Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Catching Up Post (Part 2) - a Rabbit Suitcase for Juno & a Pattern Request

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Sometime last year my lovely friend Leeanne gifted me 2 of these suitcases covered in cat paper.  She said I might like to "Julie-afy" them at some stage.

Thinking about my step-grandaughter Juno & her rabbit obsession I decided to re-vamp one into a rabbit suitcase for her.  Her birthday is just after Easter so I thought it could be an Easter/birthday gift combined.

 Firstly I painted it using my left-over chalk paint in the colour Soft Duck Egg.  I love this particular shade. I embellished it with some rabbit transfers purchased from * here *

These are the same range of transfers that I used on Juno's table & chair set way back here & then the chair I did for her new baby sister in * this post *

I added some to the inside of the lid also.  Then I sprayed it all in clear laquer to make it wipeable. 
Originally I had planned to just re-vamp the suitcase for her but then I thought "why not make a rabbit to go inside ?"

So this little girl came to life using a free Tilda pattern from * here *.  I even dressed her in some vintage Tilda rabbit print fabric from my stash. 

Then I thought to myself "all good rabbits need some food" ... so I made a couple of felt carrots that made The Mr laugh rather too loudly when I showed him πŸ˜‰ ...  & a bag to carry her carrots in. 

Just right ! πŸ’™ πŸ₯•πŸ₯•

When I sat my rabbit in her suitcase, she kind of rattled around a bit ... so I thought perhaps she needs a little bed?  I found some sweet rabbit-print flannel fabric in my stash & fashioned her a mattress & a pillow to fit in her suitcase - nice & comfy & squishy, just how good rabbits like it!  πŸ°πŸ‡

I sewed a simple sheet for her & tucked her in all snug πŸ’•

Then I thought "every good rabbit needs a quilt for her bed"... so I made her a quilt using this gorgeous Peter Rabbit fabric.  I made it reversible so the print is on both sides.  Juno's rabbit looked so cute tucked up in her bed ........ but perhaps a teeny bit lonely ???  She needs a wee friend I thought ........

I knew exactly what pattern I would use! I receive an online newsletter from Swoodson Says & she has a free felt rabbit download if you subscribe to her newsletter.  This is only 2.5 cms tall & Soo sweet.

Finally I was happy with my suitcase, my rabbit ... & her friend.

Then just last week this cute wooden swing tag arrived from * here * - just the perfect finishing touch.  I need to gift this to Juno asap as I cannot stop myself from playing with it & every time I show it to a friend the first thing they say is  Oh I want one too !!

I have a pattern request please dear readers ... if anyone has this book could they please contact me at
  I am actually only after the cushion pattern & will happily pay postage & photocopying costs.  

Thank you so much & thanks, as always - for stopping by here today.

I think I have one more catch-up post & then I am all caught up!!! 😊

Wishing you a wonderful rest-of-the-week & sending love & friendship to you all,

Julie & the furry ones x0x0x


  1. Hi Julie omg this case is adorable and so is that cute rabbit to go inside and then the bedding just topped it all off ,what a wonderful job you have done ,she will love it 🌹🀍🌹

  2. Oh Julie, how adorable everything is! Such a fabulous gift to a little girl who loves all things bunnies. The rabbit, her dress, sweet little bag...the carrots; and of course the suitcase complete with chic bedding to make a sweet bunny comfy are so dreamy. Love, love, love it all. Juno is going to adore everything.

  3. Julie! You never cease to amaze really don't..!
    The little suitcase and what you've done to it is lovely!
    I think my favourite thing of all, are the bunny~rabbits
    you make, with or without carrots..'ve finished this bunny off wonderfully well,
    with it's own bed and cover...Wonderful...! :).

    I Googled that book Julie...It is available for purchase,
    from various sources, eBay, Amazon, etc...Though
    quite dear..around the $24. mark..
    Hopefully someone will have it and send you a copy of
    the patterns you need...! :).

    I must get on..busy! busy! week so far, trying to catch up
    with a few things...been polishing a few ornaments with
    my 'Autosol''s about the best thing ever...!
    I'd recommend it to anyone...even on precious metals...! :).

