Sunday, January 14, 2024

These Busy Early January Days

Greetings lovely friends & readers   💗

It has been another busy week here at Threadbear HQ.

Yesterdays pickings ... more Sweetpeas & a big jug of white Hydrangeas that are starting to wilt in our intense heat.

Last Monday my friend Gail asked me if I'd like to go with her to Hamilton East.  There is a new market there -  Made Hamilton that opened late last year & we both wanted to visit it, in particular the tea shop that we'd heard about.  We found an entire wall of different teas which you could measure into brown paper bags & pay by weight.  We each chose two different teas.

These were the 2 teas I purchased ... Grans Berry Garden & Spicey Christmas Tea.   I'd tasted a friend's Christmas tea & knew it was one I would drink all year.  I also enjoy these teas cold in the hot weather.  I am drinking a Grans Berry Garden tea as I sit typing this post.

The next day Alec came to stay as it's school holidays here in New Zealand & the schools get 6 weeks off (!!)  Sid came for the day as he only lives 5 minutes up the road.  
I had set my dining table up with all my craft supplies & told them we were going to "craft".  I seriously thought they would probably last half an hour if I was lucky ... but they actually crafted til 11.30 which was amazing.

Alec made a "race car of sorts" & then proceeded to make a ramp & a track for it to go on.  When Sid saw this he wanted to make his own car so I helped him.

Here he is most proud of his creation although it looks more like a creepy spider to me 😉  Next we went to 
a new park that I had heard about on the edge of town.  Unfortunately it was way too hot so we only lasted about half an hour here.

The boys asked if they could have pizza for lunch so I gave them a treat - we took them home & had a pizza picnic while we watched the Pokemon movie.  I told them it had been "a P day" ... first Play, then Park, then Pizza picnic & then Pokemon!

Luckily Sid has a swimming pool so they were able to have a swim in the afternoon to cool off a bit.
After Alec went home on Thursday I vacuumed out my entire house & then proceeded to mop my floors, which were filthy. 

The floors dry fast this hot weather & I was just sitting by the fan, catching my breath, when I turned around & Madam Pip had flopped herself down on the clean kitchen floor (!!!) ... just look at her muddy paws 😒  ~  I was not especially amused!

Arrow is pointing to the chip in right hand pic

When Gail & I were in Hamilton East we popped into 2 different Op-Shops.  I bought this jardiniere in the SPCA shop - it was $20 so not cheap, but it reminded me of one Mum used to have. This one had a large dark chip in one edge but I was able to touch this up with chalk paint & when it's at the back it will not be seen.

I had a vision to see it filled with green plants so Alec & I went to the Warehouse & I bought 3 baby houseplants to pot into it  ~  a maidenhair fern, a piggyback plant & a baby ivy.  I have popped this down the end of my lounge in 
my hospital corner until the plants settle in.

The Mr has been working long days at the farm getting silage made while the weather is fine .. he sent me these photos above.  Betty I know you like to see farm life pics ... he has made 9 paddocks into silage & has 234 bales so far.

Tomorrow is our first craft get-together for the year where we brainstorm & suggest ideas of things we would like to make during the year.  I made these felt gingerbread ornies while the Grandsons were here ... this is a free pattern from Here at Molly and Mama ... I could sit & handstitch them while still supervising the boys.  

Finally dear friends, it was with much sadness that I read of the passing of Mathew Perry late last year.  Although the Friends episodes were first aired in September 1994 it was sometime later that I discovered them.  I know alot of people didn't find the programme funny but I truly loved it ... lets just say it came along at a time in my life when there was not alot to laugh about & they did indeed make me laugh.   I grew to love each character & never had a favourite.  Here in New Zealand it is constantly being replayed & I know many of the story lines by heart now yet I still enjoy re-watching them. I had ordered this book at my Library & finally got to read it - gosh what an amazing story & written with so much honesty. It left me feeling really sad but I would still thoroughly recommend the book.  

Thank you dear friends, as always, for your ever-welcome visits here today,
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead - be kind to yourselves & to each other,
With much love & friendship to you all,
Love Julie & the furry three x0x0x


  1. Oh, I do love the mess children make when they are knee deep in creativity. It just makes me smile. Alec and Sid look as if they had the best time with you, Julie. A shop filled with every tea imaginable.....sounds like my kinda place. Those plants look great in your new jardiniere. Blue and white patterns are always pretty. Yes, it's terribly sad that Mathew passed away at such a young age. I never really watched Friends but I know many, many did. I was more of a Frasier fan. TV shows can help take our minds off what we are going through at times, and make us laugh, can't they?? Have a lovely week, Julie. Hopefully, your beautiful white hydrangeas have many more flowers to gift you.

  2. Fun times with the boys and I do love your new jardiniere. xx

  3. Although l'm a coffee drinker out and about, l usually
    drink tea at home, various sorts, but my favourite, is
    Green tea, first thing, and Earl Grey tea....and both with
    honey and lemon of course...never with milk..!
    And 'never' use boiling water, not even on coffee...!

    Looks like the boys had a great time, type of upbringing
    l had, always cooking, knitting, sowing with mia Mam....
    Typical way Sicilian boys are raised...!
    Perhaps the boys will form a crafting company, later in
    life...but...they must have a least two pussy~cats for help..! :).

