Friday, May 31, 2024

A Mixed Bag

Greetings lovely friends & readers

It has been one-of-those-weeks ... a mixed bag filled with good & not-so-good things.  I am choosing trying really hard to focus on the positives.

 I stood out on my deck one glorious day at the start of the week & took this photo of the brilliant blue sky & the autumn colours of the trees down the section. 

Even the shadows looked wonderful  💙

On my way out to babysit Alec I called into The Floral Shed & purchased a bunch of Paperwhites.  Their fragrance is amazing & they are still looking good after nearly a week as I put them outside at nights.  They are sitting in Mum's antique Crown Devon Vase.

I lit a new candle that I'd been gifted at Christmas.  The fragrance is White Lily & Ginger & it is subtle, soft & lovely.  

I planted up a punnet of Antique Pansies into my old tin tub.  This shade of pansies is my absolute favorite  💗

 I parked outside Habitat for Humanity Op-Shop last week & - of course - popped in for a quick squizz.  This little dish came home with me - $2.  I've cleaned it up but am unsure what it is meant for .... the assistant thought perhaps a tooth-brush holder ?

Any thoughts/ideas dear readers ............. ?

Remember back in this post in February when I repotted my two moth orchids?  I was delighted to see healthy looking flower shoots now appearing on both plants.

The white one above has not flowered for a few years, the pink one skipped last year ... so I was thrilled that they seem to be much happier & healthier in their new pots.

I made two loaves of banana bread on Wednesday - one is for Sid's family, one is for ours.  The banana's seem to turn black quite quickly with the warmth of the fire going.

I finished stitching the Sashiko Panel that I had been slowly stitching since the beginning of the year.  This was a preprinted panel purchased from * Here *.  I decided to make mine into a pouch to hold my Journals.  I had bought a fat quarter of Japanese Woven fabric at the same time so I used this to line it & also for the edges.  This pouch kind of "evolved" in my head as I went along 😉

This is what generally happens when I sit at night to do some handwork & watch TV.  Inevitably the ginger girl ends up in my lap & Oh My - does she shed fur !!!!  I have wiped the pouch over with a damp cloth but I can see by my photos I am going to have to vacuum it to get the hairs off.

Using up the last tiny scrap of fabric I stitched a little pocket to the inside flap to hold my pen.  I am really pleased with how this turned out & it was therapeutic to sit & stitch when my eyes are tired at night (despite the cat hairs!!)

Speaking of said ginger cat ... I went searching for a lace scrap in my lace bin last Monday & before I could put it all back in again - she took up residence. 
 The photo on the left is on Monday - the right one is on Wednesday - she is still sleeping in there & I am going to seriously regret letting her do this I just know it (!!!)

When I went to collect Sid from school on Wednesday we encountered bad weather so drove particularly slowly home.  I am not sure whether a small tornado had gone through here but I noticed a huge branch had fallen off the tree onto my rose garden while we were gone.  Underneath it all - in the right photo - is my poor flattened rose garden.

We also lost a huge native Ponga tree by the pond which just completely tipped itself over.  There is going to be some cleaning up to be done at Threadbear HQ !!

Thank you so much dear friends, for your welcome visits here today,

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,

With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. The crown Devon vase looks lovely , Is it from Devon in the UK where I live , I know we make alot of Devon pots here.
    Another lovely post I always love seeing all your lovely goodies and news . I wonder if the holder is a pen holder.
    looks to pretty for a tooth brush holder. So sorry for the broken trees , we also get bad storms.
    Have a good weekend hugs June.

  2. Oh what a shame about your lovely trees and rose garden, so much to clear up. Such a pretty dish and far too nice for tooth brushes! I like the idea of a pen holder but am wondering about the extra square loop at the back which looks like it might fit onto something. I love your use of the sashiko as a pouch, it looks lovely. xx

  3. My mother had a dressing table set and a powder compact just like your mystery object, which I have inherited. I wonder if it could be something else for the dressing table, perhaps a stand for hatpins? It is very pretty and very intriguing!

    1. Hello Tracy - thank you so much for leaving me your sweet comment. That is interesting that your Mum had a set just like my "mystery object". I did think - when I first saw it - that it was meant for a dressing table. I do wonder if maybe makeup brushes or some suchlike? Thanks for stopping by Tracy. xx

  4. oooooO! Pansies...I~Love~Pansies...My most favourite flower,
    follow by Orchids...I don't think there's any other flower that
    has so many colour choices as Pansies..! :).

    Suns out this morning, though we had a downpour yesterday,
    have'nt been able to get out in the garden, the grass needs
    cutting, back and front, but, it's to wet...
    Will get out shortly, got a load of branches to clear, Jack next
    door, cut them off my fir tree last week, with his chainsaw,
    so, l must get rid of them, and a little pruning of the Virginia
    Creeper needs doing, summat l have to keep on top of...!

    HaHa! And Miss Pippi still helping out with all your craft work
    She has to check these places out, for comfort, and safety....! :).

    That item with the holes, yes, l'd imagine it's for tooth~brushes,
    in a very posh bathroom, l suspect...
    The holes are to small for cigars...HeHe! :O).

