Sunday, January 7, 2024

Two New Angels ........................................

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Two newly created Angels flew out of my Sewing Room over the festive season ... both Wendy Briggs of "Country Friends Designs" Angels (tho' Wendy is no longer designing patterns unfortunately)

It all started when my dear friend Sandy & I were exchanging little snippets of our Christmas decorating with each other via private messaging.

  Sandy sent me the photo above, of two of her Angels, both purchased from me when I was running my craft cottage & making & selling dolls.  I drooled over the image & when I saw Angel of Joy I thought to myself "Oh I do want one!"   💗
So I hunted out my pattern book & began to make my own Joy Angel.  She is from Wendy's book Season of Joy ....

As I have forgotten to take a photo I have borrowed this image from ebay

I was lucky enough to have everything I used already in my stash but I had to buy a fat quarter of the red felt as mine was too "purple-ish" & this was a nice Christmas Red.

Yes her hair actually Is whole cloves!!! Hence she smells rather divine.   Painted shoes - I mixed together some red & black paints to get the right brown/reddish shade.

The trickiest part (for me) was cutting out the hearts neatly in the bottom of her felt tunic.  

I have photographed her out on my deck table as our light is glary today & it's hard to get a decent photo inside the house. 

After I finished Angel of Joy, a couple of weeks prior to Christmas, I decided I would carry on & make another Wendy Briggs Angel ... this one is from the Homespun Magazine above which is dated July 2005 !! 
I have only had this pattern 18 & 1/2 years ... waiting to be made!!  She is called "Berry Christmas Angel".   I even bought the white Linen back then, second hand from the thrift store - it has almost yellowed with age !!  😲

I put the final stitch in her yesterday & I love her.  I have hung her from my old leadlight window frame & think she looks very happy there.  In the pattern Wendy has sprayed her entire Angel with a water/parisienne essence mixture to "tea-dye" her ... but I couldn't bear to do this to my pristine white girl. 

Instead of a felt star on her bodice, as the pattern suggests, I have sewn on this copper heart button - it was high time I used this as I purchased it a VeRy long time ago!  Her plum pudding is calico sewn, stuffed, painted white all over then the brown base painted on & embroidered with black french knots.  My "pudding" went missing for an entire day & I found it hidden under the spare room bed ... I am sure Little One had something to do with this tho' he denies it!

I used the same felt as I used for Joy Angel to trim her skirt, same colour painted shoes also.  

You can see in the pattern above left, that Wendy's version has her eyes looking downwards.  I did this initially but felt she looked too stern, too severe ... so I painted over the whites & then made her look heavenward.    Wendy's dolls are often inclined to have quite serious looking faces & I don't usually mind this, but I like her much more looking upwards.

I am in love with my two new Angels & can't quite bear to pack them away just yet so I have told them they can remain out for the rest of the month so long as they behave  😉

Beautiful sweet peas, picked this morning.  I am having to move any scented flowers outside when The Mr is home as he has Long Covid & anything fragrant makes him cough terribly.  

I thought I would share the Christmas Card Sid made me ... dear boy, he is growing up so very fast & will be 7 soon!

Alec & his lovely Mum Sarah are on a 3 day tramp on Mount Taranaki & sent this photo to my phone this morning.                       Look at that stunning mountain in the background - they are having wonderful weather. 

Earlier this week I made Banana Bread as our banana's ripen fast this hot weather.  I made two loaves & gifted one to my daughter in law.  They tasted delicious - this is such a nice, simple but moist recipe & keeps very well. 

Little One was most unwell an entire day last week.  I cried, fretted, prayed, & generally aged about 10 years in one day worrying over him.  The next day he'd bounced back right as rain & ran up a tree! He has taken up residence under my Tilda Dolls Cot as he thinks no-one can see him under here.  Little does he know that Ginger furry girl can sniff out anyone !!!  

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead dear friends - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,
Thank you as always, for your ever-welcome visits here today,
With much love & friendship to you all,
Julie & the furry three x0x0x0


  1. Hi Julie! Oh, the angel faces are adorable! xoPom Pom

  2. Isn't it amazing how the positioning of eyes on a doll can make a world of difference. Love the eyes on your sweet angel. Two gorgeous angels you have fashioned, lovely Julie. I don't see why they can't give you joy for a little while longer.

