Saturday, June 24, 2023

L.B.L.O. (Life Before Little One) ๐Ÿ˜‰ ...... & an Update

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Life is still very chaotic here at Cat Central Threadbear HQ but I realised I had not shared some projects that I'd finished before Little One came into our lives & tipped everything on its head !! 

The Mr sent this through to my inbox yesterday morning ... I did not laugh like once I would have ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜

Before Little One I found an old wooden frame in my stash & chalk painted it off white.  I then framed the wonderful Certificate that Sid gave me in * this Post *. It hangs on my sewing room wall ๐Ÿ’—

Before Little One I called to visit my friend Jane whom I hadn't seen in many months.  Jane was just about to list this gorgeous vintage needlework picture on Trademe, an auction site here in New Zealand.  As luck would have it I was able to purchase it off her & I absolutely adore it! My photo is not really doing justice to the beautiful colours in this handwork piece. 

Before Little One I hauled this old wooden stool out of my sleepout. It was a $2 purchase from the Paws Animal Care op-shop.  I was originally going to just paint over the old vinyl top but in the end I removed all the staples & took it off. 

This was fortunate because the original foam padding had completely disintegrated & turned to dust.  I cleaned all this off with a scraper & gave the stool a good scrub with sugar soap. 

I gave the legs 3 coats of chalk paint in the colour Sage - the same colour I used on this small table.  I gave the top 3 coats chalk paint - Vintage White which is really more of a cream.  Then I applied this White Cloud transfer.   I lightly sanded the whole thing as I wanted it to have a time worn appearance.  I will use this either as a plant stand or just a stool to put a cuppa on - these are always handy as little side tables.  

While still on the "$2 theme" I saw this wooden box on my last trip down to Mum's, in the Hospice Shop, sitting forlornly in the corner.  The first thing that popped into my head was "pansies" ...  I could visualise it planted with pansies.

Once again, a good scrub & then two coats of a matt black testpot that I had in my stash. You can see I painted the inside well too.  Miss Pip used it in the interim as a sleeping box - then I added some of the leftover Botanical Transfers from * this * chest of drawers..  I waxed it really well both inside & out before lining it with a folded up black rubbish sack.   I forgot to add that I drilled 6 holes in the base for drainage.

As originally planned, I planted it with a selection of 6 gorgeous flowering pansies - they are so pretty here in New Zealand this time of year.  

The reason I used the Botanical transfer was because I wanted to sit in on the chest of drawers that I'd previously upcycled out on my deck.  Many things that I sit on here blow off & I knew this was solid & weighty enough to withstand some wind.  

I am so pleased with how this turned out. I've put a piece of oilcloth underneath so that when I water it, it doesn't run over onto the wooden drawers. 

An Update on Rascal Little One ........

Physically he is doing very well. On a trip to the Vet last Friday he was pronounced well enough to have his surgery (neutering). I don't know what they gave him but he came home bouncing off the walls & has not really stopped since.  He has finished all his antibiotics & even his blind eye is looking alot better.  He is living The Life of Riley

He is most fascinated with the fire & cannot understand it - our fire makes a noise as it has a fan fitted in it to blow the heat around

Now that he has some confidence he is venturing further than the spare room ... there is much to explore in this house & different smells.  This is not always a good thing as I have to be vigilant with my other two cats.  Blackie takes not alot of notice but then he is gone most of the day to his favourite sleeping spots outdoors.  Miss Pip, being an indoor cat, has her nose most out of joint & I can't leave them alone as yet at all! This means not alot gets done. 

She is currently allowed to do things she would normally NOT be allowed to do ... such as sleeping in my underwear drawer (!!) ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ  (You may notice I managed to quickly tuck a cuddly rug down to save on cat hairs)

Oh dearie me .... & on it goes . . . . . . . . . .

My friend Elaine popped by for a visit last week & gifted me this beautiful bowl of Viola's - perfect colours for my deck table, & such a lovely surprise.

Thank you as always dear friends, for your visits here today,

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend - its mid winter here in New Zealand now & a bit gloomy,

Sending much love & friendship to you all,

Julie & the furry ones (3) x0x0x


  1. HI Julie, lovely to see that Little One is settling in so well and being given a new lease of life with you. Your latest creations are all lovely, I like the needlework picture you bought from your friend, I like the teal tones and colours - I have a lot of that colour in my house. Betty (Elderberry-rob)

  2. Hello Julie. I have been visiting your blog for a long time, but don't often comment. Little One (Rascal) is a beautiful cat. I hope he and Miss Pippi will tolerate each other to make your life easier! We lost our much beloved cat last August but I still miss him. Another cat used to follow him around and although we know that he has a home in the next street, he comes in to eat and occasionally sleep here too. All of our previous cats came to us...they must know, mustn't they?
    Best wishes

  3. More lovely makeovers Julie and good to see Little One making a recovery. Sid's certificate looks great framed up. xx

  4. Another most enjoyable post. You say you don't get much done, but really . . .
    You're past the winter solstice now so the days will start drawing out soon, just as ours start to draw in!
    Take care, Janice x

  5. Love your posts , fantastic work , You should have your own TV show .
    Have fun hugs June.

  6. I suppose it's like having children, got two, might as well have three!lol Loving the upcycled stool. Keep cosy

  7. Well, at least Miss Pip did not get painted black and confuse us as to who she might be, lol. pansies are great flowers and I have one large pot on my small front porch that is doing great for Spring. The 2nd pot not so good and covered with aphids! So I sprayed both pots, hoping to stop the spread. I love your projects and you are still waving a paint brush. I have been trying to bike, but we have hit 2 more rainy weeks after a long dry spell. so a bit of playing with my patio flowers and walking at home too much. Lovely flower needlework some did. What a long project that would have been. You have gourds and we barely have plants up so far. I really like the setting on your table outside. Lynn and Precious XX PS glad Little One is recovering. so bring on the 4th cat, right?

    1. Thanks so much Lynn & Precious. Yes I love pansies too & they give you a really long flowering period. And NO - there will definately not be a 4th cat (!!) - I am about ready to leave Home already!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Love your projects Julie. Glad the new kitty is getting better. Love the pansies & violas.

  9. Great piece of handwork you managed to get.... it's gorgeous and I love the box of pansies. If there is another life I would like to come back as a cat in your place please....

  10. Jenny of elefantz has left a new comment on your post "The Tale of "Little One"":

    Oh are the Mother Teresa of cats. If I were a cat I'd come live with you too. How blessed those three fur babies are! xxx

  11. Lovely post Julie, good to see you got some crafting done before the arrival of the little one. I hope he and Miss Pippi can get on eventually and life will settle down for you. The pansies are beautiful, such happy faces.

  12. Lovely post Julie, I love pansies, they have such dear little faces just like your lovely Little One.So glad he has you for his Mum.

  13. I can just imagine the Kitty Chaos....with a little kitten feeling tip top and annoying the hierarchy lol! Love your upcycling for those pretty pansies. Beautiful floral much work in it. Hoping things calm a little for you soon xx

  14. Little One seems to be doing quite well and getting into all kinds of mischief.

    Love all the makes you managed to complete before his arrival.

    God bless.

  15. Your Mr has a wicked sense of humor Julie, your nearly there lol. Love all your makeovers, you always do such a great job on them. Glad to hear the little one is doing better, now is that going to be his forever name?

  16. Little One is very cute! I'm so glad you took in another furry baby! Your lovely transfers are perfect. You're a good paint picker and transfer picker! xo

  17. You are so sweet and so funny and thank you for your kind heart...and your wonderful husband too. Little One is very cute and very lucky to have you. Love your beautiful work!


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