    Well...I must get on, another lemon and honey tea is called for....
    Suns shining through the Paddington Bear curtains, so all
    looking good...washing out on the line...Job done...! :O)
    🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇 🐰 🐇 🐰 🥚 🐇

  5. The antique pansies are such beautiful, soft colours. I think your toothbrush holder could be used for joss sticks :-)

  6. It certainly sounds like a character building week Julie... so sorry to see the branch over the rose bed :(.
    Our ginger cats certainly take up residence in odd spots - mine is currently living sitting on cartons directly under the heat pump, whether it us on or not. I am not yet fully unpacked...
    Love you autumn photos, they are stunning.

  7. I always feel so bad when trees come down. They live so much longer than us and are so beautiful, as in the top photo. Beneficial in so many ways. But to lose the tree and have the beautiful roses ruined at the same time, that's a bit much to have happen. Those pansies are just a sweet peachy color that I do not know if I have ever seen. They make good for a match with that sweet and innocent kitty, Miss PIp, who does no wrong. After all, policing your valuable cloth products for future projects is super important, lol. Hope the clean up goes quickly and the rose plants survive the trampling. My iris are just down to a flower or two and now the deep pink astillbe are budding up nicely. Slugs have destroyed most of my seedlings of zinnia and marigold that I had planted in my flower bed. The ones on the patio in pots have survived. It is quite cold this morn at 40 F but thankfully sunny. Lynn and Precious

  8. The pansies are very pretty and unusual colours. I am not sure about the 'toothbrush holder' - if it was for that, wouldn't the water affect the metal? Your sashiko is lovely (and has the feline seal of approval, which is always necessary). I hope your roses have survived but they are tough things, so hopefully they will bounce back.
    Best wishes

  9. you found lots of positive things to focus on... hope you are ok... what a fright with that storm.. I love all your lovely sashiko ...

  10. I am so sorry that your rose bed got flattened. Hopefully the roses come back. You did find lots of positives this past while.

    God bless.

  11. Lovely post Julie, sorry about the falling over trees/punga crunching your garden. Your pouch is gorgeous!! My initial thought for your mystery holder was that maybe it was for pipes, but then it is a bit too feminine! Then I thought hat pins or something on the dressing table? Love the pansies, oh dear Miss Pippi!!!

  12. I am wondering if your Victorian find is a hatpin stand or a teaspoon stand? would be fun to find out. Sorry to read about yuor adverse weather and garden damage, I hope all has calmed now. Betty :)

  13. Tooth brush holder?, could be what about a holder for glasses/spectacles, or those long cigarette holders?
    That's one BIG branch down, no doubt after ANOTHER round of the chainsaw gang have been, your roses will eventually bounce back. To Miss Ginger Cat.....I too shed hair, I know how you feel, the comments some people make when ones hair is stuck to them can dampen a fragile girls soul! You just carry on as you and all! xxx

  14. Love your photo Julie, a lovely view, its cold and rainy here today, I thought your mystery object could be for a cup and saucer, apart from that something for the dressing table, you should use google lens and take a pic of it Julie, see what they come up with. Great little pouch for your journal, sorry about your rose garden, I hate when the big trees come down.

  15. Love the Autumn leaves on the trees. Antique Pansies have always been a favourite of mine.

    1. Thank You Sandy - they are such lovely shades of antique pinks & burgundy aren't they - just love them. xx

  16. Hi sweet Julie! Ha! Your fur babies are so smart! I love your journal cover! LOVELY! Stay warm, friend. We'll try to stay cool! xo

  17. Oh, wow! I am so sorry. I remember a few years back when a hurricane went through here, Not fun. But, you and we are still here. So, we move on!

  18. Sorry it has been "one of those" weeks for you, my friend.
    I love the opening thought you shared.
    Beautiful fall colors on the trees, and I love the paperwhites. I am familiar with their aroma, as I have a couple of patches of them in my garden.
    I recognized those antique pansies as soon as I saw the photo. Those are my favorites, as well, though I haven't planted them for a few years. I have been a very lax gardener lately, but I did get out and weed one of the raspberry patches this evening--and I have the backache and mozzie bites to prove it. :)
    Such a pretty little stand, whatever its original purpose may have been. And now you get to decide what its future role will be.
    I don't want to be a downer, but I think the new growth on the first orchid photo is a new root. However, the second one definitely has a healthy, lovely stem of buds growing! WooHoo! That is cause for celebration.
    I haven't ever thought to top my banana bread with chocolate chips, but I LOVE the idea! Do you also mix them into the batter?
    You created such a beautiful Sashiko pouch for your journals.
    And the photos of the ginger furry one in the lace bin really made me laugh--because I'm not the one who will have to clean off the lace in order to use it. ;)
    So sorry about the storm damage to your garden. It certainly was a week to remember!

  19. Suspect it could be a Victorian spoon holder with the serving spoon in the bigger hole (for fruit)

    1. Hi there & thanks for leaving you comment ... another reader sent me a couple of photos & I have shown them in my latest post - the holder is actually for a manicure set of all things! 😊

    2. Beautiful photos Julie. Abd because I read your posts out of order I know what your beautiful holder is! Your Sashiko work is gorgeous andcwhat a lovely journal holder you have it! I suspect you're lacy kitty is going to be resistant to being turfed out lol! Gee your pansies are a beautiful colour. So sorry about the damage to your lovely rose garden and loss of your tree. I do hope something can be salvaged from your roses. I do hope things are looking up for you now xx


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