  3. Happy New Year Julie. I'm so honoured to have one of your angels here in my home. I must try and make some new clothes for her this year! I actually think your Xmas angel looks better than Wendy's!Lovely to see a pic of the boys. They grow too quickly. Have a good week Julie.xx

  4. I think your angels are quite beautiful, Cloves for hair is very clever. I would keep those angels out all year long - why ever not! I keep the fairy from my Christmas tree out all year round - she's quite old and delicate, her legs fell off (I should try and make her some). I hope Little One is back to his healthy self, sometimes they just want to be left alone to recover and there's nothing we can do to speed it up. I am so not a cold wearther person, it's frosty this morning here and my feet are cold!

  5. Ah! Bless! Think l've said it 'many' times before...
    "I do love those dolls, the shape of them, and especially
    the heads/faces, so naturally simple and sweet...
    And the angels above are amazing...Love them..! :).

    HaHa! Made me chuckle Julie....Banana bread..?
    Is it supposed to be that shape..The bananas over
    here are more curved, and yellow in colour...HeHe!
    Are'nt l wicked, it ALL looks lovely...! Bless!

    And Sid's Christmas card looks lovely to..and yes...
    He certainly growing up,...
    The little one looks lovely to, and quite happy to,
    hopefully there ALL getting on a bit better now! :O).

    All a bit sad later to~day, l'm removing the Christmas
    crib, packing it up and putting it away, for another

    Well, Julie...must get on, another green tea must be due,
    honey and lemon of course, and l've a couple of Scottish
    shortcake biscuits left...! :). Joy to the world...! :O)x

  6. What a great post again.
    Love the Angels you are so creative .
    Sids's Christmas card is lovely . Sweet peas wow love them can't wait to have some in the house .
    But at the moment we have a white garden with frost and most of the counry is under water ,
    Have a fun January, hugs June.

  7. Gorgeous angels Julie - lovely how something stashed for years suddenly becomes so very useful. xx

  8. Those angels look so beautiful! You really are an artist, Julie🖤🖤Love from, Jennie🖤🖤

  9. Beautiful angels - I think they deserve to be out all year.
    I hope the long Covid soon abates - it's a condition ill understood.
    It's good that Little One recovered quickly - they do worry us so when they're unwell. x

  10. Wow! Those angels are stunning. I agree about the eyes - your angel looks so much better! I'm glad Little One is better - what a worrying time for you. Sorry to hear about Long Covid - it's a really horrible thing, but I hope recovery will continue.
    Have a happy week
    Best wishes

  11. I just sit here and laugh at my crochet clothes! You have to MAKE your doll first! Then clothe her. The angels are simply angelic to see and deserve to be left out until Cupid has flown thru in February. I'm trying to hurry winter, aren't I. Snow here today, maybe 3 inches. Nothing as bad as further north east in those states. Sorry the Mr. is so slow recovering. My neighbor woman is going to start physical therapy for her long covid as she has extreme pain and weakness on her right side of her body. I'd love the warmth for a 3 day "tramp" all by myself. Only I'd miss Precious too much. I thought for a moment you had corralled Little One and put him in a well curtained trap, lol. Lynn and Precious XX

  12. The angels are just lovely and I totally agree about the eyes. I would probably leave them out a great deal longer as well providing they behaved.

    God bless.

  13. Beautiful angels Julie, seeing your dolls makes me miss making dolls so much, but the fingers couldn't take it any more, lovely card from Sid, my how time flies, glad the little one is ok.

  14. Your angels are beautiful Julie. Sid's card is lovely. Love the sweet peas. Oh yum banana bread. Glad Little one is ok.

  15. A lovely post - each one brightens my day!

    1. Thank you so much - that is so kind of you to say ! 🖤

  16. Oh Julie, what beautiful Angels - of course they will behave themselves!!
    So glad Little One is ok now, without having to resort to a visit to the vet...
    Sorry to hear that the Mr has long covid - that can be nasty!
    Blessings and all the best for 2024

  17. Wonderful post Julie, your angels are beautiful and I also think your eyes look better. She does look happier!! I hope the Mr is ok, long covid can be yucky! Lovely card from Sid, they grow so quickly! A hike around/on/up Mt Taranaki would be wonderful. Hope the Little One is ok, he should know by now Miss Pippi can find him ANYWHERE!! Your banana bread sounds wonderful.

  18. Your makes are always fab, but what an amazing idea to use cloves for hair. Marvellous. I'm glad Little One is okay. Cats can pull at your heart strings more than any other creature I know.

  19. You always had a way with making dolls. My favourite photo is of the Christmas card from your grandson xx

  20. Your angels are beautiful as is your blog, I've spent a wonderful half hour reading back and admiring your amazing creations. I shall be back to see more..

    1. Thank you so much for leaving your sweet kind comment Chris. xx

  21. Your angels are gorgeous as always Julie. Sid made you such a lovely card. xx


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