Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Slow Stitched Piece, A Quilt Show & A (mini) Magazine Feature

Greetings lovely friends & readers

For my friend Sally's birthday last month I decided I wanted to make her a slow stitched piece incorporating her favorite things ... Books, Vintage, Flowers & Cats.  She actually loves other things but these were what came to mind when I thought about Sally 💗

It was very much a case of make-it-up-as-you-go-along & I worked on it for a couple of weeks just adding in bits as ideas came to me.  I didn't want it to be too large & in the end decided to sew it into a small wall hanging which Sally could just tuck in anywhere.

I pulled out some of my treasured Tilda scraps to make the small hexie flower.
 Sally has the cutest little white cat called Georgie so I painted this tiny red wooden button white - while I had the chalk paint out painting the scroll hanger.

I knew Sally loved Tilda fabrics so I used a small floral print to back the piece & typed out a label which I attached with some vintage lace.

As Sally works in a Bookstore selling a huge variety of cards I decided to get something a bit different for her birthday card.
  I have followed Maxine's lovely blog for awhile & always admired the cards she creates so I asked her to please make a card that showed Sally's love of cats & books.  I love what Maxine created & Sally was delighted when she opened both the card AND the gift 💛

It was the annual 2024 Quilt Symposium for the first week of October & this year it was held in Cambridge, just 20 minutes down the road from where I live - I had to go!!  This stall above just made me swoon ... filled to the brim with Tilda fabrics & kits & patterns & all the things that I love ................ 
I'll take one of each item Thank You Very Much !!!!  No I was very restrained dear friends, as I remembered the rather large container of Tilda fabrics I already had in the cupboard at home  😔

This flour sack quilt above left caught my eye because I have some of these vintage flour sacks myself

Above right was a tree filled with hand sewn pears & apples, all beaded exquisitely - stunning 💙

There were some absolutely stunning quilts on display & my photos really do not do justice to the talent that was showcased here.  I only snapped a very few photos as I walked around.

These were my only purchases above - as I said, I was very restrained. But I really enjoyed my outing together with my friends Shirley & Bev.  And afterwards we went to a wonderful Garden Centre Cafe for lunch - it was just the change of scenery that I needed. 

I had a minuscule feature in a magazine article last week.   No dear friends, it was Not for my fashion & beauty tips!  Remember back in * this post * when I won the Resene Voucher as a Runner Up in the Garden Glow Up Competition?  Well they did a feature in the latest Habitat Magazine which is a free issue that comes out twice yearly.  I was delighted & offered my family members free signed copies but for some reason they did not take me up on my very kind offer 😉

We are getting sunny but chilly days - typical spring weather.  
Miss Pippi is lying in the afternoon sun down in the hospital corner of my lounge, where I put any house-plants that need extra care. How I wish I could lie down here myself & someone would lavish extra care on me!
Wishing you a wonderful rest-of-the-week dear friends,
Thank you for your ever-welcome visits here today,
With much love & friendship to you all,


1 comment:

  1. Your slow stitchery for Sally is beautiful - so full of cuteness and meaning. The Quilt Symposium looks like so much fun. (I had to go and order a pattern of Ted in Bed - too cute!) I used to always go to the big Quilt Show here in Houston each fall. And how good to see Resene honor your creativity with their product.


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