Friday, June 28, 2024

June Days & Angel Wings ...........................................

Greetings lovely friends & readers

We have had a week of lovely mild winter weather with sunshine & blue skies some days.

Included in my list of "things-making-me-happy-this-week" are the daphne that is now in bloom 💗 I picked vases of both white & pink & their fragrance is beautiful.  I've been on pet-feeding duties for neighbors & their hens have been laying lots of eggs for me.

I counted 4 daffodils flowering in my gardens this morning & many more in bud about to burst forth.  It seems early but I'll take early thanks very much !!

A new-to-me mug purchased on sale from Briscoes ... with the 3 cats on it how could I resist?? 😉
 I made a sticky lemon slice this week using this recipe * here *.  Believe me dear friends - if you like a real hit of lemon you will Love this! 💛🍋💛 I have had to give half away to stop myself eating it all !!

I also made Annabelle's Chicken & Veggie pies from her blog post * here *.  It made a huge mixture, enough for a large square pie for us & a larger rectangular one which went to Sid's family (with dinosaurs on it)  They were hearty & delicious.

I had a dear friend celebrate a birthday recently - we share similar taste in books so I was bold enough to buy her Marian Keyes latest book & stitched her a corner bookmark to go with it.  
I also had 2 orders for wheatbags - one for a male in a Motor X fabric which luckily I had a length of in my stash.  I added a handful of dried lavender to the floral one but not the MX one.

Alec's family have a new furry member - meet Lexie, a wild kitten who was found on the roadside right beside a busy city bridge.  She is settling in & has made herself most at home. My daughter-in-law sent me the above pic of her on my son's shoulder while he slept.  

My friend Gail sent me the above photo last weekend - she works at the St Johns Op-shop & wondered if I'd be interested in these Angel Wings above for $15?  Yes Please!  When I got into the shop to pay for them they were much bigger than the photo indicated (66 cms tall).  And heavy - I am sure they are concrete or some sort of cement.

Here they are on my deck table, awaiting painting. I did not care for the tan colour of them but wasn't quite sure what colour to apply to them.  Gail knew the girl that had donated them & she had sat them in her garden apparently.

Here is a close up to show you the wings which looked like a sandy mixture covering them - also the base was cracked but was quite firm & intact.  I decided not to fill the cracks but just work with them. I applied a coat of Pumice paint, a sort of fawny/cream colour.  Once this was dry I applied a coat of pale grey but didn't like this so tried to wipe it off.  It had dried already so I only got parts of it off despite scrubbing really firmly with water & a brush.  I actually quite liked the effect it was taking on.  So I let it dry thoroughly & then just dry brushed on a bit more pumice paint. (I have no progress photos to share as I forgot to take any while painting the wings)

This concrete urn beside it is sort of the effect I was going for - I thought 😉  I wasn't really sure to be honest.  I am saying all this so you realise that things don't always go tickety-boo to plan & sometimes I have no idea what I am doing.  
The Mr walked past me while I was studying it indecisively ... "I haven't a clue what I'm doing - but I think I'm trying to get a stone effect". I told him.
 "Well"  he said ...... "if it's any help - it looks like something you stole off someones Graveside!!" 
Perfect - just the effect I was after 😮

I glued felt under the base as it was rough & currently have it on Mum's glory box in my bedroom.  But I may put it out on the deck when spring time comes - not sure 😉.  All that to say ... I am really pleased with how it turned out (!!)

I am calling this photo Progress.  You can see the two furry ones managed to actually fall asleep within a close radius of each other last night, while I was sitting by the fire knitting. The ginger one managed to wait at least half an hour before she hissed!!  This is a miracle dear friends - it's only been 12 long months!!  So Yes thanks - I'll take any progress I can get!

As I sit typing this Blackie is still in my fabric basket (😣), Pippi is curled up on my dressing gown in the lounge & Little One is outside wondering what "winged things" he can chase today.

This arrived in my email inbox yesterday from The Mr.  We have a bad case of furalysis going on here.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend dear friends,

Thank you, as always, for your welcome visits here today,

With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. Another great Post full of lots of lovely Homely made goodies.
    Happy Birthday , I am a June baby to . Have fun hugs June.

  2. Lots of lovely things happening there as always. ||The lemon slice sounds delicious - and a great way to use some of those eggs! Have a lovely weekend. xx

  3. HaHa! I had the same 'first' opinion as Hubby...
    Hello...l thought, Julie's been creeping round a
    Cemetery...Still...once you find the rest of the
    body, it'll look great, as long as it does'nt fly off..! :).
    Seriously though, it does look nice, and quite
    unique...outside of a church that is...
    "Oh! for the wing and a prayer"...!

    Oh! And look at Lexie...isn't he lovely, his markings are
    amazing, and that face, how can you not love pussy~cats!
    Hope we see him growing up in the future..he's lovely! :).
    As for the other three furry rascals, HeHe! They look as
    though there getting last...? Bless!xxx
    And..Furalysis, well l never did..never heard of that word,
    before, you learn summat every day...! :O).

