Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Bed Headboard, A Lampshade & A Tree Church

Greetings lovely friends & readers

When I repainted my bedroom almost a year ago now, one of the things I'd always planned to do was to somehow raise my bed headboard.  

You can see from the photo above left, that when I stacked all my cushions on my bed, you could not see the headboard at all .. only the end spindles poking out at the sides (right hand pic).  Our headboard was purchased second hand from Trademe & tho' I liked the style,  I'd never especially liked the orange tinge that the oak wood had.  

 I asked The Mr to cut some blocks of wood to affix to the base of the headboard - he asked me "what length ?". 

This is how I measure things dear friends!   Because I am a visual person I needed to stack old red bricks under the headboard in order to get a rough idea of how long I wanted my pieces of wood to be ... a tape measure was of no use as I could not stand back & look at it & get a visual feel for it.  The Mr thought I'd gone quite insane by this point!

I was working on it down the end of my Lounge where there is good lighting

I think it was late spring before I actually got the blocks of wood cut to size.  I simply pushed them under a table & there they stayed until after Christmas when I found the time to tackle this project.  Now my thoughts were that I would attach the wood, paint the headboard & it would be back in my room in 3 days maximum!!!  Famous last words πŸ˜‰  In the end it took nearly a month to finish this project!  
Although I bought strong wood glue for the legs The Mr still insisted upon drilling holes & adding dowel to each piece before gluing on the new lengths.  Then leaving it for 24 hours to dry.  I washed the headboard down with sugar soap & then wanted to attach these decals that I'd had for this project for several months. 

I measured out the 3 sections & didn't just eyeball where they went as I am prone to do  πŸ˜‰

I wanted to paint it in the same Linen colour that I'd used on this mirror,   Mum's Glory boxBedside Cabinet.  I gave it an undercoat of white to tone down the orange wood first.  After I'd given it 2 coats I ran out of Linen paint πŸ˜– ... No sorry, we're not making that brand any more!   I ended up having to buy Linen in another brand which turned out lighter but thankfully I had enough to finish the front & just use the lighter shade on the back.  Also the new paint took 8 days to arrive from Auckland, a journey of less than 2 hours away !!

Finally, yesterday I was able to put it back in position in my bedroom.  I used white wax on the decals & clear wax on the rest of it - I love how the white wax makes the decals really pop.  

Despite the hiccups along the way, I am thrilled with how it turned out & love that it is now visible above my bed cushions.  The plain Euro Cushion in the middle is my next little project as I am making a cover for it using more of the French General fabrics.  And the little cat on the left hand side is most certainly not meant to be there (!!)

While I was waiting for the new paint to arrive (8 long days!) I decided to revamp this old lamp which I used to use in my craft cottage.  It's not showing up well here but the shade was discoloured & fly-spot marked.  I washed it gently in warm soapy water & dried well in the sun.  I wanted to make a pleated shade for it & used this tutorial * here * as I'd seen this technique on YouTube.

The fiddliest part was cutting & ironing all the lengths of fabric.  My dear friend Shirley had given me some fat quarters of this gorgeous French General range called "Antoinette" & I thought this blue tiny floral one was perfect.  Instead of hot glue as the tutorial suggests, I preferred to use my craft glue as I find it less messy.

My shade ended up taking 42 lengths including the top & bottom one.  I had thought to add a fringe to the bottom but decided I liked it plain & simple.  πŸ’™

My original intention was to paint the base a pale duck egg shade but I thought it looked just fine left as the white ceramic base & I rather liked the slightly retro look of it.  

It is now 3 years since I first visited The Tree Church with my friend Sue.       You can read about that visit in             this post * here *    

Sue & I decided we were long overdue another outing there so we met up last Sunday, on the most gorgeous blue sky day.   Although I took many photos I thought I'd try & share these videos, taken by Sue -  the first one approaching the church & the second one inside.  I hope they come out okay dear friends as I've not shared a video on here before.   

