Friday, May 20, 2022

Catching Up ............... Part (3)

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Finally - after this post - I should be all caught up again 😉

Thank You for staying with me through these lengthy Catch Up posts.

Finally today our permit came through so we could light our new fire - & we are currently having a thunderstorm so the timing was perfect !

Last week my dear friend Sandy hosted a Pink Ribbon Morning tea for a small group of friends.  Sandy has hosted these in the past as we like to celebrate the journey back to wellness of our dear friend Pam, who has battled cancer twice.  I always enjoy going out to Sandy's as everything she does is just to exquisite taste & I knew the morning tea would be special.

As expected it was just superb & the pink theme was so perfect & pretty.   💗  Sandy had mixed up a pink drink with soda water & we had pink straws, pink plates, serviettes & even pink coasters.  Pink candles were burning & a large vase of pink flowers.

We enjoyed pink cupcakes, pink macaroons, pink heart marshmallows,  club sandwiches & Sandy had even made shortbread in the pink ribbon logo & iced this with pink icing sprinkled with pink & white hearts 💕  The entire table setting just made you want to smile.

Our get-together's always go by so fast & before we knew it, it was early afternoon.  Upon leaving Sandy presented us each with a beautiful potted Cyclamen.

I am lucky indeed to enjoy such friendships & it's so nice to get together & celebrate as we all lead busy lives & the months go by very fast before we manage to catch up.

I have not done a display on my coffee table since my Valentine's attempt.    I just got tired of the furry two always sitting amongst my treasures & then I'd clear it all off for Sid to do play dough on Tuesdays ....  I kind of gave up for awhile.  

However last week I decided to do another vignette with lots of candles as I love to burn them through our dark winter months.  I took a piece of advise from my dear friend Claire who said to decorate every spare inch & leave No room for any furry 4-legged beings to sit!   

Lots of Op-shopped junk treasures used for displays !!

I used trays to cover nearly  all the table & then did some candle, plant & vintage book displays on the trays. I really enjoyed this, using up items from my rather large stash.  I was so proud of myself when I'd finished & even made The Mr come & have a look.  (he was not in slightest bit interested)

Well dear friends ............................................. 
you can see how well that worked out for me .......................................................

In case you're wondering .... Yes he IS crying at me because I haven't left him any room to sit !!!!!  😐

Last Sunday my eldest grandson Alec turned the big 7 !! He had a birthday party & his Mum made him a wonderful chocolate mud cake.

Sarah, his Mum had gone to lots of trouble organising games to occupy all the children that came - a lovely mix of both boys & girls.

I especially loved this game above ... seems only yesterday my own boys were playing Pin the tail on the Donkey!  Now its "Pin the tail on the Dinosaur."   I loved seeing where all the tails ended up ... one even completely on the next window frame !!! 😉

Saw this on Instagram & loved it !!

 Thanks again dear friends, for your ever-welcome visits here today,

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend where-ever you are ... be kind to yourselves & to each other,

With much love & friendship to You All,

Julie & the furry ones x0x0x0


  1. You do live a fun life , love the post .
    What a lovely party to have for your friend and every thing pink.
    I have lost so many friends this last year , and you never know what a big hole it leaves .
    Always enjoy every moment spent with family and friends ,
    Thanks for sharing , hugs June.

  2. Wow the pink ribbon morning tea looks amazing Julie. Love your table and how typical of the cats to them want to sit in the smallest place!! And tell you all about it!! That is a great birthday cake, it is so lovely to see the Kiwi kids running about in bare feet! That would be a really fun game.

  3. What a wonderful pink spread and so beautifully decorated and displayed. Lovely to see another table decoration - I think that you just have to accept that little furry things will always want to sit there! The party looks like lots of fun. xx

  4. What a lovely fire Julie..Nice!
    But! NO! Furry ones in front of it..HeHe!
    A fire is'nt a fire without a pussy~cat in
    front of it...! Bless!xx

    AND...Look at ALL that pink,,Wow! Even
    the cakes are pink..
    When it's my turn to have the ladies coffee
    morning on Wednesday, l do much the same
    thing..My dining room is done out in Scandinavian
    pine, so l use pink to brighten it up! :).

