Sunday, June 9, 2024

Welcome to June

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Welcome to June - officially the first month of Winter here at the bottom of the world.   

I know I say this every month ... but goodness didn't May go by so very fast ??!!

 On certain mornings of the week Sid gets dropped off here by 7 am,  I give him breakfast & drive him to school at 8.30.  I like to get up early, get the fire going & then walk out to open the gates for his Dad to drive in.   Last Thursday the sunrise was looking so spectacular that I grabbed my phone & took these pics.

Remember in my last post when I mentioned that Madam Pip had taken up residence in my lace box & how I was going to regret letting her do this?  Well dear friends ... guess who is in there now & Yes I most definately DO regret this!!!  Blackie sheds far more than her & all that lace is going to have to be hand-washed.  It is day 6 now & he is still sleeping in there!!  😮

I purchased the blue plasterers trowel from St Johns Op-Shop for $3.50, then remembered I already had 2 of these in my Sleepout.  The middle one was my Dads & the right hand one was $5 from Hospice shop.  I decided to do something with them as once you have 3 of anything ...... you have a collection (!!) 😉
I scrubbed them first but decided Not to paint the trowel surface & to keep the rusty effect of them.

I painted the two with the plain wood handles - one Green (Paddock), one Country Clay ... then I sanded them to make them look aged like the blue handle.

When it came time to choose which transfers to put on them I had really good assistance from Miss pain in the Pippi who kindly helped me choose, & then flattened the rolled up ones for me 😖

I was just using up oddments of transfers & decided to go with a bit of a bird theme.  I also applied some transfer offcuts to the handles. 
Once finished I sprayed them all with 2 coats of clear matt varnish to seal them. 

I asked The Mr to drill holes in the top of each one so I could hang them but he tried & tried & could not drill through that high-tensile steel.  So I purchased 3 Disc hangers from my Hardware Store & hopefully these will hold them sufficiently.  I've hung them on the outside wall above my Pansy Planter Box. 

They go really well with the Vintage Saws that I upcycled in this post.

Thank you all so much for your sweet, kind & encouraging comments on Miss Luna Lapin.  Unfortunately she would not stand by herself or even lean against something without being pinned at the back.  I found this old doll stand in my sleepout so I gave it two coats of pale grey chalk paint & glued felt to the rough underside of it.

It does the job perfectly & now she is one fine upstanding rabbit with her suitcase, waiting for her adventures. 

The mystery object that I featured in my last post drew quite a bit of interest as you all tried to guess what it was.  Here it is above on the far left.     It was my friend Chris who emailed me with the photos above (centre & right) - it was a manicure set holder !  How wonderful & looking at the pictures Chris sent I can see just how it would work. I shall now be on the look out for a dainty little set to sit in my holder.  Thanks so much Chris ... this is such a wonderful community we have out here in blogland.  

Thank you as always dear friends, for your welcome visits here today,

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,

With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. Julie, love the plasterers trowels. The transfers used look Amazing. Sunsets and Sunrises are part of enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

    1. Thank you so much Sandy ... you are so right - we need to enjoy the simple pleasures of life 💙 Have a lovely week my dear friend xx

  2. Gorgeous sunrise photos!
    Is Miss Pippi resentful that she has been displaced from the lace box? I'm guessing from your post that YOU are a bit resentful about the switch. LOL
    You and Miss Pippi worked magic on those trowels. I'm sure you couldn't have done it without her help.
    Miss Luna's stand does an excellent job. Loved the "fine upstanding rabbit" reference. ;)
    How fun to finally know what that dainty little thing is. Hope you can find a little set for it to hold.

  3. Those trowels look fabulous fancied up, Julie. Wasn't it nice of Miss Pippi to offer her assistance??!! Such a gorgeous sunrise. At 7am here, the sun is still sleeping. The year is flying by isn't it?? At this rate Spring will soon be here...yay!!

  4. HaHa! Bless! Well done Blackie...Like all pussy~cats,
    he knows what he wants, and he's all out to get it, at
    least you know, your lace is being looked after, Julie,
    and he's keeping it well pressed...! :).

    You know, l have a trowel, it sits on the brick Barby,
    and has done for many a long year, l think it was
    my Mum's, the wooden handle rotted away years ago,
    so, it's just the blade, and a medal handle, l still use
    it from time to time, have'nt bothered to get a wooden
    handle for it...l'd only buy the wrong size, if it works,
    why change it...! :).

