Saturday, June 15, 2024

Still Going Green 💚

Greetings lovely friends & readers

I have a small-sized galley-style kitchen with the only light source being French Doors at one end.  Sometimes it can get dark - especially at this time of year.

A couple of weeks ago I looked at the thick curtain ruffle I had hanging up & decided to change it for something lighter - both in colour & in weight.  I'd made this red check one using left-over remnants from the large blind at my dining room window - this was well over 10 years ago now. 

On my last trip to Spotlight I'd purchased this sage green check fabric - tho' it looks like gingham it is not - it's thicker with a denser weave & more body.  I LoVed this shade of green 💚.  I took down the old ruffle & used it as a pattern-of-sorts.  This simple task took me an entire day longer than necessary due to a certain ginger being who insisted on ironing the fabric for me for half a day (!!)

I used the wide broderie lace edging off a thrifted sheet to make an underskirt for my ruffle - this is on it's own wire so could be removed if necessary - but for now I love the freshness of it.  I made the new ruffle slightly deeper & more gathered than the red one.  (apologies hard to get a good photo on this grey overcast day)

Inspired by this I found an old wooden box in The Mr's shed & gave it a wash after removing its rubbish contents.  I oiled it & then applied a simple decor transfer to tizzy it up a bit.

This fit perfectly in the corner of my bench to hold my chopping boards & rolling pins. I had a large round crock here but it took up alot of space that I don't really have.  The slim box is much better.

I removed all my red spatulas & kitchen utensils & put them in a drawer, just leaving the green ones on show.  Yes I do use all these vintage utensils all the time.

Everything got a gentle wash & a polish. You can read about my wall rake in * this post *.

I pulled out this green leaf bowl that was Mums & filled it with citrus fruits from our trees ... then I swapped the red ribbon on my paper towel holder for a sage green one. 

I had a Ripsalis succulent on a corner shelf that desperately needed repotting.  I found this yellow pot under my house & gave it a couple of coats of the Resene Green (Paddock) that I love.  

 I just love how the pattern shows through on the pot & it was the perfect size for the succulent.   I replaced a red                             enamel bowl with a pale green china plate - all using up things that I already had on hand.

While I had the green paint out this red tin heart got a couple of coats.  The sage green mugs were purchased from 
* here * using a gift card that I'd been given & forgotten about.

And then,  just this morning - I washed everything on my enamel shelf above & oiled my benches.  What a great feeling to see it looking so fresh. I try to keep a clean house but sometimes when I put my glasses on ... I surprise myself with how grubby things actually are (!!) 😧

Mums green egg basket painted in * this post *.

Dear friends ... remember in my last post how I said Blackie had taken over from Pippi & was sleeping in my lace box??  Well he moved on & decided the baskets on my fabric shelf were far more appealing.  I could not believe it when I came in & they were both in them ... I guess at least Madam Pip got the basket colour right!!  

Thankfully when I first spotted this I had the good fortune to quickly tuck an old drop-cloth sheet under them ... or there would be quite a pile of fabric needing washing!!  These are not low shelves either - the one they are currently on is about shoulder height. 

After complaining to The Mr about the cats this arrived in my inbox yesterday !!

Thank you dear friends, for staying with me through this lengthy post.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend wherever you may be in the world,
With much love & friendship to you all,

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Welcome to June

Greetings lovely friends & readers

Welcome to June - officially the first month of Winter here at the bottom of the world.   

I know I say this every month ... but goodness didn't May go by so very fast ??!!

 On certain mornings of the week Sid gets dropped off here by 7 am,  I give him breakfast & drive him to school at 8.30.  I like to get up early, get the fire going & then walk out to open the gates for his Dad to drive in.   Last Thursday the sunrise was looking so spectacular that I grabbed my phone & took these pics.

Remember in my last post when I mentioned that Madam Pip had taken up residence in my lace box & how I was going to regret letting her do this?  Well dear friends ... guess who is in there now & Yes I most definately DO regret this!!!  Blackie sheds far more than her & all that lace is going to have to be hand-washed.  It is day 6 now & he is still sleeping in there!!  😮

I purchased the blue plasterers trowel from St Johns Op-Shop for $3.50, then remembered I already had 2 of these in my Sleepout.  The middle one was my Dads & the right hand one was $5 from Hospice shop.  I decided to do something with them as once you have 3 of anything ...... you have a collection (!!) 😉
I scrubbed them first but decided Not to paint the trowel surface & to keep the rusty effect of them.

I painted the two with the plain wood handles - one Green (Paddock), one Country Clay ... then I sanded them to make them look aged like the blue handle.

When it came time to choose which transfers to put on them I had really good assistance from Miss pain in the Pippi who kindly helped me choose, & then flattened the rolled up ones for me 😖

I was just using up oddments of transfers & decided to go with a bit of a bird theme.  I also applied some transfer offcuts to the handles. 
Once finished I sprayed them all with 2 coats of clear matt varnish to seal them. 

I asked The Mr to drill holes in the top of each one so I could hang them but he tried & tried & could not drill through that high-tensile steel.  So I purchased 3 Disc hangers from my Hardware Store & hopefully these will hold them sufficiently.  I've hung them on the outside wall above my Pansy Planter Box. 

They go really well with the Vintage Saws that I upcycled in this post.

Thank you all so much for your sweet, kind & encouraging comments on Miss Luna Lapin.  Unfortunately she would not stand by herself or even lean against something without being pinned at the back.  I found this old doll stand in my sleepout so I gave it two coats of pale grey chalk paint & glued felt to the rough underside of it.

It does the job perfectly & now she is one fine upstanding rabbit with her suitcase, waiting for her adventures. 

The mystery object that I featured in my last post drew quite a bit of interest as you all tried to guess what it was.  Here it is above on the far left.     It was my friend Chris who emailed me with the photos above (centre & right) - it was a manicure set holder !  How wonderful & looking at the pictures Chris sent I can see just how it would work. I shall now be on the look out for a dainty little set to sit in my holder.  Thanks so much Chris ... this is such a wonderful community we have out here in blogland.  

Thank you as always dear friends, for your welcome visits here today,

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead - remember to be kind to yourselves & to each other,

With much love & friendship to you all,