    So Alec turned seven..Look at that cake, Wow! How
    many were you feeding Julie..ALL of New Zealand..! :0)
    Bet it tasted as good as it looks to..Very nice!
    Can't remember what l had when l was seven...Bar of
    soap l think..HeHe! :O).
    Oh! And look at poor Blackie..looks as though you've blocked
    his path to the window Julie..Bless him!x And one X for Miss
    Pippi...! :).

    I get the same problem with my Guardian Angel to..(HE) sits
    there watching me, painting (HIS) nails and rolling (HIS) eyes!
    Tough! He's stuck with me..and he does as (I) tell him...! :O)

    Well..I'm off to cut the grass out back, after l've had another
    lemon tea..with honey..busy most of the day to...!
    🌱 💛 🌱 💛 🌱 💛 🌱 💛 🌱 💛 🌱 💛 🌱 💛

  5. Well you certainly waited a very long time to get that permit for your finished wood burning stove. The fire looked very pretty and I enjoyed the picture that I am grateful that I now have warm weather and I don't have to use any kind of heat at the moment. That is a great way to celebrate your friends good health. What a what an ordeal she must have had to go through to this point. Here's praying for her
    continued health. I do love the way you decorated your table, you know Precious and I truly enjoy seeing both kitties will represented. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. Thanks so much Lynn & Precious. It is wonderful to be able to light the fire at long last. Miss Pip has barely moved away from it all weekend. I hope you both have a lovely weekend too Lynn xx

  6. That fire looks so cosy--and just in time!
    Tea at Sandy's looks like a very special event.
    Your coffee table display is lovely, but I got quite a chuckle out of the reaction of the furry family members.
    Looks like a very fun birthday party for your grandson.
    Loved the saying at the end. ;)

  7. what a lovely pink teaparty and also chocolaty birthday party..... I didn't realise you needed to get a permit for the fire - is that because of the smoke?

  8. Oh, I don't know, I think your Guardian Angel would have the best time hanging out with you, watching you play with all your pretties. =) How lovely to sit among all that prink loveliness with your friends and drink tea and enjoy delicious food. Alec's party looks as if all was enjoyed and as for your newly decorated coffee table....just lovely. Why, I would think the Mr would put his fit up (not on the coffee table...of course) and drink in all the loveliness. =)

  9. We have a wood fired heater too and it makes the room so cosy. Everything looks lovely for the morning tea. Your vignette is lovely as always. Those two cheeky cats make me laugh. Happy birthday to Alec. Love the guardian angel story. xx

  10. The morning tea looks so pretty. You are indeed blessed to have such wonderful friends. Loved your new vignette, so sorry that the furry one loves it too! Have a great weekend!

  11. Kim says ......... The cats really cracked me up. So feline!

    1. Thanks so much Kim ... its certainly "a cats life" around here - they rule the roost!

  12. That pink morning looked just fabulous and I love the table display, so funny that the cats just sneak in the smallest of gaps! x

    1. Thank you so much ... the morning tea was just wonderful & Sandy had done a superb job of everything - so special. xx

  13. Oh lordy Julie I remember playing pin the tail on the donkey at my 5th birthday party, great fun, my boys all would of loved the dino version, beautiful get together for a great cause, she went to a lot of trouble. Poor blackie, but your coffee table looks fabulous Julie, I think if I had that on my coffee table Max would wipe it all off with his tail, as he does with a few things I have on the tv unit, I try and put stuff up high now.

  14. Jackie says ...... Cozy fire on what is probably a rather cool day. That tea certainly looks well thought out and I just love all the pink.

    What a great birthday cake. Wishing him a belated Happy Birthday.

    God bless.

  15. What a beautiful tea. Everything looks so pretty. I can't imagine putting together any kind of get-together that would turn out that nice. Oh Julie, your cats are adorable. Why do they always want to tip-toe through any place you don't want them, and don't they alway find a little spot to sit. Your fire looks warm and cozy. We are just getting into summertime but thoughts of sitting be a fire makes me look forward to winter again.

  16. i looking some information thank

    ittelkom jakarta

  17. Hi Julie I really enjoy reading your posts and seeing what you are up to and I love your beautiful makes ,take care lovely lady 💕🤍💕

  18. Above comment pink Rose

  19. Lovely entry Julie, you do so well to keep up. What a fabulous pink morning tea, amazing. Golly the time is going fast, Alec now 7, I bet he had a great birthday with his friends, the birthday cake looked superb. Yep, can't beat those little impish cats of yours, they are in charge.


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