Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mum's Bedside Cabinet

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Here at the bottom of the world we welcome August as our last official month of Winter ... Spring is just around the corner dear friends πŸ’š

Image from Pinterest

Last Thursday I had hoped to start pruning my roses but the weather had other plans & it turned out a dreadful day, cold, windy & constant rain.  I decided to drag Mum's old bedside Cabinet inside & paint it.

I remember when Mum bought this bedside cabinet (that is what we call it but some may call it a chest of drawers) - she was so excited as she also purchased a matching bed headboard at the same time.  
When Mum moved to the Resthome she took this cabinet with her & it sat beside her bed for the 15 months she was in Care.  
When Mum passed away & my brother & I cleared her room out, he took this on the back of his Ute to deliver to the local Hospice Shop ... I followed him all the way & before he could drop it off I put it in the back of my vehicle.  Though I had no use for it in mind, I am so pleased I did grab it.

I'd been putting off painting it for nearly a year now.  I'm not sure why but I imagined it might be a horrid thing to paint.  I could not have been more wrong - it painted up beautifully.  I used a roller, the same as I did when I painted Mum's Glory Box *here*..  Two good coats & the coverage was amazing - the same colour chalk paint - Linen ... rapidly becoming a favorite.  

Waiting to be Waxed                                                  Waxed but not quite dry

I had some transfers left over from the Glory Box revamp so I decided to use them on the drawers.  These packs of Re-design transfers are not cheap but I save & use every single leaf, flower & offcut - nothing is wasted.
I bought 3 new handles from Mitre 10 & love the slightly antique look of these.  

I am so in love with my bedside cabinet & the drawers glide like magic - I am used to vintage drawers where you usually have to put your full body weight behind opening them (!!) πŸ˜‰

I have started to cut the brown off before I photographed it - it was such a sorry sight.

Last week I had to go to the Warehouse to buy a tarp for our firewood.  As I was walking to the checkout there was a large display of half dead ferns greatly reduced.  I picked up this ladder fern & went to pay for it ($5) - when the checkout girl rang it up she said it was originally $27.00 !! 
I had this pot on my deck with a dead plant in it - the handles had some rust spots on but I was able to remove these & give it a good scrub.  The pot is metal, not plastic but I loved its unusual shape & texture.

The poor fern had so many dead leaves - I gave it such a haircut,  then repotted it into this large black plastic pot which sat perfectly in the white urn.  I applied the last of the transfers from my bedside cabinet to the urn & sat the pot inside it.  

I am really enjoying the addition of houseplants to my bedroom & they seem to do so well as the room gets wonderful afternoon sun when the weather is nice. 

I was delighted to see my white moth orchid finally flowering after its repot in * this post *.  This one has not flowered for 3 or 4 years now so it was extra exciting.

Remember in *this post* where I accidentally broke off the large stem of buds on my pink orchid?  Well the smaller stem underneath has valiantly tried to put on a bit of a floral display.  The stem snapped off where the arrow is.

A few flowers picked this morning before the rains came ... a friend told me to dip my hellebore stems in boiling water before putting them in a vase.  I am hoping this stops them wilting as I've not had great success with having them indoors before.

It's a cold rainy day here today & even though the fire is roaring Madam Pip has found the least comfy place she can to go to sleep & I think perhaps her tongue shows just what she thinks of it all πŸ˜‰

Yesterday I received a wonderful surprise package in the post. I'd entered an online competition ages ago for Resene Paints whereby you had to submit photos of any things you'd painted for your garden using Resene Paints.  I can barely remember what I submitted now but I think it was all the things I paint with the Red Hot Chile colour & also the Green Paddock colour.  Whilst I didn't win they were so delighted with my entry that they sent me a $100 Resene Voucher which arrived along with this paint tin, filled to the brim with Smarties choccies!!                                          Well it was filled to the brim ... I blame that ginger girl cat πŸ˜‰πŸ˜²

Thank you dear friends, for your ever-welcome visits here today,

Wishing you a wonderful rest-of-the-week,

With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. Congratulations on your win Julie! Love what you have done with the chest of drawers and that fern has found it's perfect home. Lovely orchid too. xx

  2. A lovely post, and I think your Winters must be much colder than ours in North Queensland. I love how you have redecorated your Mum's Bedside cabinet, it looks lovely. Your Phalaenopsis Orchids look very healthy, I love how they keep sending out new flowers.

    1. Thank you so much for leaving me your sweet kind comment. I am so happy with how Mum's cabinet turned out & I think she would be chuffed that I am using it now. Wishing you a wonderful weekend - its a cold one here in New Zealand !! xx

  3. Another lovely post Julie - love the transformation of the bedside cabinet, and the pot!!
    I have been known to 'save' Warehouse plants - I got 3 cyclamen recently for $6!! They are all thriving on my wee deck.
    We have not been too cold over here, and the rain held off until late afternoon.
    Your orchids look lovely - mine have all sulked since I moved, and are not showing any inclination of blooming. I don't know that they are in the best positions yet, and shelves etc are a 'work in progress' still. One day...

