Greetings lovely friends & readers
Gosh didn't March disappear rather too quickly?! Here we into another shiny new month already . . . . .
Since Easter it has been a week of birthdays. First we had Sid's 7th birthday which we were all keen to celebrate after last years sorry episode.
This soccer-mad young boy got new clothes in
his favorite players colours, a soccer ball & Sid's Dad built him his very own goal. He had 4 school friends for a birthday party & then all the family came for a pizza dinner. It was wonderful.
I looked after him Tuesday & Wednesday as he was unwell. Tuesday he seemed most definately sick but Wednesday he was fine & I think the idea of a day crafting with Granny appealed way more than a day at school. We made plaster-of-paris dinosaur fossils in molds & Sid painted them.
A couple of days later was Sid's Mummy's birthday. I bought this beautiful bunch of flowers from a local stall & gave to Nicole along with a gift card, choccies & a gardening magazine. I also made my usual banana bread for them as it seems to be popular in that household. On the weekend my dear friend Julie celebrated "a special birthday" & I was invited to afternoon tea. We had a lovely time with drinks, nibbles & the most delicious Chocolate Mud Cake. (I have cropped the other 4 ladies out of the photo as I don't have their permission to publish) Read about Julie's gift a little later on in this post.
And then today is my dear Mum's heavenly birthday. Mum would've been turning 95 today. I miss her incredibly & I've played her favorite Ed Sheerin songs all day as well as buying 2 pots of pink cyclamen, one of Mums favorites - & potting them in my wall hanger.
(Mum's birthday is the 8th, I started this post yesterday but had internet issues hence I am a day late publishing)
For 3 days last week we had the Tree Trimming Men here. We've had a couple of big old trees removed & many pruned. I currently have 4 piles of mulch to spread on my gardens even though one pile did go to my daughter in laws. They still have a half day left to finish up.
There is wood to be cut up for firewood & much cleaning up to be done. The old walnut tree out the front of our house was pollarded & has let a huge amount of light into our house. We have to get this done approximately every 4 years as otherwise it grows over to the power lines. I have been gathering up buckets of fallen walnuts.
Although the tree trimming men were lovely I found having them here incredibly stressful. If I felt stressed can you imagine how 3 furry beings felt??!! The noise from the chain saws & their huge mulcher is very loud & constant.
I wanted to make 2 soy candles for gifts - the one above was for my friend Julie's birthday, mentioned previously.
I had earmarked this pretty china trio to make into a candle for Julie.
When the wax set I was admiring the smooth top on it & thinking "how wonderful" when I realised I had completely forgotten to put a wick in first (!!!) 😲 Seriously friends I could not believe it - that is how stressed I was with the constant noise & tree crashing.
Thankfully I managed to slide one of my wood wicks down into it before the wax fully set. The fragrance is French Pear as I knew Julie loved this. She was thrilled with her gift & I've yet to share this story with her 😉
When the noise got too much I went down to the Pond to finish some weeding I'd started before Easter. Little One usually appears when I am working down here as he is fascinated with the goldfish in the pond. I snapped these pics of him trying his hardest to get to them - I did warn him if he fell in I was not rescuing him but it fell on deaf ears, as most things do with him.
I loved this photo of him sitting under the ferns with the suns ray shining down.
Easter was very quiet in our house as The Mr is in full calving mode & not home much. I found this board purchased in my large op-shop haul in this recent post.. I gave the flower a light sand, then painted it with 2 coats Vintage White chalk paint before applying some of the leftover transfers from Juno's suitcase in * this post *.. It made a sweet little Easter sign on my outdoor deck table. Although March was decidedly chilly here I am pleased to say April has warmed up a bit. I am not quite ready for winter just yet. I sat out in the sunshine (with Blackie) on Easter Sunday & stripped this native timber stool that I've had for Ever. It's Rimu & a solid heavy piece. I often used to stand on it for painting as you can see. It came up really well & I was so pleased I took the time to clean it up. A couple of coats of furniture oil was all it needed to finish it off nicely.
I took the enamel candlestick that I paid $1 for in my thrift haul, dug the old wax out of it, then put it through the dishwasher. It came up beautifully so I tied a lace bow to the handle & added a simple taper candle. I'm enjoying it on my nightstand.
Thank you for staying through this long rambly post dear readers,
Wishing you an enjoyable week ahead - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all,