Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Rusting Things ................................

Greetings lovely friends & readers

At the beginning of last week we ran completely out of firewood & our house was Oh So Cold!  I was able to borrow some from youngest son but still not able to light the fire until the end of each day, when usually I have it going all day long (& most of the night). Finally we got another load delivered on Friday & I lit it right away - the two furry ones were so pleased & took up residence in front of it for the entire day.

 Yes they are both wearing "their winter coats - plus a couple of others (!!)" but we won't mention Pippi's size as it's rude to discuss a ladies weight issue as we all know πŸ˜‰

Those that know me well know I love an old rusty treasure.  I spend hours scouring the Jeanne d'arc living magazines that my friend Sally lends me & when I visit the French Shop I always drool over the rusty Urns & Figurines that are wayyy out of my budget & even if they were reduced by 70%, they'd still be way out of my budget!  I've wanted to have a go at rusting things for quite some time & winning the Resene voucher * here *, inspired me to try my hand at this Product Resene FX Faux Rust Effect

I'd purchased this white plastic urn from the Variety Store sometime ago & the wooden candlestick was a 50 cent thrifted item. It was covered in old wax but I was able to remove this by tipping boiling water over & scrubbing it.  
The lady in Resene told me I could Not use the product on plastic but upon talking to the Rep, he told me it's the products that react with each other, not the surface they are applied to.  This made me think that I could paint the plastic first to seal it & give the rust FX something to adhere to, then apply the products.  The lady then told me I couldn't apply paint to plastic surfaces ... Just watch me I thought to myself πŸ˜‰
I've learned so much about painting items over the years, mainly through my own mistakes & felt confident tackling this but also realising that if it didn't work out, I hadn't ruined an expensive item.

First up I painted both items with some plain black Resene testpot that I already had - 2 coats to give a good seal.  I let this dry well.

As it was a wintery day I dried the items well by the fire between coats

With the Rust FX products you apply the basecoat first, wait 4 hours then apply a 2nd basecoat (this is dark grey in colour). When the 2nd basecoat is still tacky you apply the first coat of the Activator - this is all brushed on, not sprayed. As soon as the first coat of Activator is touch dry, apply a 2nd coat. It began to rust after the second coat & I became quite excited.  Repetitive water misting afterwards will help develop the rust effect - this is what I am doing in the right photo.

I've had this Urn inside but if I put it outdoors I am sure the moisture in the air would rust it further as this is what I've noticed with the candlestick, which has taken on a really deep rusty tinge sitting out on my deck table. 

I'd hoped to plant the urn with some miniature tete-a-tete daffodils but there are none available as yet - too early.  So I planted some miniature violas in it instead.

These look a bit bedraggled as I only planted them this morning but I'm hoping they settle nicely into the urn. 

Encouraged by my "success" I dragged this figurine out of the far reaches of my garden & scrubbed it well.  This is concrete & came from Mums years ago.

Also this other heavier weight plastic urn above left.   I gave them both 2 coats plain white acrylic paint, drying well by the fire.

I repeated the same steps as above following the instructions to the letter.

I was thrilled with how they both turned out - I think I could lightly sand the concrete figurine to give even more effect & age to it.

Here is how I have styled them both on my lounge mantle piece.

The small cherub bottom right, is also out of my garden but she was already rusty - she's a rain gauge (was).

Here is a recap of the before's & after's.  I realise the rusty effect is certainly not to everyone's liking & to be honest The Mr just shook his head when I showed him.  But I love it & already have some tin buckets & other items lined up to try the treatment on.

Thank you so much dear friends, for staying through this lengthy post,

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead, remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,

Sending much love & friendship to you all,


  1. Oh I do love a bit of rust! That is an amazing product and your results look splendid. The lady in the shop didn't know who she was up against. xx

  2. You are so talented , I love coming over to see your blogs , and what you have been up to .
    Have a fun week hugs June.

  3. You have got more patience than me with restoring old relics. I gave away my 'David' statue to my friend. She was delighted with it.

    1. Thank You Ilona ... I really enjoy giving new life to the old relics - a pity I can't work some magic on myself sometimesπŸ˜‰ Wishing you a great week Ilona xx

  4. I should'nt worry about Miss Pippi putting on a bit
    weight...it'll help when she lays on your material,
    on the ironing board, flatten it out more quickly.....
    HeHe! Bless her..!x
    Happiness all round with the fire back in use...it's
    surprising what a bit heat will do to a cat...1 :).

