in early May she offered to do the needleturn pieces for me & post up for me to stitch onto the clothes. I agreed ... however when I got my fabrics out to sort which ones I chose to use, I decided it was probably high time I had a go at needleturn applique myself 😉.
In hindsight I think I should've probably chosen something a bit simpler to begin on, & also not so fiddly. However - I persevered & over a period of about 2 months I worked away on the leaves & tiny borders of my Santa's clothing.
I must be honest here & say - I am sure if you "needleturn whiz's" saw my methods, you would roll around laughing !! 😄 But I got there in the end.
Instead of quilting the fabric afterwards, as the pattern suggests, I just used Sandcastle fabric, which is already quilted - I really liked this effect too. The other change I made was I gave my Santa a fur beard instead of the quilted fabric beard shown in the pattern.
The pattern for the tree is also included in the book - I gave my tree a rustic twig stem & then spray painted a rusty star to adorn the top.
This time round, instead of having Madam Pip "assisting me" I had Blackie plonk himself down on my needle turn applique & give everything a liberal coat of black hairs 😟 as well as getting glue baste-it on his paws. Honestly friends, it's a wonder I get anything done around here !!!
I am so thrilled with my Father Christmas ... he's far from perfect & there Was rather alot of Glue baste-it used, but he's finished & I'm just happy that I gave it a go. Before we know it, it will be December again (!!!) & he will look wonderful hanging in my 💗 Pink Christmas area 💕
My friend Jan dropped the black fabric dinosaur panel into me recently - it was going to be tossed out at the Op Shop where Jan volunteers.
I unpicked the dinosaur panel & then sewed it onto a small cushion for Sid, made from some dinosaur flannelette in my stash. The picture is made entirely from sequins, hand-sewn on, & when you rub your hand upwards on it - the sequins all change to the blue & spell the word "Roar". Sid was delighted with it & now takes it to bed each night.
Before After
This silver coffee pot above was in the thrift shopping haul from my last Post... a $5 purchase. While I was already painting with my "Pumice" chalk paint, I gave it 2 coats & then applied some remnants of Re-design transfers to it.
I added one to the lid also, then I very lightly buffed all the detailing with some silver gilding wax.
Last Sunday The Mr was away all day riding Moto X so I had a cooking day. I made a Lasagne for the freezer & I made a fudge cake to take to my Craft Group on Monday (which ended up being cancelled) then I put a Fridge Drawer Stew in the slow cooker, which lasted us 3 nights last week.
I loved this wee funny below - it came into my Instagram account this week & made me smile.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend dear friends.
Those of you that follow my blog by email notifications - Please Note that Blogger is going to be removing this notification & you will no longer receive email notifications after this month. I will make further investigations & figure out another way to notify you when I can.
Thank you all so much for your visits here today,
Have a wonderful weekend dear friends,
With much love & friendship to you all,
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x0