Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Finishing Things

 Greetings lovely friends & readers

                       My lovely sweet friend Jennifer of elefantz designs has been gently encouraging us to use August as                               a month for finishing things  ... & she very generously shared a free pattern in *this post* for a notebook titled "Finish What I Started"

Feeling rather overwhelmed by the baskets of half finished projects in my sewing room I decided to follow along with Jennifer's August theme.

When I was growing up our kitchen had one of those old fashioned safe cupboards with mesh squares on the inside. Mum always kept her potatoes & onions in this cupboard, in the yellow tin dish above. Over the years it had gone rusty & I didn't especially like it, but when I cleared out No 44 last year, for some reason it came home with me.  I decided to revamp it so the first thing I did was lightly sand & then treat the rust with Fishoilene (found in The Mr's shed)

Then I gave it two coats chalk paint in the colour "Country Clay".  It turned out really nice so I applied some oddments of leftover transfers, just to the front.

Now what will you use it for Julie ...............  ???

In a basket in my sewing room were these mini stitcheries that I'd started to embroider awhile ago.  I'd purchased a large preprinted panel from Millymac Supplies, picked out some I liked & begun to stitch them, but gone no further.  I finished them off, then sewed them into mini pillows which I filled with crushed walnut shells.  

I backed my mini pillows with tiny offcuts of Tilda fabrics in co-ordinating colours.

This vintage cross stitch was sitting in the same basket as the stitcheries - I've no idea where it came from, possibly thrifted .. but I loved the deer & the pretty pastel colours.  I found a frame that fit it perfectly (Yes I do have a frame stash along with all my other stashes), painted this the same Country Clay colour, then framed the sweet deer.

This piece of brown linen already had the decor transfer applied to it - this was one of my "I-wonder-if-it-will-adhere-to-fabric" try-outs 😉 I made it up into a heart & stuffed it tightly.  The keys were in a drawer with other oddments so I tied them together with lace.

The decoupaged tag was sent to me by my friend Joy when Mum passed away & I loved it.   I lined the tin dish with 2 of Mum's doilies - all beautifully ironed & starched to within an inch of their life, just how she used to keep them.  

My eclectic arrangement of handcrafts fit perfectly in Mum's old spud-&-onion-dish & I LoVe it  💛 
That's quite a few smaller items ticked off my finishing list - how wonderful!

I've displayed it on the vintage Singer Sewing table in a corner of my dining room where I can enjoy it.  
And if you were wondering ... Yes I am rapidly running out of space for all these displays (!!)

On the subject of finishing things ... my dear friend Shirley asked me to paint this wooden bowl/dish for her & also if possible, the cookies container which was thick heavy-duty cardboard.

The round bowl painted up nicely in Vintage White Chalk Paint & I gave it a good wax to protect it. Shirley plans to display tiny balls of wool in pretty colours in this & call it her "beautiful bits bowl". 💗

When I removed the stickers from the round container some of the surface came away with it - they were stuck like glue!  I lightly sanded these areas but could still see it after painting so I chose a pretty floral serviette & decoupaged this over the 2 areas - Shirley was delighted with it. 

I cannot tell you how excited I was to see the first voluptuous pink bud on my magnolia tree last week.  How special.  Then when I dropped Sid off yesterday I noticed their stunning tree in full bright bloom.  Spring is coming dear friends  .  .  .  .  .

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week.
Thank you, as always dear friends, for your ever-welcome visits here today,
With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. As usual you have made something beautiful out of seemingly nothing. I love your new display and yes, was wondering what you have done with whatever was in that space! Love the makeover of your friends bowl and tub. xx

  2. Another beautiful post .
    I would love to spend a day with you.
    Your crafts are amazing .
    Blossom tree looks so pretty.
    We are at last getting a few sunny days , but if you add them together we have only had about 7 full days of sunshine .
    And a few hafe days but very windy .
    Outside chair's have been used twice.
    The only thing I can say the garden loved it. Hugs June.

  3. HeHe! Now what will you use it for Julie ..... ???
    Well...Of course the first thing that came to mind
    was...line it with something soft and warm, for
    one of the 'you know who' furry three...! Bless!xxx
    Seriously all looks looks lovely Julie....
    The colours are so mature and deep...Yes! Nice...!

