Monday, June 28, 2021

A Sewing Doll & A Collection of Vintage Saws

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Thank You all for your sweet kind comments regarding Pippi sleeping in my "greens" fabric basket in my last post - there have been "some developments" when I realised that Blackie had decided it looked a rather comfy spot to sleep in too & took it over.

This morning at 2.30 am I heard a crash & upon investigation ...... a basket of green fabrics upturned on the floor & two cats looking at me with big innocent expressions 😉
I have removed the basket & there is an empty shelf there now 😑

Earlier this year I had a huge craft magazine cull.  While sorting through them I came across this VeRy Old Australian Country Craft magazine & rather liked the  primitive Sewing doll pattern inside.  I had a very dear friend celebrating a special birthday this month so I put the magazine aside & thought I might make the doll for her.
I made mine much Less primitive than the doll in the magazine but I was thrilled with how she came out.  

 The pattern is called "Stitching Clarabelle" by Lynette Gunning of Lynette's Country Treasures.  I think it was the small stitchery sewed to the doll's hand which appealed to me so much, as the friend I was making this for is a professional Quilter.

I purchased a 4 inch hoop which fitted the stitchery perfectly.

I made her a button & cotton reel necklace as the pattern suggested which turned out really sweet

& I also stitched some sewing themed charms to her Pinny.  The hair is hand dyed mohair from my stash.

The fabrics are from a Lynette Anderson range which had a sewing theme & were perfect for the doll.

And Yes dear friends ... I had the usual help & assistance from Miss Pippi as she pressed & ironed the doll for me !! 😉😕

This small collection of old wood saws & saw blades had been sitting in my sleepout for a couple of years.  Last weekend when our weather was atrocious I decided to paint them on old sheets in front of my fire.  I knew I wanted to put transfers on them but wasn't sure what colour to paint the saws ... in the end I used up some old black chalk paint that was going hard in a pot.

The "Befores" on the left & Part way through on the right

Two coats each on both sides was enough to cover them well - I left the handles original.

I was excited about adding the transfers  -   Yep there she is again right there in the midst of everything !!!

I absolutely LoVe how these have turned out.  I gave them all two coats of a matt finish spray varnish as I knew I wanted them to go outdoors & was hoping this might seal them a bit & prevent moisture getting under the transfers.

I wish I'd sat my squirrel on a branch now but too late ........

I think these look wonderful hanging under my covered-in deck area & the black goes well with my vintage Mangle.  Another upcycle ticked off the list ❤

If you have not already entered my Giveaway dear friends - there is still two days left to do so.  Go to this post * here  & enter in the comments section.  I will be drawing this on Wednesday 30th June & remember I will post anywhere in the world!

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead - be kind to yourselves & to each other,

Thank You as always for your visits here today,

With much love & friendship to you all,

Julie & the furry ones x0x0x0


  1. Hi Julie. Well I am not a huge doll fan but this little lady is rather special! What a lovely gift. And I did admire your upcycling when I saw it on IG - great use of old saws. xx

  2. You have worked your magic yet again with the sweet doll, Julie. Your friend will love this sweet girl. Those saws look fabulous. Such a lovely collection you have imagined.

  3. This doll is just delightful. You just have a way of sprinkling fairly dust over everything you make. x

  4. HaHa! Blackie does'nt look to sure
    about being up there...Bless him..!x
    And! Miss Pippi..well she's a lovely
    helpful soul..! I think she'll more or
    less flatten anything..Look out Blackie! :).

    And Clarabelle looks lovely to...does she
    come in bigger sizes..she is amazing! Lovely!
    AND..Those saws..are amazing Julie..they look
    great up on the decking there..Wow! do they ever!
    I'm sure if you made some for your next craft
    fair, you would sell loads..after all, everybody
    has old saws lying about! HeHe! Perhaps a pink
    one would look nice...! :O).
    😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾 😼 🐾🐾

  5. The saws look awesome Julie. Your poor basket babies. Such a good sleeping spot.

  6. Clarabelle looks to be a charmer for your friend. Like the idea of the embroidery hoop with finished
    sampler in it. Poor cats, I'd have to find a bit of fleece cloth to make a padded shelf for them. Probably
    guarantee they would not jump up and use that spot again, lol. The saws blades make a great outdoor manly theme.
    I have seen ones painted or stenciled before in primitive gift shops. Me, I just asked my husband to take his old
    rusty blades to the metal recycler. Never thought of trying to do anything artistic with them. Too bad they are all
    gone to melt down. I just rode bike 13 miles but it is 32 C and I am so hot. I did this at 7 am but just too hot.
    And you have your stove going. I saw Poppy Q say they were expecting a serious cold front. Lynn and Precious XX

  7. Julie does it again!!Those saws are absolutely fantastic and look really great on the wall. Loving Clarabelle too and her swish necklace! Great work as usual Julie. I was laughing at the 'greens' basket being confiscated! My bestie in Auckland was telling me this morning that you have an Arctic Freeze expected!!Hope it bypasses you all. Keep warm and

  8. This is a wonderful post and your friend will be thrilled with her beautiful doll. What a labour of love!
    I would never have thought of such a good use for old tools, the saws turned out very well. How creative you are!