    As soon as l finished this...l'm gonna look in one of the kitchen
    cabinets downstairs, l know l have two of those jardiniere on
    the top shelf...identical...have'nt seen them in years, summat
    l never use...HeHe! Might be worth a fortune..! :0)

    And..Yes! Me and my daughter always watched 'Friends' we
    loved it, and very funny, but then, l'm prone to America humour!
    And it's replayed over here to...! :).

    Ah! Bless! Poor Miss Pippi....dirty paws and all...Don't forget Julie,
    she only dirties the floor were ever she puts her paws..and paws are
    quite small...HeHe! Bless..! :O).
    I must be's just gone nine..(9)...time for another lemon tea...! :)

  4. Boys crafting, jardiniere, the pool, Friends--such a great post. I loved Friends when it first aired and I watch it over and over still.

    1. Thank you so much Linda ... yes I still love watching Friends over & over too! Enjoy your day xx

  5. You have had a busy start to the year, but it looks as though it was a very good start. Of course Miss Pip came in with dirty feet - they always do that! (It's as if they know!) Do you know the animation 'Simon's Cat' on Youtube? I don't know if you are able to see it, but if you are, I think you would enjoy it. You would sympathise with Simon!
    I watched Friends at the time too and still do if I catch it on TV. I think Matthew Perry had a lot of demons which eventually got the better of him. 'Miss Chanandler Bong' is sadly missed!
    Best wishes

  6. Your grandsons had a lovely time with you - special memories. I did smile at the dirty paws, infuriating though it must have been. Floors don't stay clean for long with animals (including human ones!) I like fruit teas, hot or cold,, though I mostly drink hot water. I hope the heat isn't too oppressive - we could do with a little more here ;-) x

  7. Julie are you near Whangarei? My bestie just spent a weekend there on a houseboat. The name sounded familiar but not sure you're near the coast? I've just been babysitting overnight at my eldest son's for the 3yr old who was not at all well. I'm just getting over a horrible lurgy thing caught from another child so I better not catch anything this week! We're winter planting here. Long days, even in the dark, for my youngest too. Have a good week.x

  8. As I read this warm blog today, our snow plow has passed by the house 4 times. It is 7 F this morn and to be 14 F today. I'll take the love cup of hot tea please, but no swimming pool. I'll have to turn up the furnace, close the blinds to the snow before I will talk myself into a bath, lol. The boys are so creative and you are the great influence in this for them. How fun to see such crafts out of any child today with all the computer stuff. And Miss Pip, even Precious is surprised by your muddy paws! Not fur a lovely lady cat, mol. Lynn and Precious XX

  9. Beautiful flowers from the garden Julie. The boys looked like they had the best day with you, great P theme!! Beautiful new plant container Julie, I hope the plants thrive - I am constantly picking ivy plants out of the garden, i wish I could send you some!! Ah Mis Pippi, not so helpful today! Love your gingerbread ornies, very sad reading about Matthew Perry, I was not a fan of the show, but hope to read his book - the queue at the library is long!!

  10. Gorgeous flowers. Sound like the you & the boys had a fabulous P day. Those teas sound delicious & i love your new plant container. Sorry to have laughed about Miss Pippi. It's not my cats that do that to my clean floors but my daughters dog. grrr. The little gingies are so cute. I might have to make a few. :)

  11. It's amazing how many different flavours of tea you can buy. Looks like the boys had lots of fun. What a cheeky little Pip with her muddy paws. You always make the best things with your op shop finds. Haha. I think I have finally caught up with all your posts Julie! xx

  12. Another wonderful post Julie. It is winter here where I live so I am enjoying seeing your flowers & your swimming pool photos! Sarah in USA xx

    1. Thank you so much Sarah. Yesterday we had good rain here but today it is HOT again. xx

  13. Julie you are a good granny, what a great day the boys must of had. Hmm $20 still cheap for a beautiful piece, chip and all.
    Oh dear naughty miss Pippi, love your little gingerbread ornaments, so cute, Yes it was so sad hearing about Matthew Perry, Chandler and Joey kinda made that show. Its hot here today, but more rain coming tomorrow.

  14. Yes, it certainly has been a hot day here, too Julie - the rain yesterday was most welcome... Your time with the boys was well spent - great to see them being creative. The pool here has been used so very much this year - the grandies are in and out of it most days. I live with my DD and family, and we have just moved into the 'new and improved' extended house, and the pool was one of the first things reorganised.
    That is a lot of feed your Mr has made!!
    Yes, cats do seem to know when the floor is freshly cleaned - or the bed newly made....
    Those wee ornaments are gorgeous!
    Love your jardiniere, it is beautiful - love your planting of it also.

  15. How very blessed your grandsons are, Julie, to have a Nana who genuinely makes time to spend with them, and makes that time fun! :-)
    What a gorgeous display in that jardiniere!!
    Have a wonderful year my friend, and may the Lord surprise you with immeasurable blessings along the way.

  16. Thank you for including the farm pics, that is massive! I can't visualise such a vast area to be responsible for! or imagine how everything stays green in the heat. There's nothing better than boys that like crafting, its educational and so good for them to be using their imagination away from tv (good granny!). Betty

  17. Emily has left a new comment on your post "These Busy Early January Days":

    I like your site and content. thanks for sharing the information keep updating,looking forward for more posts.

  18. I loved hilarious! Wow what great times you have had with your grandsons....special xx


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