  4. Phew! Just got back from town...meta friend for coffee...
    He'd just got back from South Africa where he met his
    lady friend...ringing bells in the air, she's coming over
    here next month, he wants me to meet her, and give my
    blessing...apparently she loves Soul music, so she's half
    way there already...! :).

    The draws look lovely Julie...right down to the 'knockers'
    HeHe! Am l allowed to say that...Once again, the transfers
    look great, sets it all off a treat....
    Just a suggestion, leave the bottom draw open, line with
    a cushion, for one of the furry three to rest and sleep in...! :).
    We can't have Miss Pippi laying on the floor with her head
    on a chair leg, that will never do...! Bless!x

    Must get on....Bit of shopping to see to, lemon tea called
    for, and washing to see to, though it's just started to drizzle,
    so, out with spinner, and then the iron...!
    Woman's work is never done...Bless! :O).

  5. Poor Miss Pip, needing a neck brace to hold up her head. Maybe a blanket in the bottom drawer of that lovely painted chest of drawers would be a good idea, lol. Nice to see you have the Lenten Rose blooming already. I've never had any, a neighbor has lots but never has said she's picked them for a vase indoors. The lady catty corner from us puts her ferns in hanging pots in all her trees. I say, if you want to decorate outdoors with plants, use colorful flowers. Green leafed trees do not really accentuate the green ferns. But indoors I enjoy a good fern, as you will now. Hope winter is definitely on it's way out. Lynn and Precious XX

  6. Congratulations on the win. I think your mum would be delighted that you saved her bedside cabinet and have made it your own. It obviously meant a lot to her. Cats are the oddest creatures - always getting themselves into the most uncomfortable-looking spaces! The fern is looking good already.
    Best wishes

  7. Congratulations on the Resene win.
    The bedside cabinet looks fabulous. It looks as though the weather is improving for you - what a relief.

  8. A lovely post Julie. I love what you’ve done with the drawers. The colour and transfers look great! Lovely you now can enjoy what was your dear Mum’s treasure

    1. Thank You Sandy - I am really loving the Linen colour - its just a bit different to my normal colour palette & I love it! Have a great weekend my dear friend x0x

  9. Love the drawers makeover, I had a giggle at you racing after your brother all the way to the op shop to rescue it!! A whole tin of chocolates - what a fun win!! haha...

  10. The bedside chest turned out just lovely. I am glad it was so easy to paint and I
    know exactly what you mean about vintage drawers. Congratulations on the lovely surprise of the coupon and the chocolates.

    God bless.

  11. How lovely your Moms bedside drawers turned out Julie - I too love that Linen colour - it is so lovely. Have a wonderful day. Sarah in USA xx

    1. Thank you so much Sarah - I am thrilled with how they turned out too - Mum would be so chuffed that I am using them. xx

  12. Oh Julie the chest of drawers is beautiful. Love them. I hope the warmer weather comes soon, over all this cold stuff. The sun is out this afternoon and my roses are getting pruned. Delighted. I have lovely Primulas in flower now and so Spring like.

  13. The chest of drawers is gorgeous as it the pot for the fern. Beautiful flowers. Congratulations on your win.

  14. Great post again, you are so creative , love every thing , Enjoy your week , hugs June,

  15. What a gorgeous make over you did on your dear Mums bedside table. Looks like your green thumb has worked some magic on your rescue fern. It looks beautiful in it's container.I for one am looking forward to Spring xx

  16. Congratulations on winning the voucher. You create very beautiful pieces of furniture.

  17. Hey Julie! Sorry I have missed so many of your beautiful posts. Your Mother's chest of drawers turned out amazing. It is so pretty. Wish you could spend a week here with me...making a few things pretty. :) I wasted an hour earlier today trying to cover the seat on a little kitchen stool. I made such a mess of the whole thing so gave up and had a nap on the couch. Guess I wasn't really in the mood to sew. I am so glad your pink orchid is blooming again. All your plants look so pretty. You just have a gift for making things beautiful. Love, Henny

  18. Your mum's old drawers came up a treat Julie, I like that colour to. It's weird I don't like having any plants inside, I hate the little bugs that come out, so I have them all out under my pergola, and they are doing well. So what colour Resene are you going to buy with your voucher, yummy smarties.

  19. I'm Scottish and my mum always called it a bedside cabinet - and me too! Love what you've done with it, really beautiful xx

    1. Thank you Diana ... yes Mum called it a Bedside Cabinet too so it's kind of stuck with me. Thank you for leaving me your sweet comment. xx

  20. Fancy the Ginger Furry Creature getting to those chocolate M & M's! How rude! Your plants sure are looking great. Another lovely revamp Julie, I wonder what your Mum would have thought? Yes spring is coming, but lets not shoo winter away just yet!

  21. The chest of drawers look fantastic. Lucky you winning all those smarties! xx


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