    Miss Luna Lupin looks lovely, and yes, with her suitcase,
    all ready to board a plane, love that coat of hers to...I
    would'nt mind one like that....In pink of course....! :).
    And....what was the mystery objest looks nice to, you'll
    have to look out for something a bit special to put in it.
    the end one on the right looks lovely, nice colouring....!

    The sun was shining through the Paddington Bear curtains
    at 5.15 this morning, went downstairs, drew the curtains,
    first green tea of the day, with honey and lemon of course...
    Breakfast by eight, so here l am, ready to get on with my life....
    HeHe! Onwards and Upwards...!
    Miss Pippi...Your doing a grand job, Mum would be lost without you..! :O).
    ☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰 ☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰 ☕🍰☕🍰☕🍰 ☕🍰☕🍰

  5. Blackie is a naughty boy, causing you extra work.
    The sunrises make it worth getting up early - so beautiful.
    I love what you've done with the trowels - who knew something so utilitarian could look so attractive? Miss Luna Lapin looks ready for an adventure - very sweet.

  6. I am glad that the mystery is solved. I have never seen a stand for holding a manicure set before. What a great way to keep the tools to hand.

    1. Thank You Tracy - I had not seen one of those stands before either & was really surprised when Chris sent through the picture - how fascinating. xx

  7. Julie this year is just flying by, before you know it Christmas will be upon us (sshhh I didn't say that) Blackie does look comfy in your lace box, what's a little washing going to hurt:-) Love your decorated trowels, never would of thought of that. Glad I could help with your mystery object, it definitely not what I thought it was, your bunny Luna, looks great on her new stand.

  8. So here's my question, should it happen to be a circumstance when the Mr. Needs one of those beautifully done tools for an emergency job, would he dare to lift one off and use it? And if he did and it got a bit scratched, would he simply hang it back up and hope that you would never notice, lol. We love how your lease box is being used for fur instead of for lace. One day you'll have enough fur in there to make a fur collar on a baby doll dress we think. Next it'll be Little Boy in the box but we hope he's dry when he does it. Lynn and Precious XX

  9. Oh yes, just perfect for a manicure set! I am sure you will find a pretty set to hang on your dish. Nice makeover of the trowels, they do look stunning on your wall. And MIss Luna looks very happy on her new stand. xx

  10. I've said it before but I'll say it again, your creativity is amazing. Thank you for all the inspiration.

  11. That was a lovely sunrise. Your trowels look lovely with their companions and Miss Luna looks very smart. Cats do like to be just where you don't want them - it's as if they do it on purpose! A manicure set - that makes perfect sense and I am sure you'll find the pieces you need. Have a good week (yes, this year is going far too quickly!)
    Best wishes

  12. The trowels look fantastic and are a great foil for the saws. Love them. I do so wish I was half as creative as you.

    God bless.

  13. I love your trowels, they are so perfect - especially in that setting. The cats.......just the way they are! And the sun rise is magnificent!

  14. Love your trowels, they are gorgeous. Beautiful sunrise. Well what can i say about the cats...... i have the same issues with my fabrics. :)

  15. Love what you have done with the trowels Julie, they look stunning and go really well on that wall. Your sunrise photos are stunning, hope you had a great day weather wise after those. I had a giggle to see Miss Pippi helping and Blackie resting and saying what is your problem Mum?? A manicure set - who would have thought!!

  16. Yes, June has certainly made her presence felt as being the first month of winter!! Love that sunrise - we see very little of either sunrise or set, just the way the house is sited, with a hill behind us.
    Miss Pippi and Mr Blackie are both characters, in their own ways... I love that finished revitalised set of plater trowels - you seem to be able to revive anything like that, and make a display of beauty using your revamped finds.
    Miss Luna looks about ready to run out the door, given half a chance :)
    The manicure set holder is a fascinating object - I look forward to seeing how you revive and use it!

  17. What a beautiful blog. Wow! You are having the first day of winter and here in the USA, we are just going into summer. Love the beautiful sunrise photos.

    1. Thank you so much Brenda - yes the sunrise's are stunning at times. And a nice mild winters day to follow. xx

  18. haha, your cats know the special places to go! clever what you did with the trowels... I never thought of a manicure set when you showed the picture.... have fun filling it up...

  19. What a fabulous sunrise! I really love your trowels and birds are always a winner for me. How gorgeous is your manicure stand. Look forward to seeing what your search uncovers for a set xx

  20. What a good mystery solved, no doubt on your Opshop travels you will find the right little tools for the manicure set. You have some pretty stencils, the bird and fern is especially pretty. Mrs Luna Bunny is standing good and straight now.


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