Sunday, February 6, 2022

Away (Again) ............... & Back Again

Greetings lovely friends & readers

I see I have some new followers to my blog ...... A Very Warm Welcome to you All !!

 I have had to do another trip down to my Mum's this past week so I have missed catching up on your posts. But before I went away to Mum's Alec asked if he could come & stay again before the school year resumes.

I took both my grandsons, Alec & Sid to The Space Centre which is just up the road from me & although I have driven past it a thousand times, I'd never been inside.  The boys loved it - especially Alec who is a bit older & very in to astronautical things.

Alec wanted to craft again so out came all the sparkly bits & bobs from my craft drawers.  He wanted to make 
A Christmas Tree this time so I cut a shape out from felt & he was happy just to work out his placement & glue things on ... no sewing required πŸ˜‰

(I also have lots of apple cucumbers which I forgot to include in the photograph)
I have an abundance of courgettes, cucumbers & green peppers in my veggie garden at present so I picked alot to take to Mums & give to other friends also. 

As I planned to call on my dear friend Carolyn en-route, I baked a Chocolate Fudge slice & a batch of Gingernut Bites - gave half to her & took the other half to Mum's.

Remember the old aluminium pots I revamped in my last Post ... well here is the smaller one which I wanted to gift to my friend Carolyn.  She loves Yellow so I painted it the same Pumice Chalk Paint as the larger one & then added a Sunflower 🌻 Iron Orchid Transfer to it.

I purchased a lovely sunny looking Calla lily that sat perfectly in the pot. I've left it up to Carolyn whether she plants it or uses the pot for something else.

My brother had organised for Mums kitchen, dining & lounge ceilings to be plastered & painted while I was down there.  "You can take Mum out while the tradesmen are here" he told me. 
 I thought this would be simple enough but what I hadn't  envisioned was that I would be the one to empty the rooms, take Mum out, & then put everything back again once finished, whilst also cleaning Every Single Thing.   I felt like I had run a marathon when I finally got home again.

On the 2nd day we had 4 hours to fill in so I took Mum up to the Garden of Remembrance at the Crematorium where my Dad's ashes are buried.  We took silk flowers & managed to find the plaque we had put there several years ago along with other silk flowers from previous visits.  Mum always feels better when she has visited Dad she says.

On the way back I stopped in 2 Op-Shops in Stratford.  I found the treasures above at the Salvation Army Op-Shop.  The silk framed pictures were dirty & covered in fly spots but I was able to gentle wash them & dry in the sunshine.  At $2 for the pair I could not leave them behind ... Yes one is very faded but I still love it & have hung them on my bedroom wall.

At the Hospice I found the two trays above right - $6 & $4 respectively.  I hope to paint/revamp them both.  

My daughter in law's Mum Julie, is turning 60 & I wanted to make her something to gift.  I stitched another of the Books & Roses bookmarks that Jenny of elefantz designs is so generously sharing with us this year.
As I don't really know Julie's colors I made this one to match the book that I had purchased for her in the Boxing Day sales. 

Stitchery worked in Cottage Garden Threads "Running Postman"
I used a scrap of Tilda floral from the Old Rose Collection & then I added a soft blue velvet ribbon to the top as I had no tassels left in my stash.
Jenny has released a new bookmark pattern while I was away ...  go * Here * to access it - it is beautiful & is 
next-on-my-list-to-stitch πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Thank You all so very much for your visits here today,
I hope the week ahead is filled with many happy moments dear friends,
Remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all,
Julie & the furry ones x0x0x


  1. Hello lovely Julie! You are a busy bee! I think I'm a wimp when I read about all of the things you do! How nice for your mum and what a nice granny you are! xo

  2. You sure have been busy! So nice that you were able to take the boys to the space center, and I hope you had a nice visit with your mum and your friend who received the beautiful and delicious gifts too!

  3. You have been very busy. Love the Christmas tree, very nice decorating by Alec. Beautiful calla lilly. It looks lovely in the pot. Hugs, xx

  4. The boys look like they enjoyed themselves. Alec did a great job decorating his Christmas tree. I bet your Mum loves it now everything is spic and span. The lily looks great in Carolyn's pot you made her. I love the Tilda you have made the bookmark in. That red one is one of my favourites. I have a fat quarter bundle of Old Rose which is just waiting for me to decide what pattern I will use to make myself a quilt with it. xxx

  5. Great outing with the boys, they certainly look happy. Another busy trip to your Mums, good to see you had some op shop time on the way home and that you got to call in on Carolyn to deliver the lovely pot and plant. That is a beautiful book mark Julie. Alec's Christmas tree looks wonderful too.

