Saturday, August 31, 2024

As August Draws to a Close

 Greetings lovely friends & readers

Here we are on the final day of August & Spring is right around the corner ...............

Last Friday Alec had his school Grandparents Day which they combined with a Book Character Dress-Up Day.      Alec went as a Wizard from Lord of the Rings, & I went as a Granny  πŸ˜‰

Over the weekend I was asked to help with Sid's costume for his school Wearable Arts Competition.  The theme was "rural" & Sid chose to go as a Compost Heap (!!!)  Yes you did read that right!
  I made a simple hessian tunic & we dried orange & lemon slices in my dehydrator then his Mum glued on all the rest of the foraged items, including making him the hat which took 3 prototypes to get right.  Personally I thought he made rather an adorable little compost heap.  (& he was the only one in the entire school!!!)

Last week I had to go to the Variety Store for tissue paper so I purchased another 2 white plastic Urns - small & large sizes, as I decided I wanted a set of 3 & I showed the medium size in my last post.  Once again I gave them 2 coats Resene Black Test pot paint first.

I find they dry much better by the fire this weather.  
Now Miss Pippi takes her watching-paint-dry-duties very seriously, but I noticed she fell asleep on this particular occasion.  These are the rust products I used above right.

It absolutely fascinates me watching the rusting process take place.  I spritzed these 2 with more water than last time & I noticed they took on a darker, more mottled effect.  

I had some violas left over in a punnet so these got planted in the larger size & I planted some perennial Polyanthus in the smaller size pot  (from out of my garden).  

I'm really happy with this display on my deck table & it's giving me all the spring vibes  πŸ’›

This morning I got up early, hunted out Mum's old recipe book & made her Fruity Chocolate Cereal Bars - 
a VeRy old recipe in the book, so old it's almost ineligible to read. (I'll write it out at the bottom in case anyone should want it - makes a good big quantity in my meat dish)
Today is exactly One Year since my dear Mum passed away.  In fact as I sit here typing this ... this very time last year I was driving frantically down to be with her as the Resthome had rung me urgently.  

There is a sweet young lady in my local village of Kihikihi who has a roadside stall outside her house selling flowers.  I had ordered a bunch of pink flowers for Mum - look how beautiful they are - $20 for the bunch.  I'll enjoy these then dry them to take to Mum's ashes plot.

I'm burning a homemade candle today & playing Mum's favorite songs - she is never far from my thoughts.  

A dear friend sent me this verse this morning & I thought it was so lovely  πŸ’—

The rain we were forecast is now pouring down & the furry ones are all tucked up inside ... Yes Little One is sleeping on the ironing board!  πŸ˜‘

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend dear friends - thank you as always, for your welcome visits here today,

Sending much love & friendship to you all,

Fruity Chocolate Cereal Bars:
3 cups crushed cereal  (muesli, cornflakes, weet-bix)
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 1/2 cups dried fruit (raisins, sultanas, apricots,cranberries)
1/2 cup coconut thread
1 cup chocolate chips, buttons or pieces
1/2 cup toasted cashew nuts or almonds
100 gm butter
150 ml honey, golden or maple syrup
Line a slice tin with baking paper (I use my meat dish)
Combine all dry ingredients in large bowl.
Melt together butter & honey or syrup, simmer for about 5 minutes stirring constantly.
Combine dry ingredients with syrup & press into the baking dish, place in fridge for a couple of hours.
Once cold cut into portion size bars.  Keeps for a very long time (not in my house!!)  πŸ˜‰


  1. Wow, one year already since your Mum went Julie - time goes so fast! The flowers you for are beautiful. I was thinking of my Mum earlier, she would have been 99 today had she still been around! The planters look amazing Julie, so nice with the plants on your outdoor table. Lovely photo of your Mum. So nice to see the cats curled up together, who knows, maybe one day it will be three curled up together!!! Have a great weekend.

