Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Mid-Winter Christmas Get Together

Welcome dear friends & readers

I see I have a couple of new followers - Welcome to you all ๐Ÿ’—


It was my turn to host our little craft group & we decided to do a mid-winter Christmas theme for our food & craft item.   Gail had given me the little felt caravan decoration awhile ago & I made up a pattern from it, then cut out & made some kitsets up ... I did various colours, not just red.

In the weeks leading up to our meeting I saved & washed out lots of my catfood tins so we could all have another challenge of what to create from them - I did this last year also.

I made my favorite Sticky Lemon Slice & served this with freshly whipped cream.  I also made Salmon rolls & served hot Sausage rolls with lunch. The ladies all bring a plate, some often bring a sweet & a savoury.  I decided to set my table a bit christmassy & I pulled some items from my decoration boxes over the weekend.  

I set it up quite early & was in the midst of tweaking it & adding some more items when I came inside & found a rather large ginger Christmas decoration plonked on the table ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ต (!!!)

I lit a Cranberry & Nutmeg Candle & the fragrance was very festive

Here is our Morning-tea table ... Lemon slice, Neenish tarts, Scroggin Slice, Salmon Rolls, Asparagus Rolls ... washed down with mugs of coffee & tea.  I forgot to photograph our Lunch Table but there was hot sausage rolls, savories, & cheese & bacon twists to warm us up on this cold winters day.  If nothing else - we get the food right!

Some of the ladies - we are down to just 6 of us now but I rather prefer the smaller size group.

Although we are all very informal, our general programme is that we have morning tea, clear the table & then craft ... followed by a later lunch & any show-n-tell that anyone has bought along.
  I've forgotten to take a photo of the finished felt caravans but I did snap one of all the ladies happily working away.  There is always lots of chatter & laughter which is so good for the soul.  

My finished pink caravan - I still have to add a bead door handle to the door & embroider a flower.

Last Wednesday I had a Specialist appointment in the city.  Afterwards I drove all the way out to the Daffodil Farm as I wanted to buy some daffodils.  Although I try to get over each year I'd not been for 2 years now.

(Once again, I forgot to snap a photo so this is an older photo from a couple of years ago)

I love coming here - it never fails to cheer me up seeing the paddocks full of yellow smiling faces ๐Ÿ’›  I treated myself to a $20 bucket of "seconds" & was lucky enough to get a mixture of different varieties.  

I kept some for myself & gifted a couple of bunches.  Although I am not usually a yellow lover I think the sight of daffy's in the midst of winter just reminds me that spring is not too far away. 
 I also called into Le French Quarter & purchased the dainty green china jug.  I pick fresh parsley each day as I use it in tea's & this wee size is perfect to sit on my kitchen bench.

There is a large sign at the Daffodil farm that says if you put your daff's outside at night they will last longer.  I tried it this time & Yes it really does work.  Here they are on the left the day I purchased them & on the right is today's photo - 7 days later.  They like the cold at night & my house gets too warm with the fire going.  

You can read in * this post * about the soy candles I made for my sister-in-law using crystal dishes from Mum's china cabinet.  Leonie (my sis-in-law) had used them & sent them up asking if I could please refill them for her.  There is a glass tray that they sit on.  I refilled them using Rose & Geranium oils & posted them down with my brother's birthday parcel.  She was delighted with them & loved the fragrance.  

Wishing you a wonderful rest-of-the-week dear friends,

Thank you for your ever-welcome visits here today,

With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. Oh! My! Word...Christmas...Goodness...! :).
    Well, l have started buying 'nuts'..HeHe! :).
    Our summer has just begun over here, at last,
    last three days, glorious sunshine, and to~day
    will be the hottest day of the year, up in the thirties,
    washing out on the line, first thing, be dry in an hour
    or so...!
    Though! Though! Rain forecast for tomorrow, and the
    weekend, and l have my daughter, son~in~law and
    Nala the dog coming fot a long weekend....! Oh! Well...! :(.

    The Morning-tea table looks amazing...lovely...oooooO!
    Scroggin Slice...Scroggin Slice, l shall have one this
    weekend Julie, my daughter will make me a rather large
    one for the next few months...oooooO! :).
    And still made from your original receipt....oooooO! HeHe!

    Nice to see Miss Pippi, making sure everything is up together,
    clean and tidy....so, she did'nt get involved with the crafting,
    not enough room there l suppose...Bless!x
    I was watching a repeat of 'Flog It' on BBC2 yesterday, and
    Martin went to visit about twelve ladies, sat round a very large
    table, making a quilt...it was amazing, it needed all of them,
    to work together so that it turned out in a uniform shape,
    the quilt must have been twelve foot square...!

    I do like the look of those Salmon rolls...reminded me of our
    Sicilian Cannelloni...Now l do 'love' Cannelloni...! :).

    Well...Must get on....nearly nine in the morning, plenty to get
    on with....take one bit at a time, another Green tea, with honey
    and lemon of course...see...what has to be done, in and around
    the castle..well...the homestead really...! HeHe! Bless! :O).
    Hope Blackie is well...Have'nt seen him in a while....! :O).