  6. 9h my goodness you have been working hard and very busy! Love seeing children....making! Your baking looked delicious and a beautiful upcycled gift for your friend. Jenny's bookmarks are just lovely snd perfect in the Tilda fabric.

  7. Wow looks like a great time had by your 2 grandsons Julie, hope Alec sticks with loving to craft with his Gran. Every time I see your yummy baking it makes me hungry, but I have to stay away from that. I have 2 frames just like that Julie, only they had been spray painted a creamy yellow colour, and I haven't as yet got it off, but they are just frames, no backs, yours look so nice.

  8. Im glad you had some quality time with your grandsons. Looks like you really got caught up in a major operation at your mum's house though! I hope you will have some time to yourself now to rest up a bit as moving furniture from rooms is hefty work followed by a long drive home. The pot you made for your friend with the sunflower motif is pretty.

  9. Goodness! Julie..What a lovely full and colourful much room for the furry ones..HeHe!
    Let you off this time..! Bless1xx

    The boys looked as though they had a great time at
    the 'Space Centre' all geared up and ready for take
    off..! :).
    And..nice seeing Alec getting ready for an Christmas,
    looks as though he's becoming quite talented, without
    any help from Miss Pippi..!x

    The Calla lily looks lovely took, and yes, l think it
    should stay in that lovely pot ALL looks lovely
    together, one sets off the other perfectly!

    Well..must get on, it's blowing a gale outside, as l
    look through the Paddington Bear curtains, so l won't
    be going to far to~day..still, plenty to do around my
    home..laid the new dinning room carpet last weekend,
    got some left over l want to make a couple of mats
    out off..! HeHe! Womans work is never done..! :O).
    ☕ 🍰 ☕ 🍰 ☕ 🍰 ☕ 🍰 ☕ 🍰 ☕ 🍰 ☕ 🍰 ☕

  10. What a busy life you have , and a true giver .
    Love your pots and your book mark.
    Lovely time spent with your family ,
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Once again I Marvel at how you managed to get all your crafting cooking and baking done while taking care of your grandson's. Glad the boys had such a good time before you left. Are you sure that you're mum was very appreciative of your house cleaning and your company. It is rather difficult to try to cram everything like that into one visit. So lovely to see that you have vegetables, I'm looking at about 3 ft of snow, but that's no has actually accumulated since the middle of January since we haven't had any warm up. I do hope you get some rain I saw that you mentioned how absolutely dry it is where you live. Lynn and Precious

    1. Thanks so much Lynn & Precious. Well we are actually getting good rain here today!!! Its been raining most of the day & the gardens are just soaking it all up!! Thank YOu for sending it our way ... please don't send the snow!!! πŸ˜‰

  12. The boyz look very happy. A creative tree, would make a nice gift as well. Nice to get out and about. Pretty make overs. I love the bookmark.

  13. Busy visit for you but sounds like you did some fun things also.... I am always amazed at the dirt lurking when you move anything! Love the pot redo and pretty bookmark... I hope to do some this year

  14. You sure had a busy week! So nice that you can have the grandsons together. What delicious looking produce and goodies you have made. The pot is so pretty and also the bookmark. i forget that little boys like to be creative just like little girls. How nice that you can help your Mom out so much. Nancy

  15. You get so much done in a week, Julie. My sister is great at 'distance delegating' but I think if she'd landed me with such a huge task as you just had for your Mum, I would have been asking her to join me in getting her sleeves rolled up!You did really well and I'm sure your Mum was really grateful. Great to see the kids crafting. xxx

  16. Such a pretty bookmark. Decorating is fun, I am always happy to wield a paintbrush - moving everything, cleaning it and putting it back is not! xx

  17. Great of your bro, but I would have been the one, schlepping the stuff also.

    1. Thanks Kim ... Yes I'll be more wary the next time he tries to pull a stunt like this !! πŸ˜‰

  18. The Calla Lily is perfect for that saucepan! Love the sunflowers. Deary, deary me.....some brothers. Not up there for thinking. =) How fun to go on an exciting excursion with Sid and Alec. Fabulous Christmas tree Alec embellished. As always, Julie, many treasures found by you to revamp at a later date. Sweet little silk pictures. Much too pretty to pass up.


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