  2. The time goes by so fast , but we have our beautiful memories .
    I need to go down with some flowers this week , for my loved ones .
    Love the post again , your always so busy , and creative .
    Hugs June.

  3. Beautiful flowers for your Mum. That compost heap is a masterpiece! Love the rusty pots, they make a great display. xx

  4. Sending you a big hug Julie across the waves. Your Mums flowers are beautiful. Well done on Sid's compost is adorable. The kids love their book week. I think it's wonderful. You have certainly got your rusting down pat now xx

  5. The compost heap is wonderful. I'd like one like that in my garden.
    Wishing you the happiest of memories on this day.

  6. Sid looks amazing in his 'compost heap outfit'..HeHe! :)
    Did he have the 'smell' to go with it...Bless!
    I used to love dressing up, when l was at school...and
    still do..please don't take the wrong way...! :0).
    And..Alec looks good to....Julie, you did'nt say if you
    won the Grannies race, do they still have them, and the
    Mums and Dads a single parent, they let me
    run in both races...HeHe! Long time ago now....! :O).

    Goodness! Is a year ago since Mum passed over...Time
    certainly flies by, does'nt it...
    I do love that verse at the bottom there...hope it's o.k.
    But l'd like to copy it and keep it in a personal folder....!
    Well worth keeping...Thankyou...!

    Nice seeing the furry three, but still not all together, and
    as usual fast asleep, and loving the fire..or the ironing
    board..! :). Bless!xxx

    Best get on...just got back from town, sun's out in all it's
    glory, and quite warm...though Autumn is on it's way.......
    My Burfday month starts tomorrow, l love September, my
    most favourite month of the year...And lot's going on...! :O).
    πŸ’›πŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’œπŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’œπŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’œ πŸ’›πŸŒ±πŸŒΈπŸŒ±πŸ’œ

  7. The recipe, what is coconut thread(thinking shredded), and need to figure butter and honey in cups. But the recipe seems like a good snack. I love your posts. Your cheerfulness comes through on all of them. My Mother passed 39 years ago in November. She was 71and too young. But today they have such new technology in medicine, she probably would have survived. Dad died at 51. I think people who have their parent’s living well into their 90’s are rare and blessed. Dotti in CT

    1. Thank you for your sweet kind comment Dotti. Yes it IS shredded coconut, just the usual stuff you buy at the supermarket. Regarding the butter & honey measurements - 100 grams of butter would equal about 4 very generous tablespoons of butter & 150 ml of honey or golden syrup would be about a quarter of a cup. I hope this helps - it is a very nice recipe & I have just had another piece with my afternoon cuppa 😊 Wishing you a lovely week Dotti xx

  8. Julie, both boys looked like they had great days at school. Did I see fishing worms hanging off the hat? Complete the compost with their help. And you and your paint brush. I think I'd be disappointed if I did not see a new project. And with the lovely Spring flowers. Here the stores are already selling mums and pumpkins for Fall. Also the Halloween decorations. I always enjoy seeing the kitties helping in every way they can. Hope the rain was not too destructive. Here we had 2 inches of rain exactly 4 weeks ago yesterday and then scorching hot dry, a week of cold and then this past week went back to scorching! We got 1 inch of rain in 20 minutes yesterday, so I doubt it did a thing for the ground and trees. The sentiment in the verse is sweet. To think it has been 12 months since you saw your Mum one last time. Sad for you no doubt to remember but also heart lovely. Lynn and Precious XX

  9. I love the compost heap costume - it is fantastic! My mum died a year ago too and so I can sympathise and possibly empathise - the flowers are lovely. I am trying to do something I enjoy every day and to be grateful for all that I have. Your rust projects look really good with their Spring flowers. I really enjoy seeing photos of the furry ones and especially Little One (don't tell the others that though!) - what lovely cats they all are.
    Have a happy week
    Best wishes

  10. This year passed by so quickly. ((Hugs)) and wishes for your Mom and you.

    Love the compost heap idea. He really did make a very cute compost heap.