    Well...l'm off outside, summer has finally arrived, must get
    on and trim back the Virginia Creeper, back and front, that
    thing will be the death of me, still, l manage to keep on top
    of it...! First planted as a two foot shrub 46yrs ago, and still
    growing strong...! Bless!

    What do angel wings symbolize?
    The angel wing is very special as it is a symbol of angels who
    symbolize protection, purity, courage, love harmony, and protection.
    They provide us with happiness, hope, and faith. It is believed that
    angels reside in heaven and it is said that everyone has a guardian
    angel of their own......

  4. Love the transformation of the wings Julie - that is amazing, even if it you sort of worked it out as you did it!!
    We too have had a lovely week weatherwise, and today I was able to hoe the garden over again - I have a relatively small area of vegetable garden - and eat lunch outside! My daffodils have no buds as yet...
    Glad to see the cats are starting to tolerate each other, finally.
    I call it Purralysis - and my boy has suddenly decided he wants to sit on my knee, no matter what I am doing... this after seven years!!

  5. Julie, our bulbs are beginning to pop up and some are flowering, too. 'Tis very strange. Little Lexie is a sweet kitty, and as for your three, goodness they have a tough life, don't they??!! =) Those wings are fabulous! I love how your painted effect turned out.

  6. Furalysis I like - and have much experience of. Lexie is so pretty - how lucky she is to have found such a lovely home - and shoulder!

  7. I suffer from furalysis quite a bit. :) Aww Lexie is so cute, glad she has found herself a loving home to settle into. The wings are lovely & i'm glad i hadn't taken that mouthful of tea as i was reading the Mr's comment otherwise my screen would be covered in tea. :) :). Love the daffs. My bulbs are sprouting leaves, no flowers yet. Did your sweet pea survive?.

  8. Ellie Foster has left a new comment on your post "June Days & Angel Wings ........................................... ":

    Wow Julie - you have been really busy again. The angel wings look really effective after your hard work. 'Going with the flow' certainly worked on them. I love the photo with them on the table and Little One, right in the middle on the fence - it's as if you framed him! It's good that you have had some progress with the cats getting on (ish). Your new mug is very appropriate. Lexie looks such a cutie too.
    Have a lovely week
    Best wishes

  9. Always lovely to see what you get up to.... the wings are just your style and I love how you have done them (though I did have a good laugh at hubby's wit!!)

  10. Julie you did such an awesome job on doing the wings up. They are perfect and really do look like stone.

    God bless.

  11. The wings are a great find, yay for friends in op shops!! They look really good the way you have painted them. Good to see some progress with the furry ones!! Lovely new mug and nice to see another homeless cat has found a home with your family.

  12. Fiona has left a new comment on your post "June Days & Angel Wings ........................................... ":

    Always lovely to see what you get up to.... the wings are just your style and I love how you have done them (though I did have a good laugh at hubby's wit!!)

  13. Hi Julie ... another lovely post. I am so pleased to see that the cats are accepting each other slowly. Sometimes these things take time!! The Angel wings turned out wonderful & are very much You!! Sarah USA xx

  14. It is easy to see in your angel wing photo outside that Little One is an angel. Never a bit of trouble and Miss Pip will verify that I bet. I waited a day to re-read this. I did look up the chicken pot pie recipe and it is going into my cool weather stack of meals to make. It looked delish. Since you posted about the wings, and then I had the cemetery, I thought we must be thinking a bit alike. The wings look great, but they are heavy? And a new kitty face, Lexi to watch for when they send you photos. My husband has been out of town again this long 4 day weekend for him. Precious and I have spent a lot of quality girl time together, even though most of hers is sleeping. Up and down weather, sprinkles and high humidity one day and then a temporary cold front the next day. You have daffs blooming! And here I am thrilled my seedling marigolds are finally looking like real plants, lol. Lynn and Precious XX

  15. That's a great job you did of the angel wings. Isn't it lovely to see some happy yellow daffodils in the garden. I like Daphne but the perfume is too much for me so have to avoid it inside, sweetpeas do that to me as well. Have just picked some Earlicheer and popped into a vase and found the perfume a bit too strong. Such a shame as I love the Spring flowers.Progress indeed with the furry friends.Happy birthday Julie on your special day. Hugs

  16. Love your angel wings Julie, they turned out lovely, we had a few Daphne bushes, but none of them survived, so hubby ripped them out. Oh I cant eat chicken pie anymore had a bad experience with one, so now my stomach churns at the mention off one:-( Cute cat for Alec's family, and good to see your ones getting along a bit better even for a little while. Well one month of Winter down 2 to go, I have to say I'm not enjoying Winter as much as I use to, must be the old age:-)

  17. Oh girl, you made my week! What a funny, lovely and cute post! Hubby has been down with salmonella poising for a week and the poor love is very weak, so things here have been slightly askew of normal...and I am tired. But you filled my cup dear Julie. Love the wings, and yay on success with furry ones after 12 months. ha ha!!

  18. Love, love, love this post. brim full of happiness.

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  20. Your angel wings look great Julie. I had a little chuckle about "you stealing them off someone's grave"!


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