Good afternoon dear friends & readers,
When I turned my diary over last weekend for a shiny new week,
I realised I didnt have any appointments or groups booked in for the entire week
so thought it might be a good chance to try some stitching or crafting every single day :-)
And you think this excites us WHY . . . ?????!!!!
On the first day of stitching:-
My young friend Rebecca had given me a bundle of old blankets & vintage linens so I decided to make her an Owl doorstop from one of the blankets as it had been her Dads green blanket
Rebeccas Owl :-) |
Rebecca always has great "whisky stories" to tell me
No... not the alcohol kind, but her cat named Whisky
there seems to be no end to the tricks this cat gets up to
so I thought I would add a little tag on the back to give her a laugh
she got great delight from her doorstop (& the tag)
(& she informs me that Whisky LOVES it too!!!)
On the 2nd day of stitching:-
Enthused by my success yesterday I had cut out 3 more bodies
which I made up into doorstop Owls
another little parliament of wise old Owls |
I took a photo of one of them beside one of the owls I had made in my last post, to show the size difference
I simply blew the pattern up on the photocopier & added wheat to the base to weight it :-)
On the third day of stitching:-
On this day I made some golly teatowels as I only had 2 left in the Cottage & like to try to always have a good selection . . .
A bright, cheery little range of happy girls in their pinnys |
On the fourth day of stitching:-
I made little baby shoes !!!!
This was because I knew I had a baby shower to attend on Saturday for my friend Carolyns daughter - who now lives in Australia.
Carolyn had suggested I make Rose something Kiwiana to take back with her & I found my lovely flannel buzzy bee fabric -
- just perfect I thought . . .
so while I was at it, I made some doiley ones too
as I have found these to be popular for baby girls sometimes
this had been a tatty old runner that was all torn at one end - the other end was perfect |
On the fifth day of stitching:-
Keeping in mind the baby shower I had to attend . . .
I made some cuddly blankets
(which I must confess are simply overlocking around the fleece squares - so hardly difficult work)
but enjoyable just the same :-)
On the sixth day of stitching:-
I did two things on this day . . . ! ! !
Firstly, I put together Roses baby gift ...
the baby shoes & the cuddly rug, plus I made a matching wheatbag
& then ran her up a wool blanket bunny rabbit to complete the parcel :-)
Secondly I finished something that was sitting there unfinished -
remember a couple of posts back I wrote about my cane banana basket purchase off Trademe ? ? ?
Well I finally embellished it to sit by my chair in the lounge . . .
all ready & waiting - holding my handwork, while watching t.v.
Phew I think I did quite well for the week - though I must confess,
looking at the state of the garden I had better concentrate on 6 days of gardening I feel ! ! ! (& quite possibly, 6 days of housework wouldnt go amiss)
Thanks as always for stopping by folks
so lovely to have your company in blogland ! !
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead & hope you find some creative time in your week :-)
love/hugs/friendship, Julie & the fluffy