    God bless.

  11. That first photo of Alec looks like he's on a mission! How funny Sid wanted to go as a compost heap! His costume looks great. It's hard to believe those pots are actually plastic. They have rusted up well! That year has gone so fast. Thinking of you and sending big hugs Julie. xxx

  12. Time goes by in a blink of the eye that's for sure, the flowers you got are lovely. Yes Spring already, but we are having the wildest weather over here, horrible wind. Alec looks fabulous and Sid looks adorable, thanks for the recipe, will put that in my must try pile. Your urns look wonderful Julie.

  13. Love the costumes for both Boys but that compost heap really takes the cake - well done Boys. Your planters are looking great, what a beautiful display. Yes time flies and hard to believe that a year has passed already - thinking of you both. Have a great week, looking forward to seeing what you create this week. That slice recipe is similar to my muesli recipe (minus the chocolate haha)

    1. Thank you Pam (thought it was you). It sure is hard to believe a year has gone by but that is how it is I guess. I am thrilled with the rusty urns & now casting my beady eyes to see what else I can "rust up". Have a great week Pam xx

  14. Oops that was from Pam lol

  15. Special memories of your mum, it's a big adjustment. I do love the compost heap! totally adorable. YOur rusty work is so good and it's great they all come out a little differently...

  16. The costume is fabulous Julie, how lucky those kids are to have you as a nana. I too can't believe it's been a year since your sweet mum died. She would love that you treated yourself and that you are enjoying the signs of spring. Julie xxx

  17. Sorry I am late julie - another round of chest infection - my nemesis at the moment. It leaves me rather tired by evening, which is when I am online. You newly rusted urns look amazing - no one would think it was plastic under there!!
    What a fabulous compost heap Sid is - and Alex is a very handsome wizard!
    I don't blame Miss Pippi sleeping on the job, especially in that weather!! Little One looks quite happy on the ironing board..
    That bar sounds scrumptious - unfortunately with all the food sensitivities (Gluten, including oats, and dairy, ) here I couldn't make it, and it's a tad large for just me :)
    Thoses first anniversaries are especially hard - I am glad you have so many great memories.

  18. Julie, I love what you’ve done with the Urns. They look great planted together. A beautiful bunch of flowers and a lovely tribute to your dear Mum. Love the compost design. Very creative and inspirational!

    1. Thanks so much Sandy. Sid's Mum has told me that when he is tired of the "compost heap outfit" she is going to put it into the actual compost heap & it can break down!! How wonderful. xx

  19. The bars sound very nice! Oh, the compost heap is my favorite! That is adorable. Of course you dried the lemons because you are YOU! Amazing, Julie! Little One is awfully cute. I'd like to hug all the fur babies! I like the way you made a spring inspiring display outside. We're coming on fall but we still bought plants today because the bare spots were crying out for color. God be with you as you remember your lovely mum. (BIG HUG!)

  20. You are just a wizard with your skills, amazing work. A lovely tribute to your mom too, she is with you in spirit and that poem is so touching.

    1. Thank you so much JJ - for your sweet kind comment. Yes that poem is really lovely, I agree. xx

  21. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "As August Draws to a Close ":

    Love your Grandparents' Day pics! Looks like you both had a good time. The flowers are gorgeous! And I love your latest rust creations.

    1. Thank you so much - yes we both had a wonderful time at the Grandparents Day. I am really thrilled with the rusty creations & have to stop myself from wanting to "rust everything" now. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

  22. Special memories of your Mum Julie.Loved the dressup costumes for the boys.

  23. I must say your 'Granny' costume is very believable Julie! The living compost IS adorable, what a cool kid! I guess it's hard to believe a year has gone since your Mum's passing. One day we may all see a photo of the three cats snuggled up together. Happy September my friend.


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