Click the small square bottom right to enlarge & turn your sound volume right up  😊

Sue calls these topiary cloud trees "Dr Seuss Trees"

I baked an Oaty Caramel Slice & took a thermos of boiling water so we could drink tea & sit & enjoy the surroundings.  It was just a wonderful morning, the birds were singing loudly & it felt so peaceful, serene & relaxing.

                                                  Plus it was wonderful to catch up with Sue again  🀍

We are getting light rain here today friends - the kind of rain you could stand in & barely get wet.    Yesterday I got out my lace box to look for vintage lace trims for the Euro cushion cover I am making ... it didn't take long for Madam Pip to find it & curl herself away πŸ˜• - luckily I quickly tossed a pillowslip under her first.

Thank you as always dear friends, for your welcome visits here today,

Wishing you a wonderful rest-of-the-week ... remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,

With much love & friendship to you all,


  1. Your Mr would think me bonkers too, as I'm a visual gal. =) Your 'new' bed is gorgeous, Julie. The lamp is fabulous; love the new shade. I'm thinking I could spend a very long time in the Tree Church. What a beautiful and peaceful place it must be.

  2. Julie, despite the paint dramas the bed head looks stunning. The height is perfect. The lamp shade looks fabulous. Is there anything Julie you can’t do? The tree church is beautiful and lots of weddings are held there.

    1. Thanks so much Sandy - I am really pleased with how both items turned out. Yes there is LOTS I can't do Sandy πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š xx

  3. I love the upgrade you've given your headboard. It is gorgeous! You are so amazingly creative. Isn't it fun! Your visit to the tree church is very interesting, too. I'd never heard of that before and it is lovely. Thank you for sharing the videos. And they DO look like Dr. Seuss trees!

  4. Wow! Julie...That headboard is 'summat' else...Very nice, and
    very smart...Yes! I like that, l have to put my hand up, and
    admit, l don't have one on my bed, never have...Why? I don't
    know why, l just don't...l don't really sit up in bed, for any reason,
    l get into bed, lay down, and watch the TV...the TV is on all night,
    usually on the BBC News channel...and partly to give some light
    in the room, l hate the dark, not frightened of it, just don't like it.
    But..it's amazing what you've done....! :).

    The Tree Church is amazing to...And..l love trees, all trees, they
    all look so lovely...with different shades of green...!
    Wonderful thing is a tree...!

    And...Of course last but by no means least...The star of the show...
    Miss Pippi..!x At last, a box that actually fits...Bless! :)x

  5. It's been a long time since I saw any photos of the 'tree church', and I am impressed with the growth - and the birdsong!!
    Loving your lamp re-vamp, that looks amazing!! A great wee 'side project' while you waited for the paint - I recently had a card take two weeks to get to Cambridge - yet a packet to Australia has taken just six days, and a small parcel from GB eight days - neither rhyme nor reason to the postal service!
    Your bed head is stunning - what a wonderful result - well worth the wait and the effort.

  6. You did a great job with the bed head.

  7. Your 'new' bed head looks great and complements your decor so well. Ah, Little One on the bed - doesn't he look so happy? (Even if he is not supposed to be on there!) Lovely upcycle on the lamp shade too. I enjoyed seeing the tree church and listening to the beautiful birdsong - it looks a lovely place to visit.
    Have a lovely week
    Best wishes

  8. Your bed headboards looks wonderful and I love the lampshade.There's such a lot of work in that and it's just perfect. I absolutely love the tree church - what a wonderful concept and how very special it must be to sit there. To have a ceremony there would create such lasting memories.

  9. I'm pleased to see you have your priorities right, Miss Pip and Little One cared for in extreme luxury. You and your friend certainly picked a pleasant place for a visit and a cup of tea. The videos made the trip closer to home for me. And you have green! I've had a foot deep white ice cap on the ground for 3 weeks I guess. We are having an "Artic Blast" in these few days and our temps will be -22 C tonight. ( -8 F actually looks and sounds much warmer, lol) Your new updated headboard looks so good. I'm like you on the orangey looking wood. Not as calming or as peaceful. Now tell me honestly, in your mother's or father's relatives, was there one born with a waving paint brush attached at birth? You must have inherited that feature. The Mr. did good with the correct way to be sure the legs stayed attached. Lynn and Precious XX

    1. PS schools are closed today while it is so bitter and since it will be twice as cold tomorrow their parents can start planning today what to do. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR is all I can say, lol.