  2. That looks to be a wonderful get together and the food looks great too. Miss Pippi obviously felt the need to check on proceedings! Cats do like to be involved in what you're doing, don't they? The daffodils are lovely and so cheerful. (I must remember to buy some more bulbs for autumn planting.)
    Have a craft-filled week (of course!)
    Best wishes

  3. What a lovely gathering, and fabulous food too :) You really do know how to 'do' Christmas in July!! Love the wee caravans.
    I do remember the 'tiny tin' challenge - I will be interested to see this years results!
    That large ginger addition to the table did not last long - did he flee when the company arrived? Mine would.
    The daffodils look amazing - and yes, they are so cheerful in July...my first one has just bent it's head and is now ready to open.. so looking forward to seeing it bloom - bonus - it's facing my lounge window so I won't have to go outside to see it.
    That candle scent sounds wonderful - and how pretty they are in the crystal bowls

  4. What a lovely get-together and working with other people enlivens creativity. I love the caravans.
    I particularly like the large orange cat decoration - so lifelike ;-)
    It's strange to think of you having daffodils but such a lovely splash of colour and scent - just the thing to brighten a cold winter's day.

  5. So much fun going on here this time! Friends, good food and fun crafting. We think about Christmas in July to try to feel cooler, not that it helps much, lol. Retro Campers for ornaments, what a clever idea. And Miss Pip would look lovely with yellow daffodils. Still overly hot here with a dab of rain finally. Too tired to think now and not doing much except trying to read when I can. Covid is awful and now into 2 weeks for me with a fever. Good thing it does not spread by typing blogs! Lynn and Precious XX

  6. What a jolly get together, gathering with friends and crafting, blissful.

  7. You certainly do get the food right! Looking forward to seeing what happens to the cat food tins. Lovely daffodils, I always look forward to getting my first bunch in January. xx

  8. Oh what fun your little group seem to always have! A lovely spread, good friends, a craft to do together...wonderful. Perhaps Miss Ginger Fluffy wanted to be invited to participate? Ha ha!!
    We do not get daffodils here in the tropics, but I do love them so much. Perhaps I should stitch one? Or find a painting of them?? Mmmm.
    I have a candle kit waiting to be used, my first, but still deciding on the fragrance. Have a wonderful August, Julie!!

  9. Your craft group looks like they have a lot of fun together Julie, love the cute caravans, think I put on a few pounds just looking at the yummy food, mmm neenish tarts yum, still havent given making candles a go yet, one day, the containers look beautiful. I always remember jonquils growing up Horotiu around the railroad track crossing. Cute green jug Julie. Frosty morning over here today brrrr ,hope you are staying warm.

  10. Looks like you were all having lots of fun. Love the little caravan & the food looks delicious. Love the ginger Christmas decoration. :) :). Can't wait for my daffs to flower. The jug is so cute & perfect for your parsley.

  11. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon with people who enjoy the same things. The caravan decoration is a very cute idea as is the ginger Christmas decor. I find the colour yellow to be so cheering.

    God bless.

  12. Looks like a lovely crafting time and a bunch of good friends enjoying good times and each other. I love your Christmas Caravans, and the food all looks delicious.

  13. Hello lovely lady , Love your new blog .
    Looks like you and the ladies had a good time .
    Those daffodils are beautiful. Love the sweet Caravans .
    Enjoy your week hugs June.

  14. Christmas would not be Christmas with out the ginger furry deco!! Looks like you had a wonderful time with the craft ladies Julie and you ate very well! Yum!! The little caravans are so cute, love them!! The daffodils are beautiful, have not seen any here yet, hopefully soon. Your little green jug is very pretty.

  15. What a love craft day you hosted (I like smaller groups too) I do love happy yellow daffodils, never heard about putting outside at night but it does make sense...

  16. My mouth was watering looking and reading about all those delicious treats and your table looked beautiful and festive despite the large "Ginger ornament " lol! It's lovely to have friends you can relax with. The daffodils are beautiful. How gorgeous are your sweet candles and their special holders xx

  17. A beautiful post Julie. Looks like some nice eating, chatter & cool crafting in your group. Will you hang the felt caravans on your Christmas tree? I didn't know about putting the daffodils outside in the evening. The scent of those candles MUST be so nice! I was sad to see Mrs Ginger Miss not joining in the craft group...I suppose she ran for the hills...or the nearest quilt to hide under?

  18. A great day for your craft friends. Gorgeous wee kit you made to share. The food sounded awesome. Those daffodils look stunning and add such cheer. I had forgotten about that daffodil farm. I need to go there now. Guess what!!!!

  19. Hello dearest Julie! I love the ginger table decoration! Timothy does the same. He thinks everything is for him! I bet your craft club is SO fun! I wish I could come! I love the daffodils! I know we are nearing our fall (yay!) and it comforts me that you are looking forward to spring. YOU are a gem! xo Oh! The lunch menu looks SO good! Hungry!

  20. Looks like a fun day with the girls. I love the felt caravans.


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