Greetings lovely friends & readers
Welcome to March & the touch of Autumn you have bought with you - I am more than happy to wave Goodbye to the heat of summer.
Using up the last of the Christmas money I was gifted, I treated myself to this gorgeous candle. It is a new-to-me fragrance ... Rose Jasmine & Oud & the description reads "A charmingly complex & elegant woody floral blend". It is filling the house with the softest rose tinted fragrance & is just so soothing & lovely 💗
The poor garden has well & truly flopped (rather like the Gardener to be honest) but I still managed to pick a bunch of roses & some veggies this morning. I have pulled out a lot of my veggies that are bolting to seed but the hothouse tomatoes are still producing steadily.
From left to right ...... Sue, myself & Jenny
Last Thursday I got up early, pulled on My Big Girls Panties, & drove all the way up to Auckland for a special meet-up with my friend Sue from the blog Kiwikids. Sue was over (from Australia) looking after her friend Jenny who has had a hip replacement Op & when her message came through asking if I'd like to drive up, I could feel my heart palpitations. However thanks to Google maps it's not hard to get to destinations nowadays. We met at The Hidden Cafe in Paerata & had a lovely few hours before I made the journey home again. I took along some homegown veggies & made a gluten free Brownie as I remembered Sue was gluten intolerant. It was such a lovely day that just filled my heart with Joy & so wonderful to finally meet Jenny too.
Thank you all so much for your very kind comments about my sewing room revamp in my last post. I haven't been able to spend much time in there but I did manage to complete a couple of orders last week for two dear friends.
Sandy sent me this gorgeous Toy Story fabric & requested I make a pillowcase for her Grandson who is turning 5. I use this tutorial *here* which I really like. It requires a metre of fabric but you are always left with a decent strip down one side from cutting out the narrower piece for the pillowcase. I suggested to Sandy I make up a simple drawstring bag from the remnant as I've done this for my Grandsons in the past. I've posted the order back to Sandy & she was delighted with both items.
I completed 4 lace coathangers for my dear friend Shirley this week - these are going to Australia so cannot have the dried lavender in them as I usually do. I offered to fill the lace circle with wadding & scent it with lavender oil which will get through customs no trouble at all. Shirley was thrilled with this idea.
When I cleaned out the large double wardrobe in my sewing room a couple of items got put into a separate pile as I wanted to revamp them. This noticeboard was one of them, a thrifted find from years ago quite some time ago. You can write on the whiteboard part & attach notes to the lower string part. I removed the string, masked & painted the entire piece apart from the wire mesh insert.
Then I added a simple Easter style transfer to it, a new string & some pegs. When I unpack my Easter decor I am certain I have some vintage Easter postcards that I can attach to my noticeboard.
Likewise I found this sweet box, a gift from my dear friend Leeanne ... to do with as I pleased. The box is lined with black felt & the inside was in perfect condition.
I chose only to paint the top as I liked the white distressed sides - I masked it out & then painted it Pale duck egg & added some more Easter transfers. I am not sure what to use this for as yet but it may make a good hiding place for my choccy eggs (!!!) 😋
The large box of playdough in my sewing wardrobe had gone hard so it all went in the bin. I gave Sid my big jar of cutters & his mum sent me this pic on the weekend - he'd had lots of fun making gingerbread men & dinosaur cookies using the cutters I'd given him. How precious 🤎
Monday was our first craft group meeting for the year & I made a No-bake Apricot Slice with cream cheese icing. We met at Gails & worked out our programme for the year ahead.
March's arrival has bought chilly nights & mornings & the furry two have taken up residence on my bed - Yes I do recall ranting saying No cats are allowed on the bed when I made my new cushions (!!) It seems they didn't get the memo .............
Thank you all so much dear friends, for taking the time to visit here today,
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all,