  4. The case & contents are just so darn cute & adorable. My thought exactly "i want one" lol. Love your tray in your last post. Must remember the hint about tomato sauce.

  5. Just lovely. It's funny how ideas blossom and balloon, but to have the skill to realise them is quite wonderful.

  6. Perfect Julie. I would have died getting this as a young girl, or even now.

  7. How fantastic a gift for one lucky little girl. Juno will make the rest of envious. Let us have our 2nd childhood of play!
    This reminds me of my Christmas gifts from "Santa Claus". He always brought a baby doll and it had a complete
    set of clothing and bedding and when I was really young I got a matching set. What our gifted parents, and you, do
    for the children. I still only have daffodils blooming here and it was bitter cold every morn over the weekend. In the
    teens F, with squalling snow flakes every day. Now it is in the 50's and raining. If only Mother Nature could make
    up it's mind. Hope your Autumn is not too dry. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. Thank you Lynn & Precious. Yes I well remember my best Christmas gift EVER was when my Mum made me a whole wardrobe of dolls clothes (both sewn & knitted) & presented them to me in tissue paper in a shoe box. My heart was so happy. It is chilly here now & I am reluctantly digging out some warmer clothes. xx

  8. I love the Easter bunny suitcase! It makes me wish I had a child to make one for. You are very talented and creative.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet kind comment Ellen. xx

  9. QuΓ© maravilloso maletΓ­n de conejo para una niΓ±a. BESICOS.

    1. (from Google translate) .... What a wonderful rabbit briefcase for a girl. KISSES.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Debby. I really enjoyed this little project for Juno. xx

  11. oh my gosh that little suitcase and bunny bed and bunny are all so so gorgeous..... so clever and it will be so loved and enjoyed....

  12. Arish has left a new comment on your post "Catching Up Post (Part 1) - Back From Mum's":

    Trabajas muchΓ­simo en cosas muy bellas.
    Tomo nota de la idea de utilizar la salsa de tomate. BESICOS.

    1. (from Google translate) ...
      You work a lot on very beautiful things.
      I take note of the idea of ​​using tomato sauce. KISSES.

  13. Oh, my goodness, this post had me grinning--and that grin kept growing the farther I read. Are you familiar with a children's book titled "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"? I think there is another called "If You Give a Moose a Muffin." Anyway, they illustrate the principle of one thing leading to another, and I thought of them as you kept going farther down the "rabbit hole". (Pun intended.)
    A delightful read today, Miss Julie, and everything you touched here came up rabbits (rather than roses). So fun!

  14. I love the little rabbits, suitcase and bedding - all of it is delightful - I would of course like one too :) it must have taken some time to create these lovely things, a wonderful keepsake.

  15. Such a sweet gift Julie. Any little person would be so pleased to have it - and big people too. Glad you're getting time to get back to what you

  16. Oh my GOODNESS! Bunnies suitcase/bed is beyond adorable....I was literally sighing as each new piece was revealed. Juno will be delighted I am sure! Just so special! I am sorry I can't assist with the book....gorgeous projects by the look of it xx

  17. Oh Julie! How adorable! I love bunnies so much and this bunny is top notch! xoPom Pom

  18. Jackie has left a new comment on your post "Catching Up Post (Part 2) - a Rabbit Suitcase for Juno & a Pattern Request":

    Julie, just so adorable. Love everything about this gift.

    God bless.

  19. Julie this is just to cute , you have made a wonderful job, hugs June.

  20. What a beautiful present for Juno, she is a very lucky young lady.

  21. Beautiful gift for Juno Julie, how adorable is that, the pattern looks familiar, but not sure if I have seen it in another magazine, but I'll go through mine and check.

  22. I love how the story of the suitcase just grew and grew! What a beautiful gift - I am sure Juno will love it!

  23. Juno is going to just love it, Julie. I know I do! Everything is so gorgeous. xxx

  24. Speechless. Julie, your gorgeous “sew and tell” of Juno’s gift has touched every little girl heart inside us grown up girls….for we’re all little girls still aren’t we? πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

  25. Lovely suitcase. I make some myself


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