  9. Love the dolly how cute .
    What a great way to make the most of old tools .
    I think they are all wonderful .
    Enjoy your week. Hugs .

  10. Oh those furry ones! What excitement they add to ones life. I love hearing about Miss Pippi and Blackie. We are a cat-loving family too. Carol in Texas

  11. You are so creative Julie. When I was little my cat had its own sleeping facilities in its own little room. It ignored its luxury bed, to choose a hard shelf lined with newspaper . It came from what was before the SPCA it was called the Blue Cross. A little shed totally dark - no windows - and only two cats to choose from. I couldn’t even see but as a 10 year old I chose the youngest. She had a wonderfull life. After my dad had her neutered she wouldn’t eat for days. He bought het waitbait and fed her one by one. She lived for 16 more years in absolute luxury and had heaps o adventures. I would love to write a book on her. Thanks Julie for the’memories.

  12. Once again you are just amazing. As i knock out wedding dresses you are creating things. I am jealous to say the least. How wonderful to get help from the cat. Love the old saws this gives me ideas!

  13. Always so clever and full of ideas.... the detail on the doll is just lovely and the saws look great hanging up outside... Lovely.... always fun popping by here

  14. Julie, I look at your posts and all I can think of to say is, You are amazing! It would take me a year, at least, to make that beautiful doll. The old saws are so amazing. Your home must be beautiful. Such a cozy place to work there in front of fire...and those sweet kitties. What would we do without them. Life would certainly be dull. :)

  15. Miss Pippi does make me laugh. I don't have anyone help me iron! Maybe I need to speak to Molly and Rex. But then again, maybe not! I don't think dogs would be that delicate. Your doll is gorgeous. How perfect is that little hoop for the stitchery. Those tools look amazing. They look great there above your mangle. xxx

  16. Wow, that doll is lovely. You are so very talented.

    Miss Pippi looks like she is a big help.

    God bless.

  17. The doll is adorable, and a wonderful gift for your quilter friend! I can't imagine how long it took to make that. Did you just "whip it up"? I look at it and try to calculate how many days (or weeks) it might have taken me. Every detail is so clever and perfect.
    The painted and decorated tools look so good!

  18. What an original idea! the tools look really lovely with transfers and make quite a feature. Your doll is beautifully made - I love her hair and the detail you have given her makes her really special. Betty x

  19. Your quilter friend loves her doll...xoxo

  20. Naughty kitty cats lol! Your version of the doll is lovely. Giggling over the ironing help. My old doggie used to help me baste quilts that way. Your saws look fabulous!

  21. Lovely post Julie, the doll is beautiful and very appropriate for your quilter friend. You have made the saws look fantastic and given them another lease on life! Ah bless Miss Pippi always helping. I had a laugh over the contest of who is sitting in the green basket!!

  22. oh that dolly is so adorable....

  23. The dolly is beautiful. The saws are wonderful, love how they look. Ahhh cats!!!! I had a plant in a broken hanging pot & when we moved son had chucked pot & said he stuck plant into another. Well i've looked & haven't found it though i'm hoping the one without leaves is the one i'm looking for. Fast forward & i find same plant on eBay at a reasonable price so i buy it. It arrived yesterday & i sat it on the bench as i was sick & couldn't do any planting. So 24 hours later i'm having breakfast & hear munch, munch. Look up & Lil P is eating my plant. Darn cat. Hugs, xx

  24. Those cats sure keep you on your toes Julie, never a dull moment😂 I love our version of that doll, she looks so sweet, your saws and blades look wonderful as well Julie. Looking forward to seeing who wins your giveaway. Chris xoxo

  25. Aw! What a lovely dolly, Julie! The tools look very cute, too! Oh, I love those kitties.

  26. I would never have thought to paint old tools like that, they're absolutely smashing. I've said it before, but you are a clever stick. Jean. x

  27. You have one of the outstanding collection like vintage saw. A cute dolly Julie. Keep the good work up. :)

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  29. Those tools are absolutely stunning! What a difference! Do people stop,ring the bell and ask if you sell your lovely makeovers? I for one would stop just to have a look from the gate/fence :-) As for your latest doll she is gorgeous and such a great gift.I do like the little trinkets you have stitched to the stitching on the little hoop. Such wonderful detail! I wonder if it is the smells from the different products you use that attracts Miss P to all you completed makes. Then again it could be she knows she is going to get her photo taken and she likes to be the centre of attention. Mind you she is a rather gorgeous pussy cat :-) Take care Amanda x

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