  10. Your 'new' headboard looks amazing, I love it and also the pleated lampshade. Just beautiful. You have such great ideas and taste. The tree church is such a lovely place to visit, very special. I hope you have a lovely week too. xx

  11. Love the headboard. I also am fascinated by the shade. I learn so many things from blogging.

  12. El cabecero ahora luce esplΓ©ndido y la pantalla es preciosa, buenos trabajos.

    1. from google translate ............
      The headboard now looks splendid and the screen is beautiful, good work.

    2. Thank you so much for your sweet kind comment Pili. xx

  13. I think the headboard and the lampshade are just beautiful. I do love the tree church videos as well. You are one very talented lady.

    God bless.

  14. Oh those kitties! Your headboard is beautiful! I do love the lamp as well! You are super clever (and lovely)!

  15. Wow! Your headboard has turned out beautifully. So clever! I love your pretty lampshade. The fabric is gorgeous! What a great day out you had. That Miss Pip likes to pit her stamp on things lol!

  16. Wonderful blog , I love your beautiful work , you are so creative.
    Have fun hugs June.

  17. The head board & lampshade look wonderful. Looks like you both had a lovely day out. Ah Miss Pip. :) :)

  18. Hi Julie, the new look headboard is perfect, well worth the long time! lampshade is lovely too - the pleats are perfect and it matches the candlestick just right..... lovely garden to visit.....

  19. WOW, that headboard is cool! How does the Mr Threadbearlife feel about moving all the cushions before diving into bed? You have such a vision to see ahead what a project will look like. The lampshade is pretty too. The Tree Church looks like a fabulous place to visit. Hello Sue!

  20. Ah Miss Pippi, she looks like she is smiling!! You did a fantastic job with the headboard Julie, it looks amazing. As does the lightshade. Clever!! Lovely to have a day out with Sue, the tree church looks fantastic and listen to all those birds!!

  21. What a wonderful rebuild and transformation of your bedhead! Love it!! And also the lamp shade...got me thinking about one I have. ;-)
    This year I plan to makeover our bedroom, but as every day here in the Australian tropics is over 35C and horribly humid until end of April, I'm biding my time, and deep cleaning and decluttering (slowly) through the house during the early morning hours till then. It's probably a good thing, as it will be a budget makeover, so I must be very sure of what I am going to do...lots of careful planning. ;-)

  22. Julie your headboard has turned out fantastic, love it, I love the Linen colour as well and the decals are perfect.A beautiful looking bed and so does your dear furry friend think the same.I remember you talking about the tree church and gardens and had forgotten about it. It's so beautiful and sure the feeling of peace surrounds you as you walk through. I do love the revamped lamp, it looks beautiful, lovely fabric.

  23. Love your headboard Julie, looks fabulous, the lampshade looks great, I need to do that for a lamp I revamped a few years back, but was always stuck on what to do with the shade. great to see Sue again, and that lovely tree church.

  24. Wow--lovely results on the headboard. I don't know how you can see it in your head and know it will turn out right, but it most certainly did. And the lampshade made such a sweet finish to that lamp.
    I absolutely loved the visit you gave us to The Tree Church. How serene with all the green, sunlight, shadow, blooms and birdsong. I could stay there all day and soak it in--especially if I had some Oaty Caramel Slice to enjoy. ;)
    You just can't have an opened box anywhere without someone taking occupancy, can you?

  25. When it comes to creating a cozy and stylish bedroom, the combination of a bed headboard, a lampshade, and a tree church can truly elevate the space. A well-designed bed headboard serves as the focal point of your bedroom, adding both function and style. Pair it with an elegant lampshade for soft lighting, and don’t forget the beauty of natural elements like a tree church that adds a serene ambiance. For those seeking space-saving solutions, a hydraulic bed from Wooden Street is an excellent choice. It not only provides modern aesthetics but also offers functionality, perfect for maximizing bedroom space.


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