    We are 'ALL' in full bloom over here, a little rain in the
    early hours, but the sun is out in all it's glory, and
    Monday was the hottest day over here, with places
    reaching thirty..(30)..degrees...! :).
    So, it's been a bit hot all round..ladies in there summer
    'frocks', and the men...well..less said the better....! HeHe! :).

    All in good's time for me to get up to the
    supermarket, few bits and pieces needed...and the
    Virginia Creeper needs seeing to...Again...! :(.

  4. I popped over to elefantz designs - what an inspiring, lovely blog, and then I returned to your equally lovely, inspiring blog. You never fail to find ways to celebrate life and I always come away from your posts feeling lighter and brighter, so thank you for that, dear Julie :-)

  5. It is a lovely feeling to finish projects and very exciting to start new ones! So much to enjoy in your post and a lovely display for your home too.
    Have a good week.
    Best wishes

  6. I can see the embossed tin now that you painted the tray, it really pops out! Now I figured Miss Pip would be in it before you could even try to use it, lol. You have had plenty of finishing off to do with all these small but busy projects. And signs of better weather with that incredible tree. Here when they bloom in our Spring, they almost always get frozen off, so I hope that does not happen to the ones you see. We have ended the Dog Days of Summer this past weekend with cold morns of 50 degrees and highs of 75 and sunny. I have been biking and will do so today and tomorrow before (we hope) the rain comes for 4 days. I am better but am in the 4th week, like you predicted. Lynn and Precious

  7. Maravillosa recuperación de la lata de cebollas y patatas y es estupenda la decoración que has hecho con todas las cosas que has terminado.
    El encargo de tu amiga ha quedado estupendo. BESICOS.

    1. from Google Translate ......
      Wonderful recovery of the can of onions and potatoes and the decoration you have made with all the things you have finished is wonderful.
      Your friend's order turned out great. KISSES.

  8. Love your "potato'" box. You've given it a lovely new lease of life. The knick knacks filling it are all very nice. gGreat makeover of the bowl & container for your friend.

  9. So lovely Julie, Your hands are never still. I love my wooden bowl, the small beautiful wool bits are languishing in it. I plan to make some very small crochet pumpkins to display in the decoupaged round continer. I love the container,it turned out beautiful. Hugs

  10. Julie, you are so clever with your painting and repurposing of containers!! These are all gorgeous.
    Was there any particular reason you filled the wee bags in your display with crushed walnut shell?
    Spring is definitely on the way - I now have three daffodils out :) I only have a planter trough, and not a lot of plants, so I am treasuring those that are flowering this year, after being moved.

  11. Another lovely post Julie full of inspiration. Love what you’ve done with the potato box. Looks vintage. Spring is such a Welcome feeling.

    1. Thank You Sandy - Yes I think it looks kind of vintage too! I can definately see signs of spring & won't it be welcome by us both. Have a lovely day my dear friend xx 💗

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. kiwikid has left a new comment on your post "Finishing Things":

    Wonderful post Julie, you are a wizard at making old things look amazing again. Love your display - I was surprised not to see a certain ginger furry person sitting on the folded doilies!!

  14. Fab makeover of the veg dish. I ordered transfers for a console table that I've repainted but they came with no instructions! Help?!!Been entertaining Kiwis this week. I'm exhausted! They want to do everything!!xxx

  15. Julie, what a bounty of BEAUTIFUL finishes!!! I would love to sit inside your mind for a few days...oh, the inspiration I would glean! ;-)

  16. Everything looks absolutely beautiful. I thought I was the only person who had a stash of frames....

    God bless.

  17. I love the idea of all those little cushions. My finished little embroideries are just living in a drawer! Haha. I love the cross stitched deer. They all look lovely in your decorated box. I've finally caught up with all your news. xx

  18. Oh my gosh what a lovely decorated area you created! just lovely and sweet little cushions. So lovely to be warmer - I have had no success with magnolia and I just love the colour one you have there...

  19. I love the tin you made over Julie, and your little stitchery pillows are adorable, I might go to Spotlight and get me some thread to do some stitcheries, I have a ton of patterns, I need to keep my fingers moving as I get terrible cramp in the fingers, just hope I can do it.

  20. What a wonderful repurchasing of your Mums onion and spuds dish. It looks wonderful with all those sweet stitchery pillows. You are so clever xx


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