    And, what you've done with the rusty Urns & Figurines,
    is amazing Julie...turned out very well, and with great
    We have a very old joke over here...and when l say old,
    it goes back to Noahs days...! :).
    "What's a Greek urn"? "I don't know, what's a Greek urn"?
    "About five drachma a day"...! :O).
    (Sorry, best l can do for a Tuesday)...HeHe! Bless!

    Well...best get on, bit of rain over night, but, the sun's out,
    in all it's glory...The Virginia Creeper needs seeing to, story
    of my life that is...Still..l love it...!
    I'll sign off, very quietly, don't want to wake the furry ones...! :)xx
    PS....The birds nest on the statue, needs straightening Julie..
    Otherwise 'ALL' the eggs will fall out...HeHe! Bless!

  5. I'm glad you now have a plentiful supply of wood again - being cold is so miserable.
    Grand work on your rusting effects - you could teach some others a thing or two, particularly the woman who told you you 'couldn't'!

  6. It's good that you have sorted the firewood issue - it is no fun being cold! The cats certainly appreciate the fire. The rust effect has worked beautifully - that's a great job! I have a rusty metal flower sculpture in the garden and your pieces look just like that.
    Have a nice warm week!
    Best wishes

  7. Oh Julie, what a transformation - mind you with the weather we have been having, I think that if you had just left them outside, even the plastic urn would have rusted!!
    I am always amazed at what you do with your 'found' and thrifted items.
    My tete-a-tete daffodils are up, but only one is flowering this year - after moving, I had the trough they are in, in the wrong spot for quite some time, and quite a few of my daffs are sulking this year!!

  8. I hear you've an icy Arctic blast blowing today!! I am NOT looking forward to our wintertime! Saying goodbye to the last of the Kiwis tomorrow! Hello's are easy, goodbyes are awful! Fab transformations! X

  9. All your craft is amazing. So very clever

    1. Thank you so much Jo. Wishing you a great week. xx

  10. There goes that paint brush waving around again and again, lol. I had no idea of paint that would have this rust effect, so that's rather interesting to learn. No painting for me though. They look to have turned out quite well. And now I see why you really wanted more fire wood, just to dry paint and warm the kitties. Heck with the house being cold. By cold, we are now having a few morns this week when the furnace will run a bit. Then back to dry and warmer. We did not get the 4 days of rain, as a matter of fact at our house we got no rain, but in Ohio there was lots in other places. I think the rusty pot with the dark violas compliment each other. Hope the other projects turn out as well. I feel better by far, but the smell and taste, that's another thing! I miss tasting food! Lynn and Precious

  11. My cat Al is about Pippi's size and we don't say anything to him either about it. We tell him he is just very fluffy.

    1. Thank You Ellen ... I totally know what you mean - when people comment on my cats "weight issues" I just tell them they are extra fluffy!!! xx

  12. Un resultado magnΓ­fico y un proceso sorprendente, es genial conseguir lo que deseas. BESICOS.

    1. from google translate .....
      A magnificent result and a surprising process, it is great to get what you want. KISSES

  13. What a change, they look fantastic after your treatment. I'd love to join the kitty cats right now.

  14. Wow, what a change. I love the look.

    God bless.

  15. They look really good Julie. Love the violas in the urn. I don't blame the kitties being in front of the fire. :)

  16. That is surprisingly effective, totally transforming very dull items into something really interesting, I like rusty things too! I think you did a great job and should take a pic in to show the lady in the shop! Your little cats look warm and content, plump is good :) Betty

  17. Yay!!! I love it when a plan actually works. How thrilled you must be with your successes. Congratulations!

  18. They look great Julie, well done, rust is the only orange colour I like. Oh how I wish I could join the kitty's by the fire. I'm actually looking forward to some warmer weather, and that's not usually me.

  19. I'm glad you have wood now. Everything is looking great. Your are doing a great job decorating. I hope the weather improves. We are having hot weather here. Looking forward to fall and cooler weather.

  20. I'm pleased you got some more firewood my friend, gotta keep the cats & the winter vibes happy! Miss Pippi looks very cuddly in ALL her winter coats. Cool rusty stuff, you really are a Jack, or Jill - no JULIE of all trades! I wonder what the Mr thought making that stuff old & rusty looking :)

  21. how cool do those rusted up projects look - well done you! Always so inventive. Glad you got some more wood in!


  22. kiwikid has left a new comment on your post "Rusting Things ................................":

    Never tell Julie it can't be done, what a challenge!! They all look amazing!! Miss Pippi and Blackie look very happy to have the fire roaring away again!


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